This may not be the article you are looking for. For other uses, see Tiga.
Tiga is the Another Genesis counterpart of Ultraman Tiga.
Ultraman: Another Genesis[]
A giant warrior of unknown origins, he bares great resemblance to the Giants from the Kingdom of Light and is presumably one of them. Tiga was a servant of Mirror Master, an evil giant who commanded Tiga to kill untold numbers of innocents. For untold years he served his master loyally until he encountered two giants, Luna and Corona, who offered him power from of them. Unlike his master, he chose the Light of Reason and Luna bestowed him his power. With Luna's power in him it awakened Tiga's morality and showed him the evil of his ways. He resolved to fight his master but in the midst of their conflict was dragged into a prison of darkness by a replica of his past self, who was summoned by Mirror Master himself via his Dark Powers. His fate is unknown but he presumably still resides there.
- Ultra Powers: Tiga presumably had the standard powers of giants from the Kindom of Light (Although his origins are unknown).
- Strength: Before turning to good, Tiga worked for Mirror Master as a destroyer, implying he has some form of offensive abilities.
- Flight: Tiga can fly across space by himself.
- Outer Space Adaption: Tiga can survive in the cold of space
- Power of Luna: Tiga received the Light of Reason, although it caused no physical change.
- Different from the other Another Genesis characters, Tiga shares a very similar design to his main reality version.
- Also, Tiga didn't receive any physical changes after inheriting Luna's light since his default appearance is also how he looked like in the past. His change was only mentally as Tiga had finally redeemed himself from his villainy.
- Of all the Giants, save Blast, Tiga is the only one whose home planet is unknown.