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Yes, I changed my father. But he also changed me. Will that be enough for the Alliance? For Azeroth? It will have to be. There will be peace. One day.[1]


Anduin Llane Wrynn[3][4] is the King of Stormwind, High King of the Alliance, and commander of all Alliance forces.

When Anduin was just a boy, his father, King Varian Wrynn, was kidnapped. In Varian's absence, Anduin was named King of Stormwind under the regency of Bolvar Fordragon and the advise of Lady Katrana Prestor. In truth, however, Katrana Prestor was a disguise for the black dragon Onyxia, who had used her dark magic to split Varian in two. When one half of Varian returned to the throne of Stormwind, Anduin was the first to sense something amiss with the man claiming to be his father. Before long, the other half of Varian returned to Stormwind and unmasked Lady Prestor for what she truly was, but in response, Onyxia kidnapped Anduin and brought him to her lair across the sea. Despite the two Varians' differences, their shared love for Anduin allowed them to work together to slay Onyxia and save their son from the dragon's clutches; in the process, Onyxia inadvertently fused Varian's two halves back into a single man.[5]

Years later, in the wake of the Alliance's renewed tensions with the Horde and elemental unrest across Azeroth, Anduin traveled to the dwarven city of Ironforge as a diplomat and formed close ties with the dwarven ruler King Magni Bronzebeard and his assigned bodyguard Aerin Stonehand.[3] After Aerin and many other citizens were killed in one of many earthquakes that began plaguing Khaz Modan, Anduin witnessed how Magni was transformed into a diamond statue in an earthen ritual gone awry[3] and was later forced to remain in Ironforge after Magni's estranged daughter Moira Thaurissan took control of the city.[3] Varian infiltrated Ironforge to end Moira's rule, but Anduin convinced him to spare her life and instead install a Council of Three Hammers to govern the dwarf clans.[3] Throughout these events, Anduin repeatedly visited his surrogate aunt Jaina Proudmoore in her city of Theramore and, through a chance encounter, forged a close friendship with the tauren leader Baine Bloodhoof.[3]

In contrast to his decisive warrior father, Anduin is contemplative and diplomatic, and around the time of the Cataclysm decided to pursue the path of a priest of the Church of the Holy Light, later beseeching the draenei leader Prophet Velen to accept him as a pupil.[6] Similar in ways to Jaina Proudmoore prior to Theramore's Fall, Anduin sought a peaceful way to end the conflict between the Alliance and Horde.[6]

Months later, Anduin was shipwrecked on the long-forgotten, mysterious continent of Pandaria.[7] King Varian immediately dispatched agents of the SI:7 to bring his son home, but Anduin refused to be rescued while there were opportunities to help the inhabitants of Pandaria.[7] Anduin ventured throughout the continent, studying under the August Celestial Chi-Ji the Red Crane and helping to combat the ancient threat of the sha, dark spirits who feed on negative energy.[7] Anduin played a leading role in preventing the Horde's ruthless warchief Garrosh Hellscream from utilizing the sha as a weapon, though he nearly lost his life in the process.[7] While recovering, Anduin made an acquaintance in the form of the eccentric Black Prince Wrathion.[7] Eventually, Garrosh was overthrown and put on trial in Pandaria. Anduin often visited the captive Hellscream in his cell, and later saved his life after Vereesa Windrunner revealed that Garrosh's food was poisoned.[8]

Years later, Stormwind tragically lost its king in battle against the invading demons of the Burning Legion.[9] Following Varian's death, Anduin permanently assumed the throne of Stormwind.[9] In the face of the Legion's onslaught, Anduin grew certain that lasting peace would not be achieved without bloodshed, and as he worked to save lives and fend off the demons' advance, Anduin was forced to reconcile his yearning for peace with the necessity for war.[9] In the wake of the Burning Legion's defeat, a global war with the Horde — now led by Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner — threatened everything that Anduin held dear.[2] Though he led the armies of the Alliance across Azeroth, he remained dedicated to putting an end to the bloodshed, even if meant getting his hands dirty.[2]

Anduin was named after two venerated figures of Stormwind history: his grandfather King Llane Wrynn and the legendary Sir Anduin Lothar.[5]

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-A | At least 7-A, At most 5-B

Keys: Teen | High King[Note 1]

Name: Anduin Llane Wrynn,[5][3] Son of the Wolf.[1] High King of the Alliance,[2] King of Stormwind[2]

Origin: World of Warcraft[5][1]

Gender: Male[5]

Age: 12-17 | 18-19 (Battle for Azeroth; Anduin was directly stated to be 18 in year 33[10]) 26(The War Within)[Note 2]

Classification: Human,[5] King,[5] Priest,[3][6] Paladin[2]

Powers and Abilities:

The source for all of these abilities is here within general, Holy, and Discipline.

