Hoshi Sato II was a villainess introduced in the Star Trek: Mirror Universe novel The Sorrows of Empire.
Sato was cloned from genetic material provided by the original Hoshi Sato some time between 2153 and 2248. Sato succeeded the original Empress Sato as Empress of the Terran Empire. She was the first clone of the original Sato to rule the as Empress, and the second Sato to sit on the Imperial Throne.
Her actions during her rule led to Sato being called the Murderess of Andoria.
In 2248 another clone of the original Sato was created. In 2267 the younger Sato clone suffocated Sato with a pillow, and began her rule as Hoshi Sato III. Sato III would rule for 10 years before being deposed and killed by Spock.