"The Backson Song" is a song from the 2011 Disney animated film Winnie the Pooh. It features Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit and Eeyore as they discuss what they think the creature known as the Backson is like.
The song was performed by Pooh and Tigger's voice actor Jim Cummings, Piglet's voice actor Travis Oates, Owl's voice actor Craig Ferguson, Kanga's voice actress Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Roo's voice actor Wyatt Dean Hall, Rabbit's voice actor Tom Kenny, and Eeyore's voice actor the late Bud Luckey.
It's a giant creature with a tail
Here, I'll draw Piglet in for scale
[Oh d-d-dear!]
Its hide is like a shaggy rug
Its face a surly ugly mug
With two sharp horns atop its head
In between a mop of hair that's red
And in its nose a ring of gold
It smells of monkey's feet and mould
Its toes are black
Its fur is blue
I swear that all I tell you is not made up
The Backson!
The Backson?
The Backson!
The Backson?
Oh, no!
But, Owl, what does the Backson do?
Yes, Owl, what does the Backson do?
Hmm, what does the Backson do?
I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking... And now, I will tell you
They sneak into your library
And scribble in all your books
The Backson, the Backson
We don't like the Backson!
When decorating your Christmas tree
They tangle up all the hooks!
The Backson, the Backson
We're afraid of the Backson
They spoil the milk
They stop all the clocks
They use their horns
To put hole in your socks
The Backson's
The one who's been
Putting holes
In our socks!
Tell us more about what Backsons do!
Yes, more about what Backsons do!
More about what Backsons do?!?
Why don't we hear some thoughts from you?
Maybe they make ya sleep too late
Yes, yes! That's good, that's great!
I bet, for their reason, my tail is gone
You're on a roll! Go on, go on!
They muddy up your tidy house
They make you feel as small as a mouse
They break your crayons
They spill your tea!
They wake up babies at 1:00 and 3:00
They made me catch the cold I caught
They made me lose my train of thought
They swipe your stripes
They clog your pipes
They dig up your garden
They won't beg your pardon
They eat your snacks!
They won't relax!
They chip your tooth!
They steal your youth!
And now, you know the horrible truth!
The Backson, the Backson
The Backson, the Backson?
Oh no!
[Oh, yes!]
I know exactly what to do
We'll find things Backsons are partial to
Like books?
And dishes?
And socks?
And toys?
Yes, everything that a Backson destroys
Then we'll dig an enormous pit
And make the items lead to it
He'll fall in and we'll get our friend
And this horrible nightmare will come to an end!
The Backson!
The Backson!
The Backson!
The Backson!
Go home and search your closets, bring everything that you can!
The Backson! The Backson! We're gonna catch the Backson!
We'll save Christopher Robin by following Rabbit's plan!
The Backson! The Backson! We'll save Christopher Robin!
We must be brave and have no fear
So to the death, we'll persevere!
We'll search by the sun and the light and the moon
And if everything goes well, we'll be back soon!
["Back soon"?]
Back soon!
[Sounds like "Backson".]
Back soon!
[Oh, well... Good luck everyone!]