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Dolls were my only lifeline. My life was built by them.
~ Doll Master about her dolls.

False Proxy, also known as Doll or simply Proxy is the minor antagonist of Date A Live Fragment: Date A Bullet introduced as a major antagonist of Volume 1. She is a living Doll representative of Malkuth region in the Killing Game of Doll Master and poses as a sixth type Quasi-Spirit.


False Proxy was said to be a veteran Quasi-Spirit of the KIlling Game and was described as a oddy, bizarre, if not creepy girl around her twenties. As a doll, she may never had a face and her entire body was made of porcelain which was covered in bandages. She also had long, messy light brown hair and wears a cyan-colored Japanese's hospital gown.


As a doll controlled by Doll Master, False Proxy barely had any emotions besides the dolls inside of her. Like a mobile storage of dolls, she was emotionless but was a ruthless murderer who would do anything to take down her opponents and was more than willing to kill her own comrades to intercept her enemies.


Not much is known about the human life of False Proxy but it was theorized False Proxy was one of the many Quasi-Spirits deceived by Doll Master to participate in the Killing Game thinking she would become an official Spirit by gaining a true Angel, however, like the others, she was manipulated and killed by Doll Master. Under her captive, Proxy became a doll under the control of Doll Master and was dispatched to fight in the Killing Game as a storage unit for her dolls to manipulate the game from inside.

In the game, Proxy used the dolls to kill most of the participants and had them mutilated to death. When her identity was exposed by Empty and Kurumi Tokisaki, she tried to use Doll Master's army to take them down and steal Kurumi's Angel but was killed by Kurumi's bullet during her fight against Tsuan, exploding and unleashing a squad of psychotic dolls.

Powers and Abilities[]

Compared to other Quasi-Spirits, False Proxy was considerably weak and depended on the dolls storage inside of her to fight. During her introduction at the classroom where the participants of the Killing Game were called, False Proxy stated to be a sixth type Quasi-Spirit, saying her Sixth genus were abilities related Sealing. However, that was a lie fabricated by Doll Master to deceive other participants of the Killing Game as her only desire was to increase the number of dolls. False Proxy is a storage mobile unit used to store and transport combat type dolls for Doll Master to control and was not a fighter herself.

  • Unsigned Angel: Gyges, Invisible Finger
  • Weapon: None notable
  • Astral Dress: Mastermind (Empty Spirit Dress, Number 91)



           57c95c05a96ea789226e9678b255d59 Villains

Overall Main Antagonists
Isaac Ray Peram Westcott | Mio Takamiya | White Queen | President Hanagata | Yuunami Airi | Sherman

Rinne Sonogami | Kurumi Tokisaki | Origami Tobiichi | Miku Izayoi | Mukuro Hoshimiya | Kyouno Natsumi | Yoshinon | Ren Dystopia | Kaguya Ray Peram Westcott | Nibelcol | Marina Arusu | Phantom | Beast

Deus.Ex.Machina Industries
Isaac Ray Peram Westcott | Ellen Mira Mathers | Artemisia Bell Ashcroft | Jessica Bailey | Mana Takamiya | Origami Tobiichi | Minerva Liddell | Marina Arusu | Roger Murdoch | Simpson | Russell | Edgar F. Caroll | Maruna Arusu | James A. Paddington | Andrew Kersee Dunstan Francis Barbirolli | Ryouko Kusakabe | Tomonara | Kagaya | Nibelcol | Mio Takamiya | Knox | Ernest Brennan | Barton | Captain Reys | Cecil O'Brien | Leonora Sears | Ashley Sinclair | D.E.M Industries Droid Army

Inverse Spirits
Inverse Tohka Yatogami | Devil Origami | Dark Yoshino | Nibelcol | White Queen | Isaac Ray Peram Westcott

Okamine Heavy Industries
Torataro Okamine | Mikie Okamine

Ratatoskr Council
Reine Murasame | Fraser Douglas | Gillian Almsted | Roland Claiton

Bilah Kingdom
Aiai Nogi | Ayame Takeshita | Yui Sagakure | False Proxy | Tsuan | Isami Hijikata | Sheri Musi-kA | Furue Tonami | Rinemu Kirari | Mizuha Banouin | White Queen | Carte À Jouer | Kareha Banouin | Doll Master | Retsumi Jugasaki

Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
Anti Spirit Team
Ryouko Kusakabe | Tomonara | Kagaya | Origami Tobiichi | Mana Takamiya | Mikie Okamine

Special Sorcery Service
Minerva Liddell | Cecil O'Brien | Leonora Sears | Ashley Sinclair

Charllote Meyers | Izabell | Dais

Demon Kings
Camael | Zafkiel | Nehemah | Zadkiel | Eden | Demon King | Kerubiel | Gabriel

Unknown Race
Asanagi Kyutoku | Mahiru Ookuni | Yuunami Airi | Yaegaki Aoi

Dorfa Corporation
Four Heavenly Czars of Dorfa
President Hanagata | Zenke | Marianna | Apollonius | Paiga | Bernard | Zagi | Seguro | Vivia | Della | Sanguina

Septerion Club
Junown | Chiaki | Noei | Pappin

Animal Abusers | Hotshot TV Producer | Kidnappers | Rapists | The Dark Guardian | White Guardian | Red Guardian | Ashcroft Assembly | Demon King | DEM Industry Alpha Team of Japan Branch | Demon Yamai | Kyouno ■■