Note: This only applies for Second Key Anduin

  • Blessed/Empowerment (All Paladins are blessed by The Light, empowering them with Holy Magic)
  • Magic/Light Manipulation/Holy Manipulation (All Paladins utilise Holy Magic as their source of power)
  • Supernatural Willpower (Holy Magic is called forth by a combination of the user's willpower and faith in their own ability to wield the Light[17])
  • Empathic Manipulation (Holy Magic brings about feelings of, hope, courage, and comfort, and brings a sense of peace and calmness whenever its blessings are placed on someone.[18] Paladins can use The Light to develop an empathic ability to sense deep emotions from others, such as sincerity, or the nature of their intentions[19])
  • Power Nullification (Users of Holy Magic can dispel mind control[20] and channel their holy power through others to shield them from the whispers of the Old Gods and their minions[21])
  • Healing (Mid-Low Via Judgment, Flash of Light, Word of Glory, Lay on Hands, Holy Shock, Holy Light, Beacon of Light, Light of the Martyr, Light of Dawn, Bestow Faith, Light's Hammer, and Holy Prism. Holy Magic can heal severe wounds and broken bones, cure sickness, and remove aches, pains, and stiffness[22][23])
  • Extrasensory Perception/Telepathy (Users of The Light can establish connections between each other, allowing them to know if they are still alive and to communicate words and thoughts[24][25])
  • Clairvoyance/Dream Manipulation (Users of The Light can perform divination rituals to gain a "holy vision" that can grant sight of distant objects and far-off locations, as well as receive clairvoyant dreams about others[26])
  • Energy Manipulation (Holy Energy can be infused into weapons and armor, as well as shaped into weapons[1] and chains[27])
  • Morality Manipulation (The Light can be used to force people to answer all questions asked of them and remove their ability to lie[28][24])
  • Purification/Soul Manipulation (The Light is employed during exorcisms to extract a demon or an evil spirit from a possessed body, purifying the body and the soul from corruption.[29]
  • Sound Manipulation (The Light magnified Turalyon's voice so it carried to several hundred soldiers under his command[30])
  • Density Manipulation (The Light made Arthas's hammer seem to weigh less in his hands[31])
  • Aura (Via Crusader Aura, Devotion Aura, Vengeance Aura, and Aura of Reckoning)
  • Statistics Amplification (Via Crusader Aura, Shield of the Righteous, Blessing of Freedom, Avenging Wrath, and Seraphim)
  • Damage Reduction (Via Devotion Aura, Blessing of Protection, Flash of Light, Consecration, Blessing of Sacrifice, Holy Light, Divine Protection, and Eye for an Eye)
  • Damage Boost (Via Mastery: Hand of Light, Divine Purpose, Vengeance Aura, Aura of Reckoning, Crusader Strike, Judgment, and Templar's Verdict)
  • Power Nullification (Via Blessing of Freedom, Judgment, Consecration, Repentance, Cleanse, Cleanse Toxins, Rebuke, and Blessing of Sanctuary)
  • Paralysis Inducement (Via Hammer of Justice and Wake of Ashes)
  • Forcefield Creation (Via Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection, Shield of Vengeance, and Eye for an Eye)
  • Resurrection (Via Redemption)
  • Summoning (Via Divine Steed)
  • Fear Manipulation (Via Turn Evil)
  • Damage Transferal (Via Blessing of Sacrifice)
  • Body Puppetry/Mind Manipulation (Via Repentance)
  • Status Effect Inducement (Via Blinding Light)
  • Statistics Reduction (Via Hand of Hindrance and Wake of Ashes)
  • Weapon Creation (Via Blade of Justice, Execution Sentence, and Eye for an Eye)
  • Energy Projection (Via Divine Storm)

