Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia
Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia

This information was added based on the Global version of the game. It requires verification for the Japanese version, which is a sitewide work in progress.

6★ Tear of Antarctica

Tear of Antarctica

Greatsword Icon Greatsword Tear of Antarctica
style="vertical-align:middle;" Ice Stat release: Level 50
HP: 2498 ATK: 2609 MATK: 1279 DEF: 1294 MDEF: 277 PhysicalGuard 22%
Askill Tear Freeze ティアーズフリーズ Ice x3
Freeze all that lives. Deals a massive amount of physical damage to all enemies and inflicts frozen.
Eskill Silver ASAssist:Ice ASアシスト:氷
For 1 turn, increase user's Ice Action Skill damage by 4%. Can only be used twice per battle.
Sskill Ice Enhancement (Large) 氷属性強化(大)
Ice Damage Up
Fskill Free Skill  Slot/s: 1
The 8th Valhalla Assaut Step Up Divine Weapon
The 8th Valhalla Assault Contribution Rewards
Can be evolved to LE Tear of Antarctica

*All stats are for max limit broken and max leveled weapon (without any tempering).

 Imbued Bonus[]

  • During The 8th Valhalla Assault event it gives gets +250% Contribution Points and +50% Contribution Points per Limit Break in this weapon on every drop.
  • Damage +100% during The 8th Valhalla Assault event as main weapon or 50% as sub weapon.


  • This is an reward weapon for Valhalla Defense 6 on JP and a event weapon for The 8th Valhalla Assault on GL. It deals extra damage to event monsters and boosts event points gained. It was also considerably buffed for Global.
  • This weapon was modified on the global server. On the Japanese server, it doesn't evolve and has weaker stats.