
SpiritsWP (霊, Rei?) are spiritual bodies used by the Planet as a sense of touch, and anything that interferes with them is considered a contradiction. There are several types of Spirits, and despite the fact that they can be found everywhere, only those humans who possess a spiritual affinity can perceive them.

Spirits are generally harmless to people, but those of the Elemental class are of such a dimension that they can interact with people by taking a physical form. Presently, science cannot interfere with Spiritual Bodies and modern magecraft cannot reproduce Mysteries of such scale.


There are many Spirits born from human folklore and human traditions due to humans being able to "engrave" a Thaumaturgical System (魔術系統, Majutsu Keitō?) upon the World ─ a body of preestablished rules, fomented per the faith of the populace. If the topic of a Mystery is believed to "exist", the World permits its existence. Definite affirmation of said belief is not required, so even though the majority of modern humans reject the existence of ghosts, modern science cannot outright demonstrate that they do not exist, and, thus, within the unconscious, there lurks the vague suspicion that "they might indeed exist." This sort of "suspicion" falls under the category of "faith." "Ignorance" is the force that opposes "faith". If the existence of ghosts is itself utterly unknown, faith cannot foment. Elementals are the exception to the rule as they don't need human "faith" in order to exist. This engraving creates a Spiritual Foundation (霊基, Reiki?, localized as "Spirit Origin"), or Saint Graph (セイントグラフ, Seinto Gurafu?) and acts as the foundation for a Spirit's existence.

Beings without physical form have a Spiritual Body (霊体, Reitai?), that with spiritual properties where a shape is constructed without components with physical properties. Differing from a Material Body, that which is identical in structure to flesh bodies, that cannot walk through walls and becomes injured when beaten, Spiritual Bodies are capable of completely disregarding such physical interference. Without conceptual[1] or magical properties, those with a Spiritual Body cannot be harmed with a baton or sword, and such attempts will only hit empty space. Those that can switch between both properties, such as Servants, have advantages and disadvantages in both states.[2] While their material bodies may bleed and take damage to their organs, their true being resides in a Spiritual Core (霊核, Reikaku?) they obtain upon first materializing. The Spiritual Core is described as "their center, their heart, their CPU" that dictates their every function.[3]


Divine Spirit[]

Main article: Divine Spirit

Heroic Spirit[]

Main article: Heroic Spirit


An Elemental (精霊, Seirei?) is a general category for a variety of Spiritual Bodies (霊体, Reitai?). It is a class of Mystery whose foundations can't be replicated by magecraft, and a rare number of Phantasmal Species were capable of advancing to becoming Elementals.

There are a few types of Elementals: Nature Spirits, Animal Spirits, and the artificially created Guardian Spirits. Lower class Spirits such as Wraiths and Apparitions are not included in this category. Most of these Spirits do not take the shape of a human.

Despite being a general category for all sorts of Spirits, the term "Elemental" usually refers to Nature Spirits when used by itself. In this case, the Elementals here acts as part of the Counter Force and exists as the sense of touch for the Planet. Great Mother/Father-class Fairies such as Morgan le Fay/Vivian, Lugh Beowulf, the True Ancestors, Viy, Tengu such as Kiichi Hougen, Zhenren such as Consort Yu, Divine Spirits (a weakened state of Gods) and other mediators of nature are first and foremost Elementals before being part of any other category.

Elementals are "power" granted form using human imagination as a container and they don't need human "faith" in order to exist. Still, even if their shape turns out to be close to that of humans, their values and logic are still unlike those of humans. Fairies that grow to a scale that can be perceived by humans become Elementals. True Ancestors, who are classified as a type of Greater Fairy, fall into the category of an Elemental. Incarnated Elementals like Hinako Akuta are even capable of "dying" and being recorded into the Throne of Heroes, as they can choose how they wish to incarnate themselves.

The mediators of nature are capable of using Marble Phantasm[4] and just like Daemons,[5] use Reality Marbles.[6]

Nature Spirits[]

Nature Spirits (自然霊, Shizenrei?) is, as the name states, a Spirit born from elements of nature such as plants, soil, gemstones, natural phenomena, etc. Ores and jewels that have been beneath the surface for an extended period of time generally carry powerful Nature Spirits. These Spiritual Bodies are formed by the will of the planet earth and they gain energy from nature itself.

Only those Nature Spirits, who are wanted by the Planet as a defense against the resource-plundering actions of humans, can receive a body made out of flesh from the Planet. These supernatural entities are known as the Transcendent Kind, one known member of this category are the True Ancestors who are said to be Planet-class Spirits, a rank higher than Divine Spirits.[7]



One of the Queen of Sheba's Djinn.