Attack Potency: Mountain level (Effortlessly overpowered and one-shot a Dreadlord.[1] By throwing a dagger into a Scourge Soldier, Anduin saved his father, and his arrows pierced numerous others.[11] Fought several Assassins with an adventurer.[33] Was present during the Siege of Orgrimmar, where he would have had to defend himself against the True Horde's best.[7] Physically kept up with an Alternate Universe version of himself and Vol'jin, though was overwhelmed[8]) | At least Mountain level, At most Planet level (Harmed Wrathion with a punch,[34] who could harm Raszageth and was considered an aspect candidate.[12] Was capable of trading blows with Varok Saurfang,[2] who nearly killed a Bloodlusted Malfurion Stormrage with a cheap shot, who could distrupt Archimonde[35] who was comparable to Illidan Stormrage[36])

Speed: Superhuman movement speed (Consistently keeps up on foot with Horses[7][2]) with Massively Hypersonic reaction and combat speed (Comparable to Varian Wrynn, who kept up with Onyxia. All dragons like Onyxia are stated to be capable of consistently stated to be in the realm of lightning in speed,[35] but he is also Comparable to adventurers who use and can dodge attacks from the Titanstrike artifact weapon, which is directly stated to be infused with natural lightning,[37] and Hunters who can use abilities like Titan's Thunder,[38] Ride the Lightning,[39] and Surge of the Stormgod,[40] which project natural lightning)

Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Superior to regular fodder Earthen, who are capable of doing this[41])

Striking Strength: Mountain level | At least Mountain level, at most Planet level

Durability: Mountain level (His barriers have repeatedly held off powerful opponents and armies[7][14] and he suffered no pain from catching strikes from a Dreadlord[1])

Stamina: Superhuman (Anduin is a man with the ability to take grievous wounds and still be ready to fight,[7] and frequently acts for hours to days at a time[7][9][2])

Range: Standard Melee Range physically;[7][9][2] Extended Melee Range with Shalamayne;[9][2] Tens of Meters with magic[7][9][2]

Standard Equipment: Shalamayne,[9][2] Reverance (His steed)[2]

Optional Equipment: Invisibility potion,[3] Mallet of Harmony[7]


Gifted (Despite being a boy at the time, Anduin was highly perceptive of those around him, even when others weren't,[8] and was described as "Wise beyond his years".[9] Is extremely adept at stealth and slipping away from situations.[3][7] Frequently keeps the peace in the Alliance courtroom[9][2])

Gifted (Anduin frequently spars with Genn Greymane[2] and traded blows with Varok Saurfang,[2] two veterans of several wars capable of taking entire groups to small armies down without issue,[9] as well as being able to react and counter a Dreadlord's surprise attack.[1] Anduin himself was on the front lines for the Siege of Lordaeron, holding his own in the melee[2])

Standard Tactics: While pacifistic, pushed to battle Anduin will primarily use his abilities in combat, restraining and haxxing them to either submission or death.[7][9][1][3] Come Battle for Azeroth, Anduin likes to mix in melee with Shalamayne into his usual ability spam[2]

Weaknesses: Somewhat Pacifistic, otherwise none notable.

Notable Attacks & Techniques:

  • Human: The human kingdom of Stormwind forms the backbone of the Alliance. Stormwind's willingness to work with others to find diplomatic solutions stands out as one of its true strengths. Its citizens hold fast to the principles of honor and justice as they defend their settlements, and the Alliance, against any aggressors.
    • The Human Spirit: Humans gain 2% more of all secondary stats (Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, Versatility) from all sources.
    • Diplomacy: Faction reputation gains increased by 10%.
    • Will to Survive: Activate to remove all stun effects.
    • Perception: Passively increases Stealth detection.
    • Sword Specialization: Expertise with One-Handed Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 1%.
    • Mace Specialization: Expertise with One-Handed Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 1%.

  • Paladin: This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world. These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes, and the blessing of the Light allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life to the dead. Paladins stand directly in front of their enemies, relying on heavy armor and healing in order to survive incoming attacks. Whether with massive shields or crushing two-handed weapons, Paladins can keep claws and swords from their weaker fellows – or they use healing magic to ensure that they remain on their feet.

