The Imit-Ultraman Joneus was an android Ultra People created by an Alien Gilo group for the Heller Empire's use.
Subtitle: Ultraman X
Under the promise that they would be rewarded 1/3 of Earth for their success, the Alien Gilo group created the Imit-Joneus to stage a mock fight with Gilos. One of these occasions were a countryside which the Science Guard Party investigated. The impostor's appearance shocked Hikari as he initially believed that the previous "Ultraman" sighting were either Elek or Loto. Those fights were actually a ruse to distract the attack team while Alien Gilo were investigating an unused cavern and at the same time testing their Ultraman android's capabilities.
As Gilos attacked the city, Imit-Joneus arrived and chase it off in a staged battle. Not long after, the impostor was again unleashed on Gilos. As planned, the tornado Kaiju retreated while the false warrior attacked the Ultria ship off-guard. Choichiro Hikari managed to call forth Ultraman Joneus and the battle between the Ultras began.
The hero fought his doppelganger, both of them blasting each other and smashing one another with titanic blows. As Gilos circled overhead, they both began to fire their Planium Beams. The beam war raged on, each one unable to get the upper hand on the other. After almost a minute, Joneus pulled through and his beam ripped through the impostor. Imit-Joneus was blasted apart, its body vaporizing in a gigantic explosion that ripped through its entire being.
- Prior to its destruction, the red on Imit-Joneus turned blue, probably a discoloration from the real one's Planium Beam.
- In the American DVD jacket, the Imit-Joneus was named as "Ultraman X". The 2013 All Monster Photobook took notice and included it as Imit-Joneus' subtitle.
- Stats
- Height: 70 m
- Weight: 55,000 t
- Powers and Weapons
- Flight: Thanks to his technology, Imit-Joneus can fly under his own power like the real one.
- Hand Beam: A beam fired from Imit-Joneus' hands.
- Planium X Beam : Despite being a robotic imitation, Imit-Joneus can fire the Planium Beam thanks to the technology in his arm, however his version was weaker than the genuine article.
The☆Ultraman Kaiju | |
Pigu | Monkey | Seagra | Spiral | Wanigodon | Red Smogy | Tough Gillan | Tough Gillas | Tough Gillaco and Tough Gillao | Fire Badon | Combugon | Robot No.101 | Alien Baltan | Mikonos | Dolfiego | Xalome | Hectore | Liquid Monster | Opt | Garadoras | Xyclon | Gellon | Gadon | Goglan | King Moa | Badan | Islanda | Spirit Parasite | Gerada | Janyur | Bedran | Bader Group | Bagon | Janyur III | Zaanmoth | Zanba | Dragodos | Death Balan | Gibaaroga | Red King | Aboras | Banila | Arstron | Ghostron | Gokinezura | Alien Baladon | Dabaran | Alien Jadan | Jagon | Skeldon | Garbados | Megasaura | Alien Babilar | Gamiba | Inbedian | Goadarion | Jinario | Groteng | Plazoon | Agujon | Deathpower | Zuma | Gurol | Putgolia | Iddunus | Darantulas | Noa | Heller | Roygar | Heller's Soldiers | Gumons | Hell Cat | Orolan | Gilos | Alien Gilo | Imit-Ultraman Joneus | Hatari | Dostony | Spader | Caperadon | Alien Scien | Golding | Gedon | Hella Umaya | Panther | Mac Datar |