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María Conchita Alonso

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María Conchita Alonso
Tavalludi 29-yanvar 1955-yil (1955-01-29) (70 yosh)
Janrlar pop, pop-rok
Kasbi qoʻshiqchi, aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1978-yildan
Fuqaroligi Kuba bayrogʻi Kuba Venesuela bayrogʻi Venesuela AQSH bayrogʻi AQSh

Maria Conchita Alonso (talaffuzi: Mariya Konchita Alonso, hozirgi ismi María Concepción Alonso Bustillo (talaffuzi: Mariya Konsepson Alonso Bustilo), 1957-yil 29-iyun, Cienfuegos, Kuba) – amerikalik aktrisa va qoʻshiqchi[1].

Maria 1957-yil 29-iyunda Kubaning Cienfuegos shahrida dunyoga kelgan[1]. 1962-yilda besh yoshga toʻlganida, uning ota-onasi Ricardo Alonso va Conchita Bustillo Venesuelaga koʻchib ketishgan.

Maria 1971-yilda „Miss Teenager World“ tanlovida gʻalaba qozonib, shou-biznesga kirib keladi. 1975-yilda esa „Dunyo goʻzali“ tanlovida 5-oʻrinni egallaydi[2][3]. Shundan soʻng Mariya top modelga aylandi va Venesuelada aktrisa hamda xonanda sifatida shuhrat qozonadi.

Musiqa va kinodagi faoliyati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1979-yilda qoʻshiqchi „Love Maniac“ nomli albomini chiqardi. Bu albom „oltin“ maqomiga erishdi va xuddi shu nomdagi qoʻshiq musiqa chartllari reytingida birinchi oʻrinni egalladi. Shundan soʻng „The Witch“ va „Dangerous Rhythm“ nomli albomlar chiqardi. Ispan tilida soʻzlashuvchi aholi orasida uning „Vamos a Bailar“ qoʻshigʻi eng mashhuri boʻlgan. Bu qoʻshiqni taniqli musiqachi Giorgio Moroder „Scarface“ filmiga saundtrek sifatida ishlatgan.

Mariani „Maria Conchita“ albomi haqiqiy yulduzga aylantirdi va Maria 1985-yilda „Eng yaxshi lotin amerikalik qoʻshiqchi“ sifatida „Grammy“ mukofotiga nomzod boʻldi[4]. Shundan soʻng, Mariya Gollivudda ilk rolini „Moscow on the Hudson“ filmida Robin Uilyams bilan birga ijro etgan. Keyinchalik qoʻshiqchi Arnold Schwarzenegger bilan „The Running Man“, Kevin Peter Hall bilan „Predator 2“, Meryl Streep hamda Glenn Close bilan „The House of the Spirits“ kabi mashhur filmlarda birga rol ijro etgan.

Keyinchalik Maria Nicolas Cage bilan „Vampire's Kiss“ filmida, Sean Penn bilan esa „Colors“ filmida rol ijro etdi hamda 1995-yilda Brodveyda sahnalashtirilgan „Kiss of the Spider Woman“ musiqali spektaklida bosh rolni oʻynadi.