  • Crusader Aura: Increases mounted speed by 20% for all party and raid members with 40 yards.
  • Devotion Aura: Party and raid members within 70 yards are bolstered by their devotion, reducing damage taken by 3%. When you dispel an ally within your aura, all allies within your aura are dispelled of the same effect.
  • Mastery: Lightbringer: Increases healing done by up to 12%, based on the proximity of your target.
  • Mastery: Hand of Light: Increases Holy damage done by 13%.
  • Unbreakable Spirit: Reduces the cooldown of your Divine Shield, Shield of Vengeance, Ardent Defender, Divine Protection, and Lay on Hands by 30%.
  • Divine Purpose: Holy Power abilities have a 15% chance to make your next Holy Power ability free and deal 20% increased damage and healing.
  • Spreading the Word: Your allies affected by your Aura gain an effect after you cast Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Freedom.
    • Blessing of Protection: Physical damage reduced by 30% for 6 seconds.
    • Blessing of Freedom: Cleared of all movement impairing effects.
  • Vengeance Aura: Whenever you or nearby allies within 40 yards become victim to a full loss of control effect, your Holy damage and critical strike chance is increased by 3% for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.
  • Luminescence: When healed by an ally, allies within your Aura gain 4% increased damage and healing for 6 seconds.
  • Aura of Reckoning: When you or allies within your Aura are critically struck, gain Reckoning. Gain 1 additional stack if you are the victim. At 50 stacks of Reckoning, your next weapon swing deals 200% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Wrath for 6 seconds.
  • Ultimate Retribution: Mark an enemy player for retribution after they kill an ally within your Retribution Aura. If the marked enemy is slain within 8 seconds, cast Redemption on the fallen ally.

  • Crusader Strike: Strike the target for Physical damage. Has a 15% chance to make your next ability consume 1 less Holy Power and a 15% chance to make your next Divine Storm free and deal 25% additional damage. Max 2 Charges.
  • Shield of the Righteous: Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing Holy damage, increasing your Armor for 4.5 seconds, and gaining the benefit of Consecration.
  • Judgment: Judges the target, dealing Holy damage, causing the target and two nearby targets to take 30% increased damage from your next Crusader Strike or Holy Shock, causing them to take 25% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability, and applying Lawbringer to initial targets hit for 45 seconds. Casting Judgment causes all enemies with your Lawbringer effect to suffer up to 5% of their maximum health in Holy damage. The next 25 successful attacks against the targets heal the attacker. Casting Judgment on an enemy cleanses 1 Poison, Disease, and Magic effect they have caused on allies within the Paladin's Aura. Generates 1 Holy Power. Casting two consectutive Judgments on the same enemy will generate 3 Holy Power.
  • Holy Avenger: Your Holy Power generation is tripled for 20 seconds.
  • Flash of Light: Expends a large amount of mana to quickly heal a friendly target and reduces all damage the target receives by 10% for 6 seconds. Flash of Light reduces the mana cost and damage taken from your next Light of the Martyr by 25%, stacking.
  • Hammer of Justice: Stuns the target at a range of 20 yards for 6 seconds.
  • Consecration: Consecondsrates the land beneath you, causing Holy damage over 12 seconds to enemies who enter the area and clearing and suppressing all snare effects on allies within its area of effect. Damage taken by the caster is reduced by 5% while inside your Consecration.
  • Word of Glory: Calls down the Light at a range of 40 yards to heal a friendly target. If cast on yourself, healing increased by up to 250% based on your missing health.
  • Hand of Reckoning: Commands the attention of an enemy target at range of 30 yards, forcing them to attack you.
  • Divine Shield: Protects you from all damage and spells for 8 seconds. During Divine Shield, all targets within 15 yards are taunted.
  • Redemption: Brings a dead ally at a range of 40 yards back to life with 35% of maximum health and mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
  • Lay on Hands: Heals a friendly target at a range of 40 yards for an amount equal to your maximum health.
  • Divine Steed: Leap atop your Charger for 5 seconds, increasing movement speed by 100%. Usable while indoors or in combat. While active you become immune to crowd control effects, and you knockback enemies that you move through. In addition, you inspire yourself and nearby allies while Divine Steed is active, granting bonus Speed for 5 seconds.
  • Blessing of Freedom: Places a blessing on a party or raid member, granting immunity to movement impairing effects and increasing movement speed by 30% for 8 seconds. You gain Blessing of Freedom when cast on a friendly target. Unbound Freedom also causes any Blessing of Freedom applied to yourself to be undispellable.
  • Turn Evil: The power of the Light compels an Undead, Aberration, or Demon target to flee for up to 40 seconds. Damage may break the effect. Only one target can be turned at a time.
  • Blessing of Protection: Places a blessing on a party or raid member at a range of 40 yards, protecting them from all physical attacks for 10 seconds.
  • Avenging Wrath: Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, increasing your damage, healing, and critical strike chance by 20% for 20 seconds. When any party or raid member within 40 yards dies, you automatically gain Avenging Wrath for 12 seconds.
  • Blessing of Sacrifice: Blesses a party or raid member, reducing their damage taken by 30%, but you suffer 75% of damage prevented. Last 12 seconds, or until transferred damage would cause you to fall below 20% health.
  • Repentance: Forces an enemy target to meditate, incapacitating them for 1 minute. Usable against Humanoids, Demons, Undead, Dragonkin, and Giants.
  • Blinding Light: Emits dazzling light in all directions, blinding enemies within 10 yards, causing them to wander disoriented for 6 seconds. Non-Holy damage will break the disorient effect.
  • Holy Avenger: Your Holy Power generation is tripled for 20 seconds.
  • Seraphim: The Light magnifies your power for 15 seconds, granting 8% Haste, Critical Strike, and Versatility, and 12.8% Mastery.

