“ | We're here for your gold, not your heads, so don’t nobody decide to be a hero. | „ | |
~ Graves |
Malcolm Graves is a renowned mercenary, gambler, and thief—a wanted man in every city and empire he has visited. Even though he has an explosive temper, he possesses a strict sense of criminal honor, often enforced at the business end of his double-barreled shotgun Destiny. In recent years, he has reconciled a troubled partnership with Twisted Fate, and together they have prospered once more in the turmoil of Bilgewater’s criminal underbelly.“ | I've got no time for games. | „ |
Graves is a salty ex-soldier who served in the Durandal military before he reluctantly became a professor. Following his discovery of something deep behind enemy lines, he received an offer to teach at the Academy from the God-Weapon itself. His hallmark cigar-munching, dispassionate teaching etiquette is a small price to pay for his decades of experience.“ | Organics picked the wrong fight. | „ |
Unleashed upon the multiverse by imperfect Pulsefire technology, Graves is but one of a numberless horde of Praetorian marauders now plaguing spacetime. Its programming is unlike anything from any known past, present, or future—each of its thoughts is so complex, it would take ten lifetimes for a human to comprehend.Powers and Stats
Tier: Low 7-C | Low 7-C | 4-B
Key: Base | Battle Academia | Praetorian
Name: Malcolm Graves, the Outlaw
Origin: League of Legends
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (At least in his 30s)
Classification: Human, Mercenary, Thief | Durandal God-Weapon Academy Professor, Former Durandal Soldier | Praetorian Robot
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Skilled marksman), Explosion Manipulation (Via End of the Line and Collateral Damage), Smoke Manipulation (Via Smoke Screen), Statistics Reduction (Speed Reduction Via Smoke Screen), Reactive Power Level (Via True Grit), Supernatural Willpower (Was able to endure spending ten years being tortured in The Locker, a punishment that would have driven almost anyone else insane in a fraction of the time)
All abilities as base plus Magic
All abilities as base plus Energy Projection, Inorganic Physiology, Space-Time Manipulation (Praetorians are capable of tearing holes in space-time), Dimensional Travel (Can travel to other universes and dimensions), Time Travel, Genius Intelligence
Attack Potency: Small Town level+ (Comparable to Twisted Fate and Miss Fortune) | At least Small Town level+ (Superior to Lux, Ezreal, Jayce, and Katarina) | Solar System level (Praetorians overpowered and nearly killed Pulsefire Pantheon. Comparable to Praetorian Fiddlesticks)
Speed: Subsonic reactions and combat speed (Able to keep up with Twisted Fate and Miss Fortune) | Subsonic reactions and combat speed | Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Pantheon)
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Can easily lift and fire New Destiny, a shotgun described as being more akin to two cannons in design, and can even fire it one-handed) | Class 1 | Class K
Striking Strength: Small Town level+ | At least Small Town level+ | Solar System level
Durability: Small Town level+ (Can take point blank hits from Twisted Fate's magic), higher with True Grit | At least Small Town level+, higher with True Grit | Solar System level, higher with True Grit
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Tens of Meters | Tens of Meters | Tens of Meters, Multiversal with dimensional travel
Standard Equipment: "New Destiny" (His shotgun), Smoke canisters
Intelligence: Above Average (Having been fighting and stealing since he was a child, Graves is skilled as both a thief and combatant in equal measure. Alongside Twisted Fate he grew a reputation as one of the world's most infamous thieves, most notably being the only thieves ever to crack the supposedly impenetrable Clockwork Vault, and not only emptying the vault of all its treasures but also tricking the guards into loading the loot onto their hijacked schooner. Graves is a highly skilled marksman, able to match Miss Fortune in a firefight and pull off surprisingly accurate shots with his shotgun, such as shooting a card out of Twisted Fate's hand without injuring the hand itself. However, Graves has a tendency to be very brash and hard headed, often charging into obvious traps with guns blazing, though regularly avoiding death due to, as Twisted Fate puts it, his penchant for dumb luck.) | Supergenius (Praetorians are extraordinarily intelligent, their programming and thoughts being so complex that it would take ten lifetimes for a human to comprehend.)
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- New Destiny:
- Double Barrel: Graves' basic attacks consume ammunition for 2 shells. He will reload over a few seconds immediately after expending all shells or withholding leftover shells for a while. As shown in his lore, he is able to use 6 shots before needing to reload.
- 12-Gauge: Graves' basic attacks spray 4 pellets in a cone, dealing physical damage plus a third of the damage for each subsequent pellet.
- Buckshot: Pellets collide into the first enemy unit or structure they hit. Non-champion units hit by more than one pellet are knocked back. Each pellet applies on-hit effects, but enemies are affected by them once per attack.
- End of the Line: Active: Graves fires a round in the target direction that deals physical damage to all enemies it passes through and leaves behind a powder trail. After 2 seconds or after colliding with terrain, the round detonates, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a wide perpendicular area and in a reverse wave along the powder trail.
- Smoke Screen: Graves fires a smoke canister at the target location that, upon impact, deals magic damage to enemies in the area and slows them. The canister creates a cloud of smoke that applies nearsight to all enemies within every, reducing their sight radius relative to the center.
- Quickdraw: Graves dashes to the target location, reloading one shell while gaining a stack of True Grit, stacking up to 8 times. Dashing towards an enemy grants 2 stacks of True Grit.
- True Grit: Graves gains bonus armor. Subsequent casts of Quickdraw and attacks will refresh the duration of True Grit.
- Collateral Damage: Graves fires an explosive shell in the target direction which deals physical damage to all enemies hit while also recoiling in the opposite direction. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes to deal damage in a cone.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Malcolm Graves |