Djinn (霊鬼(ジン), Jin?) are a broad category of being that includes Elementals, holy spiritsWP, and Solomon's Demon Gods.[8][9]

One of the Hassan-i-Sabbah had the Zabaniya Unfeeling Patrolling Spirits which allowed them to summon many Djinn to attack the enemy. These Djinn took on numerous shapes such as massive beasts, great serpents, beautiful women, and giants.[9] Hassan of the Cursed Arm's Protection from Wind is a prayer to God to ward off wind Djinn, who are said to create typhoons.[10]

The Queen of Sheba is a half-blood between a male human and a female Djinn, and inherited her future sight from her Djinn heritage.[8] Her three familiars named Achat, Shtayim, and Shalosh are also types of Djinn.[11]

Animal Spirits[]

Animal Spirits (動物霊, Dōbutsurei?) are the Spirits of dead animals. Differently, as by the souls of dead humans, who are generally formless existences, animals retain their form from their former lives. But they are, just as Human Spirits, able to consume the Souls and minds of people and convert them into Magical Energy. The basic abilities they had from the time when they were alive still remain, but they don't change from such nourishment, as they only become tougher as their magical energy capacity increases.

Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia's Mystic Code Bronze-Link Manipulators are possessed by four Animal (dog) Spirits.

Kitsune and Inukami[]

KitsuneWP and InukamiWP (狐、犬神, Kitsune, Inukami?) js the traditional nine-tailed fox and dog Spirits of Japanese folklore, they are attributed of being the source of people’s insanity by possessing them. Also, in cases where a possession causes the emergence of multiple personalities due to the host surrendering his rights of ego, the resulting alternate persona is said to be these Spirits themselves accordingly with Japanese beliefs.

They are also able to give a host their abilities[12] and are therefore used as familiars in Beast Magecraft. However, unlike the nonsensical accidents that are the Western Daemon Possessions, there is a definite reason and "will to curse" behind the cases of possession that are brought about by these spirits.

Neco Spirit[]

Main article: Neco Spirit

Guardian Spirit[]

Guardian Spirit (守護精霊, Shugo Seirei?) is a classification of Spirit that comes from the result of merging an Animal Spirit or Nature Spirit with a human Soul. It is not something that happens naturally, but rather is something that is made by the hands of men in order to give human values to something that is not human. The Spirits of humans are of a much lower rank, than Nature Spirits or Animal Spirits and are thus absorbed in, but as a result, it acquires knowledge as a human, and gradually acquires a human's value. These Spirits must be bound to objects or to places in order for them to stay in this world. It also takes quite some time for the human Spirit to gain control of themselves as well as to gain their own spirtual body.

In order to materialize themselves, they require a supply of magical energy beyond that of most people. Guardian Spirits cannot be observed in spirit form by anyone, except for the master they are connected with. They can talk with each other and the Guardian Spirit can go scouting, by flying in their spiritual form.

The best examples for Guardian Spirits are Nanako[13] who inhabits the Seventh Holy Scripture (Remake)[14][15] from the Church and the Argon Coin[16] possessed by Medea.

The Guardian Spirits are considered to be below other types of Elemental, but have the potential to become Holy Spirits (聖霊, Seirei?). These Holy Spirits can possess Mystic Eyes, which are designated as Jewel under the Noble Colors System. They surpass the Gold-ranked Mystic Eyes of the Dead Apostles and are exclusively possessed by Holy Spirits and Magical Beasts from the Age of Gods.

Lower-class Spirits[]

Lower-class Spirits (下級霊, Kakyūrei?) are vague, generally formless existences that can only acquire a definite identity by "possessing" an image.


Fuyou Apparitions

Apparitions of the Fujou Building.

Apparition (浮遊霊, Fuyūrei?), also referred to as Leftover Thoughts (残留思念, Zanryū Shinen?), are fragments of an already departed Soul wander without a will and filled with nothing but the most primitive drive to live, which can group together to form a whole until they become a Wraith.[17]

They can also be the projection of someone’s past records which were stored in the surroundings and walk around as illusions, preserved by their shared memories with the only ones who can see them, namely their parents and friends. The traditional ghosts in the popular sense of the world, generally harmless as almost nobody can perceive them.[18]

Technically, the Apparitions can still interact and even attempt to possess those with spiritual abilities, as they look for a body to inhabit, but if their target has enough willpower they won’t be able to take over. Magi who make a living out of talking to ghosts protect their egos with a shell, so it's very rare for them to be taken down by them. Apparitions are frequent in hospitals.[17]

Examples include the Spirits of the Fujou Building, the False Fairies controlled by Misaya Ouji, and Len were made out of these kind of Spirits.


Wraith 2


Wraith (亡霊, Bōrei?), also referred to as Ghosts (幽霊, Yūrei?)[19] or Human Spirits, are souls of dead people that remain attached to this world due to past grudges, regrets and other sorts of unfinished business that they had during life. As such, they tend to haunt places, items or people that are related to their unfinished business. Areas filled with grudges and remnants of strong regrets are like Reality Marbles to spirits.[20]

Normally, direct physical intereference on the part of these Ghosts are low. As Spiritual Bodies they usually have to act through some sort of medium, by putting it under its domination, in order to conduct interference. In Kara no Kyoukai, a Wraith possesses a dead corpse in order to claim the body of Shiki Ryougi.[21] Zouken Matou is a powerful Magus who uses a species of magical worms that can combine themselves to take a human form. This human form allows him to interfere with the physical world as it binds his soul, on this plane of existence. However, as they are no longer something that belongs to this world, their existence is something that degrades with time and they are bound to disappear eventually.

