The Dark Guardian is a minion created by Dark Gaia and Lunar energy to battle against Sonic the Werehog in Shamar's Gaia Temple.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C
Name: Dark Guardian
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Unleashed)
Age: Unknown, possibly as old as Dark Gaia itself
Classification: Dark Gaia's spawn
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 & 3)
- Large Size (Type 0)
- Hive Mind (Type 2; After being prematurely awakened, Dark Gaia broke down into smaller fragments that manifest as the nightly Gaia creatures[1] and are implied to be born from Dark Gaia itself[2])
- Teleportation (Dark Guardian displays short-range teleportation[3])
- Elasticity (Dark Guardian can stretch out its limbs to attack at a further range)
- Energy Projection and Shockwave Generation Dark Guardian's blasts can produce shockwaves when they impact the ground and Dark Guardian[3])
- Electricity Manipulation (It warhammer is charged with the power of thunder)
- Empowerment and Self-Healing (Can empower and heal itself with Lunar energy from the moon)
- Aura (Dark Guardian can coat its strikes with Dark Gaia energy)
- Paralysis Inducement (Dark Guardian can stun and immobilize Sonic the Werehog for a brief amount of time with some specific attacks)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (12 universes. Charged with Dark Gaia's energy and fought against Sonic the Werehog, who went on to battle the Egg Dragoon)
Speed: Infinite (Can keep pace with and react to Sonic the Werehog in combat)
Lifting Strength: Multi-Stellar (Charged with Dark Gaia's energy and Lunar energy. Can push back and grapple against Sonic the Werehog in combat)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level (Comparable to its own attack potency)
Durability: Low Multiverse level (Can withstand several powerful strikes from Sonic the Werehog)
Stamina: Superhuman (During its boss battle, it takes a multiple amount of powerful strikes to tire it out. The Dark Guardian can replenish its own stamina with Lunar energy from the moon)
Range: Extended Melee Range via sheer size and elasticity, Tens of Meters with energy shockwaves and electricity
Standard Equipment: Electrical warhammer, body armor
Intelligence: High Animalistic (While lacking in intelligence, Dark Guardian shows a high level of combat skills with it's electrical warhammer and abilities as it's able to rival Sonic the Werehog in battle)
Weaknesses: Cutting of it's supply of Lunar energy from the moon can leave it greatly vulnerable and weakened.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Dark Guardian (Game Sonic) |
- ↑ Sonic Unleashed: Collection Room. "What we see now is an incomplete form. Consider it luck and misfortunate. But, its awakening still sent its pieces flying and ruptured the planet. If my theory is correct, our nightly pests are the fragments of Dark Gaia." - Professor Pickle.
- ↑ Sonic Unleashed: Encyclopedia - Bestiary - Titan
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Sonic Unleashed (PS2): Shamar - Dark Guardian