"If I Ruled the World" is a song from the 2005 animated television film The Proud Family Movie. It features Dr. Carver explaining his evil plans and what he would do if he ruled the world.
The song was performed by Carver's voice actor, Arsenio Hall, and a chorus as his peanut henchmen.
If I ruled the world
I would make sure my clones don't give any slack.
If I ruled the world
(Ha ha ha ha)
I would treat people bad,
That's a well know fact.
Imagine that!
Now let me tell ya song about me...
(Go 'head)
My name is Carver, y'all
Just call me Dr. C
And when my plan is in effect
I'm gonna be boss of mean.
I got the secret genes
(Yes, sir!)
I got some G-gnomes too
We're going over seas,
We're gonna get rid of you.
Peanut for president
That makes us VIP's
Broadcast our nightly news,
You're cryin' on you knees
My time the world to change,
My time for fortune and fame,
You got yourself to blame,
You all will scream my name!
Hail to the peanut king
Hail to the peanut king
Hail to the peanut king
Bmm bmm bmm king
He's bad,
He's mean,
He's cool,
He stinks!
Who said that?
Sorry, dog...
That's okay;
Take him away, take him away!
If I ruled the world
I'll make ya evil just like me;
It's been this way through history.
Paybacks a muggy way to see.
If I ruled the world
I'd feed you all to my sea beast
And watch him while he has a feast,
It's peanut time to say the least
(That's us!)
(You're gonna be annihilated!)
Take over...
(March, march!)
And Carver's...