But as they are Human Spirits they are able to consume the souls and minds of people and convert them into energy. The basic abilities they had from the time when they where alive still remain but they don't change from such nourishment, as they only become tougher as their magical energy capacity increases. Some people close to becoming Heroic Spirits are Wraiths, and some Wraiths also share characteristics with legends that allow them to be called when there is no existing hero.[22]

The figure of a Wraith wouldn't be reflected on a mirror, unlike living humans.[23]

The Dead Apostle Ancestor (Remake) Stanrobe Calhin is referred to as the First Wraith, a disembodied soul who will not dissipate for at least another two hundred years.[24]

In the World of Fate/EX, there exists the special circumstances of the SE.RA.PH, an artificial environment located within the Moon Cell. SE.RA.PH is a world where souls are transformed into information. On Earth, one cannot live without "Mind" or "Soul". However GHOSTS can survive in SE.RA.PH as Cyber Ghosts (サイバーゴースト, Saibā Gōsuto?). They are records reproduced of their last moments before dying. The regret etched in them won't go anywhere.[25][26] They are beings without bodies, wandering to seek life.


Evil Spirit[]

Not much is known about the nature of Evil Spirits (悪霊, Akuryō?), but they are known to be weak against exorcism.

  • David has been known for performing with a harp in front of SaulWP, the King of Israel to exorcise him from an Evil Spirit.[27]
  • Gazamy the Spook was locked away in the bottom of London Tower,[28] but he escaped somewhen at the end of the 20th century.
  • Jack the Ripper as the Assassin-class Servant is a special type of Heroic Spirit, they are an amalgamation of Evil Spirits, children who were aborted by the many prostitutes who lived in White Chapel, London.[29]
  • Tamamo-no-Mae as an Evil Spirit, will undergo a transformation into a large monster that can defeat even 100 Heroes.[30][31][32]
  • The forest of the Einzbern Castle is haunted with Evil Spirits as one of its many defences.[33]
  • Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald used some ten-odd Evil Spirits and Apparitions as guard dogs at his Magical Workshop.[34]
  • Waver Velvet causes an explosion on the dig site of the Magus Barzan, disrupting the local Ley Line and unleashing Evil Spirits to decimate the excavation workers and Barzan himself.[35]
  • Erice Utsumi has her body inhabited by a number of Evil Spirits known as Dread Spirits. Erice describes them as the souls of the dead, steeped in hatred and loathing. Nothing more or less than evil in its purest form, misbegotten creatures that the Throne of Heroes spat upon.[3]
    • Black Marie is one of Erice's Dread Spirits taking the form of Marie Antoinette in response to Erice's connection to Louis XVII. While the Spirits within Erice mock her by saying it's nothing like how the real Marie would be in such a form, the real Marie says the form of Black Marie is accurate, even replicating her mourning dress from her life.[36]
  • The third component of Ashiya Douman is the vengeful spirit of Heian Japan, the Evil Spirit Left Minister.
  • Kukochihiko was a sorcerer that tried to conquer Yamatai-koku after usurping his own kingdom. He resembles a red dog skeleton with long hair and a sword through its skull he uses a spell that controls Evil Spirits born from resentment.
  • Ushi-Gozen
  • Itsumade



Main article: Ghost

Terror Ghost[]

Main article: Terror Ghost

Ancient Ghost[]

Main article: Ancient Ghost

Mourning Ghost[]

Main article: Mourning Ghost

Steam Ghost[]

Main article: Steam Ghost


Main article: Scarecrow

Metal Scarecrow[]

Main article: Metal Scarecrow

Gallû Spirit[]

Main article: Gallû Spirit

Desert Ghost[]

Main article: Desert Ghost

Giant Ghost[]

Main article: Giant Ghost
Giant Ghost Portrait

Giant Ghost in Fate/Grand Order.

Giant Ghost (巨大ゴースト, Kyodai Gōsuto?) also known as Huge Ghost (ヒュージゴースト?) are demonic undeads that first appeared in the The Garden of Sinners/The Garden of Order event in Fate/Grand Order.


Main article: Enigma
Enigma Sprite

Enigma in Fate/Grand Order.

Enigma (エニグマ?) are undeads that appears in the Shinjuku Subcategory Singularity in Fate/Grand Order.

Huge Steam Ghost[]

Main article: Huge Steam Ghost
Huge Steam Ghost

Huge Steam Ghost in Fate/Grand Order.

Huge Steam Ghost (ヒュージスチームゴースト?) are demonic undeads that appears in the Patchwork London Singularity in Fate/Grand Order.


Lynchpin Maid Otsugi

Otsugi in Fate/Grand Order.

Otsugi (御次?) are female demonic undeads that appears in the Edo Singularity in Fate/Grand Order.