  • Holy Shock: Triggers a burst of Light on the target at a range of 40 yards, dealing Holy damage to an enemy, or healing an ally. Has an additional 30% critical effect chance. Generates 1 Holy Power. Your critical Holy Shocks reduce the cost of your next Flash of Light by 30% or cause your next Holy Light to generate 1 Holy Power.
  • Exorcism: Blasts the target with Holy Light at a range of 40 yards, causing Holy damage and generating 1 Holy Power. Your autoattacks have a 20% chance of resetting the cooldown of your Exorcism.
  • Holy Light: An efficient spell, healing a friendly target, reducing the mana cost and damage taken from your next Light of the Martyr by 25%, reducing all damage the target receives by 15% for 5 seconds, and dealing Holy damage equal to 30% of the amount healed to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
  • Cleanse: Cleanses a friendly target, removing all Poison, Disease and Magic effects. When you dispel an ally within your aura, all allies within your aura are dispelled of the same effect. Healing allies with your Holy Light will cleanse all Diseases and Poisons from the target.
  • Beacon of Light: Wrap a single ally in holy energy, causing your heals on other party or raid members to also heal that ally for 50% of the amount healed. Healing this ally directly with Flash of Light or Holy Light grants 1 Holy Power. When an ally with your Beacon of Light is damaged below 30% health, they absorb the next incoming damage.
  • Divine Protection: Reduces all damage you take by 20% for 8 seconds.
  • Light of the Martyr: Sacrifice a portion of your own health to instantly heal an ally. You take damage equal to 50% of the healing done. Does not cause your Beacon of Light to be healed. Cannot be cast on yourself. Holy Light and Flash of Light reduces the mana cost and damage taken from your next Light of the Martyr by 25%.
  • Light of Dawn: Unleashes a wave of holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yard frontal cone. Every 5 seconds the healing done by your next Light of Dawn is increased by 10%. Light of the Dawn also has a 15% chance to grant Avenging Wrath for 10 seconds.
  • Aura Mastery: Empowers your chosen aura for 8 seconds.
  • Bestow Faith: Begin mending the wounds of a friendly target, healing them after 5 seconds. Generates 1 Holy Power upon healing.
  • Light's Hammer: Hurls a Light-infused hammer to the ground, dealing Holy damage to nearby enemies and healing up to 6 nearby allies every 2 seconds for 14 seconds.
  • Holy Prism: Fires a beam of light that scatters to strike a clump of targets. If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals Holy damage and radiates healing to 5 allies within 15 yards. If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals them and radiates Holy damage to 5 enemies within 15 yards.

