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Amber is a supporting antagonist in the Father & Son series of Animator vs. Animation fanfics.

She serves as a supporting antagonist in The Great Above: Father & Son 7 and King Of This Kingdom: Father & Son 8, and a minor character in Father & Son 9: A Reversed Victory.

She is King's deceased wife who was resurrected by Navy and Night Shade as part of their army. When she is resurrected following their deaths, she apparently teams up with Mocha to conquer the Outernet, but is never seen again in practice.



Amber was King's wife who died while giving birth to Gold. At an unknown point in time, Navy and Night Shade resurrected her as a brainwashed minion.

The Great Above: Father & Son 7[]

Amber ambushes Willow and Purple when they try to sneak around Navy's castle. They quickly realise she is King's wife, and escape from her before she catches them. Later on, Navy and Night Shade send her out to capture Blue and Yellow, and she does so, but not without killing the Titan Ravager Family; they both know she can't be trusted, but follow her because she might have the rest of their friends.

Later on, a brainwashed Willow and Amber ambush the heroes, managing to imprison King and Gold. Amber goes to talk with them, and they quickly realise she is Gold's mother and King's seemingly dead wife. They manage to fight and defeat her, trapping her in their own cage. She doesn't appear after this.

King Of This Kingdom: Father & Son 8[]

Amber was mentioned to have gone missing after Fern used a brainwashed Purple to take over the kingdom, but it's soon revealed she works directly under him now. She ambushes Navy and Sunny, trying to capture them, but Navy escapes while Sunny decides to actually fight her, managing to force her to flee.

Amber appears one last time during the final battle, ambushing and trying to kill Willow and Sunny. While Sunny and Willow appear later, Amber's fate is never explained.

Father & Son 9: A Victory Reversed[]

As the heroes explore Navy's old base and see that the cameras are still up, they remember that only few people had access to them: Navy, Orchid, Night Shade, Fern and Amber. With everyone except Amber being long dead, they realise they never found out what happened to her. Immediately afterwards, the POV cuts to Amber, showing she was killed off-screen but resurrected by a certain someone who knows Gold and wants help in taking care of "parasites".

Despite this, Amber never actually shows up afterwards for the rest of her entire series, her ultimate fate left ambiguous.


           Ava logo Villains

The Dark Lord | The Dark Lord's Army

They're Sticks, Probably
Rocket Corp
Victim | Striker | Primal | Ballista | Hazard
Alan Becker | The Chosen One | The Dark Lord

The Defenders

Father & Son
Navy's Army
Navy | Orchid | Night Shade | The Curse | Amber
Mocha | Fern | Alternate Universe Orchid | Coco

More than Stick Figures
The Dark Lord | Victim | The Animator | King Orange | Navy Blue |