Great Vengeful Spirit Xu Fu[]

Great Vengeful Spirit Xu Fu Sprite

Huge Steam Ghost in Fate/Grand Order.

Great Vengeful Spirit Xu Fu (大怨霊徐福?) are female demonic undeads that appears in the Servant Summer Camp 2020 in Fate/Grand Order.


  1. [v] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Conceptual Weapon [Term], p.058

    Conceptual Weapon [Term]
    A weapon created to go beyond mere physical interference, and exert influence on concepts, natural providence, and space.
    For instance, something that nullifies "eternal youth" by overwriting it with the idea of "natural lifespan".
    Ciel's Seventh Holy Scripture contains the dual concepts of "reincarnation criticism" and "eternity without permanence".
    By the way, after being killed by Shiki, Arcueid had at first mistakenly assumed that he must possess some kind of powerful conceptual armament.


  2. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Spiritual Body and Material Body, p.018

    Spiritual Body and Material Body
    “Spiritual Body” is a word that describes an existence with spiritual properties. In other words, a shape is constructed without relying on components with physical properties. On the other hand, “Material Body” means something that is identical in structure as our flesh bodies. A Material Body, just like us, cannot walk through walls, and will hurt and become wounded when beaten with an iron baton. However, a Spirit Body is capable of completely disregarding such physical interference. Attacking a Spiritual Body with a baton or sword (unless they are magical items) will only hit empty space.
    When Servants materialise, they acquire Material Bodies in this world. They can also switch to Spiritual Bodies through their will. Spiritual Bodies have the advantages such as low mana consumption, and difficult to be detected by enemies. One of the properties of a Spiritual Body is that it is unaffected by physical interference, but conversely it is difficult for a Spiritual Body to affect a Material Body. As a result, Servants Materialise when engaging in combat.


    Although both are Material Bodies, the composition of Servants and Humans are drastically different. Naturally, it is impossible to transplant a portion of a Servant’s Material Body to a human. However, Emiya Shirou was able to successfully transplant Archer’s left arm to replace his own lost left arm. How is this possible? It is because Shirou and Archer – Heroic Spirit Emiya are the same person.

  3. 3.0 3.1 Fate/Requiem Volume 1: The Boy Among the Stars - Chapter 5
  4. [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Marble Phantasm [Unusual talent], p.178

    Marble Phantasm [Unusual talent]
    Imagination Realization. As the name suggests, it is the ability to manifest anything you can imagine.
    It is the ability possessed by elementals, which are the sense of touch of the natural world. By connecting their will directly to the world, they are able to transfigure the world into whatever environment they imagine. Of course, the level of manifestation varies depending on the scale of the elemental, and it goes without saying that only nature can be transfigured – things that exist independently of nature are immune.
    In Tsukihime, Arcueid eliminated Roa by using marble phantasm to turn the layers of the atmosphere in the hallway into a vacuum, like a carving knife slicing up a daikon radish. Though she could not affect Roa himself, it was impossible for him to avoid the finely sliced atmosphere, and he was reduced to nothing but ankles.
    (The gap above the floor was the result of a deficiency in Arcueid's imagination.)
    Also, in the world of Tsukihime spiritual realms are not alternate dimensions, but rather exist within the world itself. Things like legendary lands and countries of eternal spring are the products of the imagination of whatever elemental rules over them. Consequently, it is possible for humans to wander into them by accident.
    The castle in the mountains that Arcueid calls home is actually a product of her marble phantasm.


  5. [v] Jonnobi: Demon

    Demon (Terminology) The 6th Imaginary Aspect. Existences born of the wishes of humans, passively (受動的な, shuudou-teki-na?, lit. "as acted upon") called forth by human desire. Manifest phantasms (実像幻想, jitsuzou gensou?) that take form via the aggregation of ideation (想念, sounen?, lit. "thoughts"). For materialization (実体化, kittaika?, lit. "manifestation to material") to occur, "a form fabricated by humans" is necessary. Not True Demons, but existences that obtain being by the imposition of a Designation (個体名, kotai-mei?, lit. "unit designation").
    As Demons attain true freedom upon receiving a Designation, it is a general rule that the naming of Demons is not an act to lightly engage within.
    Temporarily setting aside the outcomes of engaging with such, Demons may be assessed as allies of humanity, who exist so as to empathize with and resolve the sufferings of humanity.


  6. [v] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Reality Marble [Unusual talent], p.056

    Reality Marble [Unusual talent]
    Intrinsic Field. Originally referred to the alien common sense possessed by the beings called devils, but now also includes the unique boundary fields possessed by many people.
    A subset of marble phantasm, it erodes reality and gives form to the user's imagined world. It is the sorcery closest to magic, and a forbidden art within the Association.


  7. [v] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/EXTRA - Characters - Gatou Monji & Berserker, p.254

    Gatou Monji & Berserker
    Gatou Monji is an strange Master that worships Berserker as a God. He is a man that carries various religions so his speech can't be understood. Berserker was originally an spirit from the Earth called "True Ancestor" but, due to Gatou's misconceptions that say "she = God" her status downgraded from Planet to God, making her unable to properly display her abilities. During battle her Noble Phantasm uses gravity as means of attack, causing great damage.