  • Templar's Verdict: Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals Holy damage to an enemy target. Holy Power abilities have a 15% chance to make your next Holy Power ability free and deal 20% increased damage and healing. Templar's Verdict increases the damage of your next Templar's Verdict by 15% for 6 seconds.
  • Cleanse Toxins: Cleanses a friendly target, removing all Poison and Disease effects.
  • Hand of Hindrance: Burdens an enemy target with the weight of their misdeeds, reducing movement speed by 70% for 10 seconds. When your Hand of Hindrance is dispelled or otherwise removed early, the cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds. Your Blade of Justice or Divine Hammer applies Hand of Hindrance to the target for 3 seconds.
  • Blade of Justice: Pierces an enemy with a blade of light, dealing Physical damage. Generates 2 Holy Power. Your auto attacks have a 12% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice.
  • Divine Storm: Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing Holy damage to up to 5 nearby enemies.
  • Shield of Vengeance: Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs damage for 15 seconds. When the shield expires, it bursts to inflict Holy damage equal to the total amount absorbed, divided among all nearby enemies.
  • Rebuke: Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 seconds.
  • Wake of Ashes: Lash out at your enemies, dealing Radiant damage to all enemies within 12 yards in front of you and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Demon and Undead enemies are also stunned for 5 seconds. Generates 3 Holy Power.
  • Blessing of Sanctuary: Instantly removes all stun, silence, fear and horror effects from the friendly target and reduces the duration of future such effects by 60% for 5 seconds.
  • Zeal: Strike the target for Physical damage. Grants Zeal, causing Zeal attacks to chain to an additional nearby target per stack. Maximum 3 stacks. Each jump deals 40% less damage. Generates 1 Holy Power. Max 2 Charges
  • Execution Sentence: A hammer slowly falls from the sky upon the target. After 8 seconds, they suffer Holy damage, plus 20% of damage taken from your abilities in that time.
  • Eye for an Eye: Surround yourself with a bladed bulwark, reducing Physical damage taken by 35% and dealing Physical damage to any melee attackers for 10 seconds.


  1. Please remember that World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is currently under heavy research due to having everything to do with World of Warcraft's Cosmology, and to not attempt to make Content revision threads about it.
  2. When making a Versus Thread on Anduin, he must be noted on if this is BFA and TWW, due to their differing characteristics and in-character actions.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Son of the Wolf
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
  4. A Found Memento: Raising a King
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 World of Warcraft; The Comic (General)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Wolfheart
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 War Crimes
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 World of Warcraft: Legion
  10. Before the Storm, chapter 11
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 19: The Winds of War
  12. 12.0 12.1 World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 World of Warcraft
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Blood of Our Fathers
  15. Confronting Xal'atath
  16. 16.000 16.001 16.002 16.003 16.004 16.005 16.006 16.007 16.008 16.009 16.010 16.011 16.012 16.013 16.014 16.015 16.016 16.017 16.018 16.019 16.020 16.021 16.022 16.023 16.024 16.025 16.026 16.027 16.028 16.029 16.030 16.031 16.032 16.033 16.034 16.035 16.036 16.037 16.038 16.039 16.040 16.041 16.042 16.043 16.044 16.045 16.046 16.047 16.048 16.049 16.050 16.051 16.052 16.053 16.054 16.055 16.056 16.057 16.058 16.059 16.060 16.061 16.062 16.063 16.064 16.065 16.066 16.067 16.068 16.069 16.070 16.071 16.072 16.073 16.074 16.075 16.076 16.077 16.078 16.079 16.080 16.081 16.082 16.083 16.084 16.085 16.086 16.087 16.088 16.089 16.090 16.091 16.092 16.093 16.094 16.095 16.096 16.097 16.098 16.099 16.100 16.101 16.102 16.103 16.104 16.105 16.106 16.107 World of Warcraft (General)
  17. CDev - Round 1
  18. CDev - Round 3
  19. Of Blood and Honor, Chapter 3
  20. World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 21: Secrets
  21. 21.0 21.1 World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 22: Whispers
  22. Of Blood and Honor, Chapter 2
  23. Beyond the Dark Portal, Chapter 21
  24. 24.0 24.1 Ashes to Ashes
  25. Dust to Dust
  26. The Last Guardian, chapter 6
  27. Shadows Rising, chapter 9
  28. Beyond the Dark Portal, Chapter 9
  29. The Exorcism of Colonel Jules
  30. Beyond the Dark Portal, pg. 212
  31. Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 140
  32. Warcraft 3: Death Knights
  33. My Son, the Prince
  34. Visions of N'Zoth Cinematic
  35. 35.0 35.1 War of the Ancients Trilogy
  36. Tomb of Sargeras
  37. Titanstrike
  38. Titan's Thunder
  39. Ride the Lightning
  40. Surge of the Stormgod
  41. World of Warcraft: The War Within


Discussion threads involving Anduin Wrynn