The Goon Squad are major antagonists of the 2021 live-action/animated sports film Space Jam: A New Legacy, the sequel to the 1996 classic film Space Jam, playing a similar role to that of the Monstars. They are a group of virtual avatars of professional basketball players who served Al-G Rhythm and play against the Tune Squad. They were created by Dom and him for the basketball game.
Wet-Fire is voiced by Klay Thompson, The Brow is voiced by Anthony Davis, Chronos is voiced by Damian Lillard, White Mamba is voiced by Diana Taurasi, and Arachnneka is voiced by Nneka Ogwumike.
Similar to Al-G, the Goon Squad is shown to be cruel and unfair. Multiple times throughout the game, they torment members of the Tune Squad and use tactics that are not allowed in regular basketball without the other team being allowed to do the same at first.
Despite this, each team member supports one another and treats each other like equals, as shown when they begin to win against the Tune Squad at first, they congratulate one another and act playful with Dom. However, they do become angry with Dom after they started losing and had no qualms with competing against him after he switched teams.
Each Goon Squad member wears dark purple uniforms with black and their appearances are CGI graphics unlike the Looney Tunes. White Mamba appears to be a light tan human-like serpent with skinny, long arms; Chronos appears to be a golden android with a clock on his shoulder and is extremely fast with light purple speed; Wet-Fire is half clear water and flame; Arachnneka is red with four spider legs, and has yellow marks on her forehead; and The Brow has a dark blue body, with wings replacing arms, and large eyebrows.
Chronos, the creation version of Damian Lillard, appears after the rest of the goons. He's a male golden clock-like android who is faster than "Roadrunner" (especially when he tried to feed him to Wile E. Coyote, who almost succeeded in eating him) and humiliated LeBron by dressing him up like a pirate along with Tweety. He acts like the team leader after getting unlocked, but later gets outmatched by Granny who set his clock on 132 years later, he gets rusty and turns very old, before Al-G Rhythm took his place as the new leader while Chronos sits out on the Goon Squad bench.
White Mamba[]
White Mamba was first introduced before the rest of the goons and the first to be created by Dominic James. She's a female snake like a Naga/Lamia, who use her tail/coils to restrain her opponents including Sylvester & Lola (while seeing her as her first archrival). She acts as the second-in-command of the Goons behind Chronos. When Dominic was putting White Mamba together, he fused the scan of Diana Taurasi with a snake.
Wet-Fire, the creation version of Klay Thompson, is a humanoid with two forms associated with his hydrokinesis and his pyrokinesis. Has the ability to shoot fire and water, and uses his powers to turn into a puddle to get past the Tunes. In addition, Wet-Fire was also shown to combine his forms as seen when he makes his thumbs flammable in his water form. Wet-Fire was later outmatched by Gossamer and Bugs Bunny who used his fur on his body as a sponge after he scorched the fur on Gossamer's body earlier.
Arachnneka is a red female humanoid spider similar to Arachine, Jorogumo, and Anansi. She has four legs and uses her web powers to beat up LeBron, while bullying Bugs Bunny and web-trapped Sylvester. She also too sees Lola Bunny as her rival. When Dominic was putting Arachnneka together, he put the image of Nneka Ogwumike next to the image of a spider.
The Brow[]
The Brow is a dark blue man with bird-like wings for arms similar to a Harpy who sees Tweety as his rival (calling Tweety a baby bird). He generally uses his feathers for fingers to perform moves. He was insulted by LeBron when he made comments about his eyebrows, then later got run over by Wile E. Coyote’s acme traps. When Dominic was putting The Brow together, he put the image of Anthony Davis next to the image of a bald eagle.
Unlike the Monstars who have a large role, they did not appear until AL-G upgraded the Looney Tunes and summon all the citizens of the Warner Bros. Serververse. Before that, Dominic James was working on his game to create some Avatar basketball players by using a snake (for White Mamba) and a spider (for Arachnneka) later foreshadow their existence. Later, Dom created the Goon Squad inside the Serververse with the help of Al-G for analyzing other NBA players, counting Diana Taurasi, Klay Thompson, Nneka Ogwumike, Anthony Davis and, after a short while, Damian Lillard. He put the picture of Anthony Davis next to the picture of a bald eagle, the picture of Nneka Ogwumike next to the picture of a spider, and fused the scan of Diana Taurasi with a snake.
By the time the Space Jam game starts, Al-G introduces the crowd to the Goon Squad. The team was lead by Dom and, with their abilities and LeBron James forbidding the Toons to use their Cartoon Physics, easily dominate the first game even when Chronos was unlocked. During half-time, the Goon Squad congratulate each other and celebrate with Dom. After LeBron realizes that preventing the Tunes from being themselves and rather like him is what's causing them to lose, he allows them to get "Looney". With this, the Tune Squad is able to catch up with the opposing team. By the third half time, Al-G, enraged that they are losing, lashes out at them and Dom. They then watch Dom turn against them after he and LeBron reconcile.
Later, AL-G took on leadership of the Goon Squad and cheats by taking away points the Tune Squad scores and giving him and his team more points. When Bugs sacrifices himself by performing the step-back glitch, it allows LeBron to win while Bugs glitches alongside Al-G and the Goons. After Al-G is literally posterized and shredded by Pete, the Goon Squad disappeared shortly afterwards, either due to Al-G's defeat or the step-back glitch Bugs enacted deleted them in the process.
It is unknown if the Goon Squad remained deleted forever or if Dom recoded them in more of a regular state as playable avatars.
In the comic book adaptation, the Goon Squad accepted their loss with Daffy offering them his card to coach them next time.
“ | What's up?
„ |
~ White Mamba |
“ | Wet ball, baby!
„ |
~ Wet Fire |
“ | Queen of the web.
„ |
~ Arachnneka |
“ | Flyest guy on the squad.
„ |
~ The Brow |
“ | It's the King Stomper!
„ |
~ Chronos |
- The Goon Squad were all based by the five basketball players respectively who also voiced them:
- Each of the Goon Squad were based on and named after the five basketball player's names.
- White Mamba was named after Taurasi's basketball nickname "White Mamba".
- Wet-Fire was named after the "Splash Brothers" nickname, given to the duo of Thompson and Stephen Curry.
- Arachnneka was named after Ogwumike Nneka.
- The Brow was named after one of Davis's nicknames.
- Chronos was named after Lillard's basketball nickname "Dame Time".
- Unlike the Monstars who had a large role in the original Space Jam while they unfairly didn't have their own names mentioned to each other, The Goon squad didn't appear until all the citizens of the Server-verse arrived at the court after the Tunes got an upgrade. However, their existence was foreshadowed when Dom was adding both snake and spider and a few original NBA players to combine their forms when Al-G Rhythm uses his programming capabilities.
Villains | ||
Goon Squad |