    臥藤門司 & バーサーカー
    臥藤門司はバーサーカーを神と崇める変人マスター。彼は様々な宗教観を持つ人物で、話が通じない。バーサー カーは本来"真祖"という地球の精霊だが、臥藤の"彼女=神"という勘違いにより星から神へと格を貶められ 、能力を上手く発揮できない。戦闘では重力で攻撃する宝具を使い、大ダメージを発生させる。

  8. 8.0 8.1 Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Salem: Forbidden Advent Garden - Section 5: Fourth Knot
  9. 9.0 9.1 Fate/strange Fake Volume 5 - Interlude: "Mercenary, Assassin, Vampire I"
  10. [v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: True Assassin, p.032-033 [T]

    Hassan-i Sabbah
    Class: Assassin
    Master: Matou Zouken
    Alignment: Lawfully Evil
    Sex: Male
    Height: 215cm
    Weight: 62kg
    Armament: dirk

    STR: B
    CON: C
    AGI: A
    MGI: C
    LCK: E
    Noble Phantasm: C

    The legend of the "Old Man of the Mountain" appeared even in The Travels of Marco Polo. He was the head of an order of assassins who sought out promising young candidates and recruited them with promises of food, drink, and women, in exchange for assassinating important figures.
    This legend had its origins in the 11th century. It originated with Nizari subbranch of Ismāʿīlism, a branch of Shia Islam. They were known as a radical sect. The progenitor of the Nizari was Hassan-i Sabbāh himself. Hassan, who had deep connections to the fallen Fatimid Caliphate, opposed the great Seljuq dynasty, repeatedly assaulting it with war and assassination. The tales of the "assassin order" in later centuries were based on this historical truth.
    In the world of Fate/stay night, the name Hassan-i Sabbāh was a title among the Nizari people, whose heir would remove his or her nose and skin to become a faceless person. It is believed that the origin of the term "assassin" is either Hassan's name, or the hashish that he used as a brainwashing drug. Hassan's summoning catalyst is the Assassin class itself. For this reason, a properly summoned Assassin will always manifest as Hassan-i Sabbāh.

    Hassan appears only a few times in the story. Normally, he moves stealthily, collecting intelligence per the orders of his Master, Matou Zouken. Hassan only shows himself when it is time to kill an enemy.
    Hassan himself not a strong Servant. He displays his combat strength through surprise attacks, and is ill-suited to frontal assaults. Thus, Hassan waits for opportunities to arise with an invariable/absolute/certain chance of killing the target. There is no need for him to pursue the superhuman Servants. Instead, he waits for the perfect chance to get close to a Master, whom he can easily defeat...

    Class Abilities
    Presence Concealment: A+
    The greatest weapon of the Assassin class is Presence Containment. When this power is activated, it is possible to completely cut off one's presence. When Hassan is so concealed, it is impossible even for a Servant to sense his presence. One would not be able to tell if Hassan was approaching, if he had already left the area, or if he had even been there in the first place... Thus, Hassan is able to gather intelligence with impunity. Security systems of any kind are meaningless before him.
    Also, Hassan-i Sabbāh is a being created from the nineteen people that inherited the name. When Assassin is summoned, one of those nineteen individuals will appear. Naturally, Assassin's abilities and Noble Phantasms change depending on which Hassan is summoned. However, the excellent Presence Containment skill is a class ability, so it is shared by all Assassins. As described above, each Hassan has removed his or her nose and skin to create a faceless appearance, which carries the significance of being "nobody." It is hypothesized that the anonymity of being "nobody," the elimination of the self, also influences Presence Containment's ability to "hide oneself." Incidentally, the nineteen Hassans each have unique personalities, so the reader should take care to remember that they are not emotionless fighting machines.
    Each of the "Hassans" are not quite Heroic Spirits, but rather mere wraiths (Heroic Spirits are heroes that have left their names in history, and assassins have no names). In comparison to the other Servants, Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the discussion changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to obtain a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Containment, and vigilantly await another opportunity. As a matter of fact, even the formidable Cu Chulainn was easily defeated when he faced Hassan.
    Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Containment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.

    Personal Skills
    Projectile (Daggers): B
    Hassan's main mode of attack is to throw dirks, a type of dagger that originated in Scotland. His daggers have the same destructive power as firearms when thrown, spelling certain death for a human target. Interestingly, Hassan will never fail to recover all of his thrown daggers after battle, perhaps out of a possessive quirk of personality, or an aesthetic desire to only use his favorite weapons.
    Caption: Hassan silently closes in on Kotomine Kirei. Hassan threw his daggers, but Kotomine fended them off.

