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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
But come now, let's get things started! You want to battle Primo for his emblem? We do so on live TV! Tonight on... PRIMO DELIGHTS!
~ Primo
Feel The Heat
Uncontrollable inside your veins
Just try to fight
Feel The Heat
Coursing through your body like a fire
Give into the spice
~ "Feel The Heat"


Primo is a famous celebrity chef working under Sabu during the events of River City Girls 2.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 7-B, possibly 6-C

Name: Primo

Origin: Kunio-kun/River City

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, at least 18 years old

Classification: Human, celebrity chef

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Small City level, possibly Island level (Capable of fighting Misako, Kyoko, Marian, and Provie)

Speed: Hypersonic+ travel speed with Sub-Relativistic+ reactions and combat speed (Kept up with Misako and Kyoko)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Comparable to Misako and Kyoko)

Striking Strength: Small City level, possibly Island level

Durability: Small City level, possibly Island level (Can take hits from Misako, Kyoko, Marian and Provie)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Projectiles

Standard Equipment: Knives, jalapeños

Intelligence: Above Average in General Intelligence, at least Gifted in Combat Intelligence (Is a talented chef and uses multiple expert fighting techniques. He is capable in combat enough to challenge both Misako and Kyoko at once)

Weaknesses: None notable.

Notable Matchups



