“ | Rando. I was born into THIS Olathe, not whatever place you're talking about. This is my normal. I'm not a baby, and I'm sure as hell not some dumb country kid. Now let me sleep. So tomorrow I'll have lots of energy to go out and "play". | „ |
Buddy Armstrong is one of the main protagonists in LISA: THE PAINFUL and the main character in LISA: THE JOYFUL, she is the last female on Olathe and was under the care of Brad until word spread that a female existed and Olathe entered on a civil war just to get her.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least 9-A, possibly far higher
Name: Buddy, Nancy Yado (real name)
Origin: Lisa
Gender: Female
Age: Likely around 10 or less (Brad states that she is just a kid)
Classification: Human
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Swords), Statistics Amplification (If Buddy takes Joy, her stats increase significantly), Sleep Manipulation, Healing, Poison Manipulation, Fire Manipulation and Explosion Generation (Via Diesel F. Bomb and TNT)
Attack Potency: At least Small Building level, possibly far higher (Fought back against a mutated Brad Armstrong. Overpowered Gary the Hot Soup who stopped a car. Briefly fought against Sweetheart and killed a mutated Buzzo. By the end of the game, she was one of, if not the strongest person in all of Olathe.)
Speed: At least Supersonic+, likely Hypersonic
Lifting Strength: At least Average Human, possibly higher (Was capable of carrying the weight of Rando, a full-grown man, for a time while holding onto barbed wire.)
Striking Strength: At least Small Building level, possibly far higher
Durability: At least Small Building level, possibly far higher (Survived attacks from Gary the Hot Soup and bites from Joy Mutants who could decapitate people and crush heads)
Stamina: Average
Range: Extended Melee Range, Several Meters with Diesel F. Bomb and TNT
Intelligence: Average
Standard Equipment: A sharp Sabre, Katana, Big Sabre, TNT, Firebombs, Perfume (that removes incapacitation), Joy and various Food Items
Weaknesses: Insane, has hallucinations due to her Joy addiction
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Stab: A quick and jarring stab.
- Decisive Stab: A well placed and deadly stab. It's difficult to land this finishing blow.
- Flash: Buddy shows her bare chest to enemies. Can sometimes fluster them.
- Throat Lunge: A visceral slash to the throat. It's difficult to land this finishing blow.
- Sleep Bomb: A smoke bomb that contains sleeping powder.
- Wild Strikes: A flash of random wild thrusts.
- Mend: Buddy takes a deep breath and recover some HP.
- Joker Strikes: A flash of even more random wild thrusts.
- Leech Bomb: A smoke bomb that contains poison powder.
- Final Stab: A well placed and deadly stab. It's difficult to land this finishing blow.
- Behead: A visceral slash to the throat. It's difficult to land this finishing blow.
Notable Matchups
Evie Frye (Assassin's Creed) Evie's Profile (Speed was equalized and starting distance is 10 meters)
Discussion threads involving Buddy (Lisa) |