    Protection from Wind: A
    In the Middle East, there are legends that typhoons are caused by evil wind gods called djinni (alternately "jinn," "jinnaye"). Divine Protection from Wind is a chant that offers prayers to God, that oneself might receive a charm of protection against the calamity of such evil spirits. To call it a "charm" smacks of superstition, but the strength of its warding is tremendous. Hassan used this skill to resist Artoria's powerful "Bounded Field of the Wind King -- Invisible Air."
    Caption: Hassan uses Divine Protection from Wind. A hidden, sacred charm is woven, and his body is imbued with its divine protection.

    Self-Modification: C
    As its title suggests, this is the ability to alter oneself by connecting one's own flesh to another body. One can increase the length of one's legs, for example, resulting in a form far removed from that of a proper Heroic Spirit. Hassan, whose abilities are below that of the other Servants, uses Self-Modification to enhance his physical performance and make up for his deficits. In the story, he seized Cu Chulainn's heart and introduced it to his own body.
    Caption: Hassan, deformed via Self-Modification. His right arm is changing into the arm of the devil Shaytan.

    Noble Phantasms
    Zabaniya:Delusional Heartbeat
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 3~9
    Maximum Targets: 1 Person

    The assassination technique, "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya," that uses Hassan's cursed arm. Hassan connects his arm to the arm of the devil Shaytan (Satan in Christian cosmology). This ability specializes in cursing people to death.
    A mirror image is taken of the target to be killed, and from this mirror an ether clump is used to create an exact double existence. This double existence has a property of resonance with the original, so that if the double existence is harmed, the original will suffer the same damage. This can be considered sympathetic magic, albeit of an extremely high level. With this technique, an imitation heart belonging to the target is crushed, and the target dies without any outward sign of injury as its heart alone is pulverized. All armor is meaningless against Delusional Heartbeat's attack. No matter how mighty the foe, they cannot withstand this Noble Phantasm which directly assaults the inner organs. It is indeed a terrifying Noble Phantasm worthy of an assassin.

    Defending against Zabaniya

    Delusional Heartbeat is a Noble Phantasm of absolute death. However, as with other Noble Phantasms, it is neither invincible nor perfect.
    The ability's effective range is limited, so if one retreats past this distance and uses long-range attacks, Assassin is helpless. Also, Delusional Heartbeat is a curse, so it may be ineffective against Servants with high Magic Resistance, while targets with high Luck may be able to evade it. Additionally, there is the critical fact that the heart organ is not the vital point of a Servant. There also exist exceptional opponents such as Servants that can move without a heart, or individuals that are unaffected by a destroyed heart such as Kotomine Kirei.

    ランク:C 種別:対人宝具


  11. Fate/Grand Order - Queen of Sheba's profile, translated by roadromancer at Reddit.
  12. [v] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files material - Encyclopedia: Bestial Magecraft [Magecraft], p.103

    Bestial Magecraft [Magecraft]
    The name given to the field of magecraft that utilizes one’s bestial nature.
    While this magecraft eats at the minds of those of the Glascheit family, many other forms of it are more mild. For example, enhancing one’s sense of smell to be like that of a dog, enhancing one’s legs to run as fast as a horse, or enhancing one’s eyes to see in the dark like a cat.
    Possession by a fox or a dog god, famous in Japan, are also examples of this magecraft.


  13. [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Nanako [Weapon name • Name], p.186

    Nanako [Weapon name • Name]
    The elemental residing in the Seventh Holy Scripture.
    Although Ciel calls her Seven, she was named Nanako by her temporary master of just a few days, Arihiko.
    A young girl with a mysterious character. It's hard to say if she's noble or nasty. She can't help but lament the tyrannical treatment she receives from Ciel, but if she ever fired back she'd just get in trouble. Basically, she's a character at the very bottom of society. Originally she was the girl offered up as a sacrifice during the creation of the Seventh Holy Scripture, but after her death she merged with the holy beast used as the scripture's foundation and ended up with her current form. Her most distinctive characteristics are her blue, sci-fi bodysuit and her hoof-ish hands and feet.
    Though she is the guardian spirit of the Seventh Holy Scripture, that doesn't mean that she's the guardian spirit of the Seventh Holy Scripture's wielder as well. The reason that she complies with Ciel's orders regardless is because Ciel is the first master she's had capable of giving her form. Manifesting a guardian spirit isn't something that can be accomplished without an excessive amount of magical energy, after all.
    She's always grumbling about Ciel's violent treatment (of the Seventh Holy Scripture), but nevertheless she sticks to her like glue. In Melty Blood, she appears briefly during Ciel's stage entrance and Arc Drive.
    By the way, in the third character popularity poll Nanako's Arc Drive was listed as "Holy Cross Burial Scripture", but it should be read as "anti-reincarnation".


