Kamin is a minor antagonist from the Super Dragon Ball Heroes series, serving as a minion of Hearts in the Universal Conflict Arc. She and her twin brother, Oren are artificial lifeforms created by the Tuffles of Universe 6 to be the ultimate artificial beings and now are members of the Core Area Warriors.
She was voiced by Minami Tsuda.
Like his brother, Kamin is a violent individual, enjoying battles in which he tests herself and sharing Oran's penchant for fighting in a completely carefree manner. However, Kamin is considered the brains of the twin duo, expressing herself in a more formal manner and always referring to her brother by his given name.
She It is an artificial life form with a medium height and slim build. His skin tone is completely pale and he has straight white hair that reaches down to his cheeks, blue eyes with white pupils and two red and yellow lines instead of eyebrows. He wears a short red jacket with the collar closed and underneath a tight black suit with several turquoise symbols scattered throughout the upper and lower half of his body.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes[]
Oren and Kamin were created by the Tuffles of Universe 6 to be the ultimate artificial beings, however they were too strong and so the mortals tried to destroy them, only causing Oren and Kamin to become enraged by this and they decided to wipe them all out.
She laters fused with his brother and enters battle against Goku; this one slams them to the ground and attacks him with energy blasts, upon which Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, and Android Number 17 join in to aid the Saiyan. After being injured by a Kamehameha, the core of the Universe Seed located in his chest begins to break, and when Goku proceeds to deliver the final blow, as a result, along with Kamioran, Oran and Kamin are also destroyed. However, Hearts claims that their deaths will not be in vain, as thanks to Kamioran, the Universe Seed has reached its full form.
External links[]
- Kamin on the Dragon Ball Wiki
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