Ijtimoiy faoliyati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Maria xayriya tashkilotlari uchun mablagʻ yigʻish ishlarida faol qatnashadi. Qoʻshiqchi Venesuela prezidenti Ugo Chavesni diktator deb hisoblab, uning qatʼiy muxolifiga aylangan. 2008-yilda Alonso Jon Makkeynning saylov oldi kampaniyasida ishtirok etgan[5].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Film nomi Rol
1978 Savana – Sesso e diamanti Margaret Johnson
1979 Solon
Estefanía Silvana Cataldo
Mabel Valdez, periodista
1980 Natalia de 8 a 9 Mariana Brito
1980 Mi hijo Gabriel
1980 El Esposo de Anaís
1980 Claudia Claudia
1981 Marielena Marielena
1981 Angelito
1981 Luz Marina Luz Marina
1982 Fantasy Island French Girl
1982 Knight Rider Marie Elena Casafranca
1983 Nacho Herself
1984 Moscow on the Hudson Lucia Lombardo
1984 Fear City Silver
1986 A Fine Mess Claudia Pazzo
1986 Touch and Go Denise DeLeon
1987 Il cugino americano Caterina Ammirati
1987 Extreme Prejudice Sarita Cisneros
1987 The Running Man Amber Mendez
1988 Con el Corazón en la Mano
1988 Colors Louisa Gomez
1989 One of the Boys Maria Conchita Navarro
1989 Vampire's Kiss Alva Restrepo
1990 Predator 2 Leona Cantrell
1991 Sesame Street Herself
1991 Cuerpos clandestinos (TV) Claudia
1991 McBain Christina
1992 Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story (TV) Carmen
1993 Roosters Chata
1993 The House of the Spirits Tránsito Soto
1994 Alejandra Alejandra Martínez
1994 Texas (TV) Lucia
1994 MacShayne: The Final Roll of the Dice (TV) Cindy Evans
1996 Caught Betty
1996 For Which He Stands Theresa Rochetti
1996 Sudden Terror: The Hijacking of School Bus #17 Marta Caldwell
1997 Women: Stories of Passion Sophia
1997 Chicago Hope Emma Scull
1997 Robert Altman's Gun Marti
1997 Catherine's Grove Charley Vasquez
1997 F/X: The Series Elena Serrano
1997 Acts of Betrayal Eva Ramirez
1998 Exposé Nancy Drake
1998 Blackheart Annette
1998 The Nanny Concepcion Sheffield
1998 The Outer Limits Marie Alexander
1998 El Grito en el cielo Miranda Vega
1998 My Husband's Secret Life (TV) Toni Diaz
1999 Touched by an Angel Dr. Sandra Pena
1999 Dillinger in Paradise Lola
2000 Chain of Command Vice President Gloria Valdez
2000 Amantes de luna llena
2000 Knockout Carmen Alvarado
2000 A Vision of Murder: The Story of Donielle (TV) Gloria
2000 Best Actress (TV) Maria Katarina Caldone
2000 High Noon (TV) Helen Ramirez
2000 Twice in a Lifetime Kat Lopez
2000 The Princess & the Barrio Boy (TV) Minerva Rojas
2001 The Code conspiracy Rachel
2001 Resurrection Blvd. Julia Hernandez
2001 Birth of Babylon Lupe Velez
2002 Blind Heat Adrianna Scott
2002 Robbery Homicide Division Claudia
2003 The Company You Keep Vera
2003 Kingpin Ariela
2003 Heart of America Mrs. Jones
2003 Chasing Papi Maria
2003 Newton's Law
2004 CSI: Miami Marisela Gonzalez
2005 English as a Second Language Consuelo Sara
2005 La Academia USA Judge
2005 Smoke Aurora Avila
2006 Desperate Housewives Lucía Márquez
2006 Material Girls Inez
2007 The Dead One Sister Rosa
2007 The Condor (V) Mrs. Valdez (voice)
2007 Saints & Sinners Diana Martin
2008 Richard III Queen Elizabeth
2008 Tranced Libra
2008 The Art of Travel Mrs. Layne
2008 The Red Canvas Maria Sanchez
2008 Two Minutes Of Hate
2008 Unauthorized Clifford
2009 Maneater (miniseries) Alejandra Alpert
2009 Dark Moon Rising Sheriff Sam.
2009 Spread Ingrid
2011 Without Men Lucrecia
2012 Lords of Salem Alice Matthias
2014 Return to Babylon Lupe Vélez
2016 November Rule Ms Luisa
2017 Kill 'Em All Agent Sanders
2018 Off the Menu Cordelia Torres
2018 El señor de los cielos Nora Requena
2019 ¡He matado a mi marido! Remedios
2019 The I-Land Mrs. Chase
2019 Into the Dark Bea
2021 Take Me to Tarzana Juanita
2024 Kill 'Em All 2 Agent Sanders

Musiqaviy albomlari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Nomi Hot Latin Songs Albom
1987 "Suéltame" 22 Grandes Éxitos
1987 "Otra Mentira Más" 24 Mírame
1988 "Y Es Que Llegaste Tú" 5
1990 "Hazme Sentir" 24 Hazme Sentir
1991 "A Él Lo Quiero" 35
1993 "Promesas" 20 Imagíname
2019 "Ya No Más" ¡He matado a mi marido! - Soundtrack
2020 "Llename De Ti" "Llename De Ti" single
  1. 1,0 1,1 „Cakewatch: Celebrity birthdays“. Los Angeles Times. 2019-yil 17-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2019-yil 17-aprel.
  2. „Alonso, María Conchita“. Cubans in America. The Cuban Studies Institute. Qaraldi: 2024-yil 15-aprel.
  3. „Title winner“ (1975-yil 21-noyabr), s. A-3. Qaraldi: 2024-yil 15-aprel.
  4. „Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences nominees for Grammy ...“. United Press International (1985-yil 10-yanvar). Qaraldi: 2015-yil 17-iyul.
  5. Press office. Maria Conchita Alonso Endorses John McCain (Wayback Machine saytida December 1, 2008, sanasida arxivlangan) JohnMcCain.com, October 31, 2008.