  14. [v] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Seventh Holy Scripture [Weapon name • Technique name], p.052

    Seventh Holy Scripture [Weapon name • Technique name]
    Ciel's Arc Drive.
    The conceptual armament that Ciel is authorized to carry. Although it is called a scripture, it's actually an enormous pile bunker.
    An iron hammer created by the Church in order to renounce the heretical doctrine of transmigration. Over a millennium has passed since it was first forged, and there's even an elemental dwelling within it, but…
    Before Ciel remodeled it, it was only effective against spiritual entities. Now, however, it has been transformed into a lump of iron that can pound a vampire to death with its physical attack power alone. It has a gross weight of 60 kilograms, and a maximum weight of twice that with optional attachments.
    During Ciel's Arc Drive, she drives the stake into her opponent. Afterward, what is ejected from the magazine is not an empty cartridge, but pages of the holy scripture. For vampires, this is no different from being directly injected with the holy scripture itself. There is no doubt that it is a surefire "Immortal Killer".


  15. [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Seventh Holy Scripture [Weapon name], p.184

    Seventh Holy Scripture [Weapon name]
    The conceptual armament that Ciel is authorized to carry. An iron hammer created by the Church in order to renounce the heretical doctrine of transmigration.
    It was created by felling a miraculous beast said to consume souls, then using its horn as a key. The surface of the horn is inscribed with tightly-packed complaints about how "transmigration is really lame".
    Since it's been almost a thousand years since it was first created, it even has an elemental living within it.
    It was sanctified over the course of many years, but eventually fell into Ciel's hands.
    "A horn!? That's not practical at all. The higher-ups are totally out of touch!"
    Unable to hold herself back, she set about improving it, and because of that the Scripture's elemental ended up having the essence of its personality warped.
    Before Ciel remodeled it, it was only effective against spiritual entities. Now, however, it has been transformed into a lump of iron that can pound a vampire to death with its physical attack power alone. It has a gross weight of 60 kilograms, and a maximum weight of twice that with optional attachments. It's a… Gatling scripture!?


  16. [v] Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: Golden Fleece [Noble Phantasm], p.059 [T]

    Golden Fleece [Noble Phantasm]
    Argon Coin.
    As the hidden treasure of Colchis, it's very valuable.
    Though there's nothing special about the fleece itself, for some reason there's an anecdote that a dragon will appear if you throw it on the ground.
    It seems that at some point, people mixed up the Golden Fleece with the dragon that used to guard it.
    The story feels a bit like some kind of satire.
    Since Caster doesn't have the ability to summon dragons, she can't summon the dragon.
    Also, there's a strange spirit living in it, just like a certain Seventh Scripture.


  17. 17.0 17.1 Kara no Kyoukai Volume 4: Void Shrine (「  」) - /4
  18. Kara no Kyoukai Volume 1: Overlooking View (Fujoh Kirie) - /Overlooking View/
  19. [v] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files material - Encyclopedia: Ghosts [Other], p.110

    Ghosts [Other]
    The things Gray is scared of.
    Spiritual existences are numerous and varied in the World of Magecraft, but in this case it refers to ghosts of the dead. Rather than being a “spirit,” it is a lingering energy, possessing a kind of impulse that imitates the personality of the deceased.
    The reason Gray is so overly afraid of these Ghosts is that she is particularly susceptible to these impulses, which can greatly influence her own personality.
    …in truth, that function was built into her on purpose, so that she might receive the mind of King Arthur.


  20. Fate/stay night Prologue - Day 2
  21. Kara no Kyoukai Volume 4: Void Shrine (「  」) - /5
  22. [v] Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: True Assassin [Servant], p.062 [T]

    True Assassin [Servant]
    The real Heroic Spirit of assassination.
    He was summoned by Matou Zouken, materialized using the flesh of Sasaki Kojirou.
    Bearing a white skull mask and black cloak, he was the classical assassin.
    An unremarkable Servant in terms of abilities, but highly utilitarian. In contrast with his disturbing appearance, he was very loyal. He accepted the authority of his master and would never betray him.
    Strictly speaking, True Assassin was merely a member of a group of Wraiths (Heroic Spirit candidates) who bore the name "Assassin", thus his abilities were intrinsically low. In order to compensate for this disadvantage, he modified his body. As a result, he was able to rival other Servants.
    There was no face under the mask. The skin and nose were shaven off. He inherited the seat of the Old Man of the Mountain as a "nobody".
    He lacked intelligence after materialization, but that was remedied dramatically after acquiring Lancer's heart. Since then, he was also influenced by Lancer's personality.
    By the way, True Assassin was particularly attached to his Dirks. He would carefully pick all of them up after each battle.

    もとから“アサシン” という名称で群をなす亡霊(英霊候補)なので、能力そのものは低い。それを補う為に自身の肉体を改造し、他のサーヴァントたちに対抗している。

  23. Clock Tower 2015 - 02 The Record of Lev Uvall
  24. [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term], p.180-182

    The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term]
    The 27 ancestors who are the original source of the Dead Apostles. Currently, about half of them are being sealed by the Church.
    As the 27 oldest Dead Apostles, there are those among them that have already disappeared. The reason that they are still counted as the "27" Dead Apostle Ancestors despite that fact is because whenever an Ancestor dies, one of his subordinates will inherit the position.
    However, although proper Dead Apostles will create subordinates and work to expand their influence, there are some Ancestors who have no interest in any of that at all. Those Ancestors that used to be magi before they became Dead Apostles tend to be more akin to "seekers" rather than "bloodsuckers". In that sense, both Roa and Nrvnqsr could surely be said to have been brothers.
    Though it isn't really related to the main story of Tsukihime, below is a brief introduction of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors. The missing numbers represent those Dead Apostles that have either been executed by the Church, or are currently "atoning".

