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Villains Wiki

It would be dishonorable of me to destroy you when you are ignorant of the stakes. To say nothing of the sword's true power. But be assured, the next time you get in my way will be the last!
~ Sir George to Ben, Gwen and Kevin.
Honor means nothing when fighting these alien abominations.
~ Sir George to Driscoll.

Sir George, born as Georgius and also known as Old George, is the secondary antagonist of Season 3 of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.

He was the founder of the Forever Knights and an ally of Ben's team. He founded them over 1,000 years ago. He is the ancient enemy of Dagon. He wields a powerful sword named Ascalon, created by Azmuth, which he used to seal Dagon away.

He was voiced by the late Peter Renaday, who also voiced Ezra in The Haunted Mansion, General Tragg, Don Turtelli and Leatherhead ("Night of the Rogues" only) in the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, Kingpin in Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin, Sean Keanan in Dead Rising, and Alim Mualim in Assassin's Creed.


Sir George was bald on most of his head as an old man, with a long, white beard. In the opening of "The Creature from Beyond," he is seen in a wheelchair watching TV at the Senior Village. According to the nurse, Sir George's true name is not George, and he is "ancient" since he has lived at Bellwood Senior Village since it opened in the 1970s. Georgius is revealed to be his true name in Solitary Alignment.

When Sir George is reunited with Ascalon in "A Knight to Remember," he regains his youth. Sir George donned Ascalon's armor and had blond hair and a cropped blond beard.


Sir George, like the other Forever Knights, despises aliens and alien hybrids to the point where he declares that honor has no bearing on how they are dealt with. Azmuth, however, is revered by Sir George since he gifted him Ascalon, which enabled Sir George to defeat Dagon and preserve mankind.

Sir George has displayed considerable hubris by boasting that he destroyed Dagon by himself (while excluding Azmuth's assistance), making fun of his foes, and insisting that Ascalon's influence could not corrupt him.


In "The Purge", he recruited the Forever Knight leaders to join his own faction of The Forever Knights, uniting all the separate factions into a single order, and later started a war against all aliens on Earth.

In "A Knight to Remember" he would obtain Ascalon and return to his full power.

In "The Beginning of the End", Sir George demands to face Dagon but instead he summoned Vilgax, his Herald.

In "The Ultimate Enemy" he battles Dagon after he freed himself from the seal, but it kills him with lightning.

Powers and Abilities[]

Sir George possessed superhuman physical power and agility even as an old man. He could easily lift and smash anything, such as when he knocked out a security guard with a wooden barrier.

Sir George has perpetual life, although the circumstances for it are never revealed.

Sir George has the ability to perform magic and read people's minds. His magic is strong enough to entrap Lucubra and might be used to detect when the seal was broken.

Sir George had Ascalon, the sword he used to fight Dagon. When he was reunited with Ascalon, he recovered his youth and a set of armor (which according to Driscoll, made Sir George immune to mind control).

Sir George is a great swordsman and hand-to-hand warrior, easily defeating the Esoterica and defeating Dagon and Ultimate Humungousaur alongside Ascalon.


  • According to himself, Sir George was just like Ben when he was young. This is reinforced by how Sir George's personality starts to mirror Ben's after his youth is restored by Ascalon.
  • The symbol on the seal that was holding the Lucubra, Dagon and on Sir George's coin also appears on Forever Knight armor. The symbol is the picture depicting the word infinity (∞), a word consistent with The Forever Knight's name.
  • It was revealed in the episode "A Knight to Remember" that Sir George is the legendary Sir George from "Sir George and the Dragon", but the dragon is revealed to be Dagon.



Main Antagonists
Vilgax | Dagon | Albedo | Malware | Zs'Skayr | Highbreed | Aggregor | Maltruant

Hex | Charmcaster | Michael Morningstar | Addwaitya

Forever Knights
Forever King | Driscoll | Enoch | Joseph Chadwick | Sir George | Sir Morton | Winston | Red Knight

DNAliens | Mizaru | Simian

Zs'Skayr's Allies
Dr. Viktor | Yenaldooshi | Mummy | Crujo | Lord Transyl | Kuphulu

Dr. Animo and Allies
V.V. Argost | Animo's Creations (Heatbat)

Negative 10
Driscoll | Aloysius Animo | Forever Ninja | Charmcaster | Clancy | Rojo | Thumbskull | Acid Breath | Frightwig | Sublimino

Flame Keepers' Circle
Dagon | Conduit Edwards | Esoterica

Circus Freak Trio
Zombozo | Acid Breath | Frightwig | Thumbskull | Zombie Clowns

The Faction
Malware | Dr. Psychobos | Khyber | Khyber's Panuncian

Incursean Empire
Milleous | Attea | Raff

Bounty Hunters
Sixsix | Sevenseven | Eighteight | Synthroid | Sunder

Ma Vreedle | Pa Vreddle | Octagon Vreedle | Rhomboid Vreedle | Isosceles Right Triangle Vreedle | Parallelogram Vreedle | Pretty Boy Vreedles

The Hive
Elena Validus | Nanochips | Decoy Queen

Psyphon's Gang
Psyphon | Bug-Lite | Bubble Helmet | Liam | Fistrick | Gorvan | Sweet-Eels Sparklefunk | Thunderpig | Tummyhead

Proctor Servantis | Phil Billings | Ragnarok | Swift

The Vengers
Billy Billions | Captain Nemesis | Kangaroo Kommando | Will Harangue

Future Timelines
Vilgax | Aloysius Animo | Kevin 11,000 | Devlin Levin | Sploot | Subdora | Exo-Skull

Evil Bens
Albedo | Alien X | Bad Ben | Benzarro | Eon | Mad Ben | Nega Ben

S.A.M. | Slix Vigma | Computron | Stalker

Other Villains
Argit | Mr. Beck | Benevelon | Blarney T. Hokestar | Blue Leader | Camille's Ex-Boyfriend | Chronians | Collectimus | Fistina | Great One | Hoodlum | Hulex | Jarett | Jennifer Nocturne | Kenko | Kevin Levin | Kolar | Captain Kork | Kundo | Lepidopterran Prisoner | Looma Red Wind | Mr. & Mrs. Mann | Mann Family's Bodyguard | Morgg | Mutant Reptile Leader | Mutant Seagull | Mycelium | Nyancy Chan | P'andor | Poltroon | Prisoner 775 | Red Leader | Seebik | Skurd | Solid Plugg | Ssserpent | Sunny | Trumbipulor | Violet Offenders | Vulkanus | Vulpimancers | King Xarion | Zed

Vilgax | High Override | Forever Knight | Kevin Levin | Aloysis Animo | Hex | Zombozo | Acid Breath | Frightwig | Thumbskull | Michael Morningstar | Charmcaster | Ectonurite Prisoner | Opticoid Prisoner | Loboan Prisoner | High Override | Simon Sez | Maurice and Sydney | Mutant Alphas | Bug Gang (Queen Bee) | Tim Buktu | Lord Decibel | LaGrange | Steam Smythe | Weatherheads | Xerge | Xingo | King Koil | Alien Chefs | Yawk | Nanny Nightmare | Boblins | Ground Hawg Gang | Fogg | Jack-A-Lope | Hydromander | Ice Screamer | Goblin | Space Slime | Solar and Polar Twain

Crossover Villains
Alpha | Black Knight | V.V. Argost | Strike