    1/ Primate Murder
    Details unknown. Murderer of primates. The White Beast. Altrouge's demonic dog (the Beast of Gaia).

    2/ The Dark Six
    The very first Dead Apostles. The six royals of darkness. Currently resuscitating.
    It is said that their revival will unite the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, but not a single Dead Apostle knows their true colors.

    3/ Crimson Moon Brunestud
    Ultimate One. Currently vacant.

    4/ Wizard Marshal Zelretch
    One of the five existing magicians. Also called Zelretch of the Jewel.
    Despite being a Dead Apostle, he cooperates with the True Ancestors. Arcueid thinks of him as a sort of grandfatherly servant. He toppled the Crimson Moon in battle, but had his blood sucked at the last second and became a Dead Apostle. However, even after becoming a vampire his position as a magician stayed intact, and he traveled around the world to various countries where he would take disciples and uniformly ruin them all.

    5/ ORT
    Details unknown. Seems to be a mutant species that crash landed in South America sometime before the Common Era. As an attack-type organism, its power is on a completely different level. It uses the encroaching reality marble, Crystal Valley. Its appearance is similar to a spider's. The former 5th capture it, and was instantly annihilated. Afterward, it was confirmed to possess vampiric traits, and is now treated as an Ancestor itself.
    Type Mercury.

    6/ Rizo-Vaal Strout
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. Black Knight Strout. One of Altrouge's bodyguards. On account of Apostle recklessly tried to being inflicted with a curse of time, he is immortal. The True Devil Neardark.

    7/ Disemboweling Forest Einnashe
    A bloodsucker formed from carnivorous plants. It is a forest unified with a single will, and is very similar to a phantasmal species. Once every several centuries, a deep crimson fruit will mature deep within it. This fruit is the congealed mass of all the blood Einnashe took in over the years, and legends state that it has the power to grant immortality to whoever eats it.

    8/ Fina-Vlad Svelten
    White Knight Vlad. One of Altrouge's bodyguards. The Vampiric Count. Devil of Stratovaris. Captain of the Ghost Fleet. He has an interest in handsome youths, and only drinks the blood of other men. He and Rita simply do not get along at all. Possesses the reality marble Parade.

    9/ Altrouge Brunestud
    Hybrid of a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle. Vampire princess of the Dead Apostles. "Black". Master of blood and contracts. Primate Murder's owner. Appears to be a 14 year old girl.

    10/ Nrvnqsr Chaos
    A living mass of chaos. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a bloodsucker.

    11/ Stanrobe Calhin
    The Duke of Predation. Wraith. Also known as the "City Devourer". An invincible character whose density of existence will reach zero in about 200 years.

    13/ ?????
    Tatari. A Dead Apostle purported to exist. Only the name "Night of Wallachia" remains as a legend handed down through the ages.

    14/ Van Fem
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. Dark Lord of the Business World. Puppet Master. He created seven great golem castles, and so is also known as "Van Fem of the Demonic Castles". A man of the world, who holds a prominent position in public society, and even worries about global affairs. The fifth of his castles, Matri, was captured by Parade during an engagement with the White Knight Vlad, and ever since then he has harbored a grudge against Altrouge's faction.

    15/ Rita Rozay-en
    A self-proclaimed artist. Indulges in a distinctive hobby even among the Dead Apostles. A second-generation Dead Apostle that inherited her castle from the Dead Apostle that made her, but since she was the official successor her situation is not the same as Enhance's. The very model of a noble bloodsucker, she indulges in a hell of debauchery and luscious depravity day in and day out.

    16/ Gransurg Blackmore
    Peng. The Black Wing Lord. A Dead Apostle known as the Moon Eater. Uses the reality marble Nevermore. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a bloodsucker. Despite being a Dead Apostle himself, he possesses an ability that is strong against other Dead Apostles.

    17/ Trhvmn Ortenrosse
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. The White Wing Lord. A magus who became a bloodsucker. The quintessential vampire. King of the Dead Apostles. As the official representative of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors he has the greatest influence – formally, at least. In practice, however, Altrouge's influence is even greater, and the two are constantly at odds. Also, Trhvmn was the Dead Apostle who proposed they start hunting True Ancestors. In a sense, he was the reason Nrvnqsr met his end in that far-off Eastern land.

    18/ Enhance
    The Knight of Vengeance, Enhance. A Dead Apostle who killed his master, and only just took over the original 18th Ancestor's position. Consequently, he is known derisively as the "Single-edged Enhance Sword".

    20/ Merem Solomon
    The Great Four Demon Beasts. Despite being a Dead Apostle, he is the fifth member of the Burial Agency.
    Goes by the alias of Crown. For Ciel, he is something like a pesky senpai. A collector of treasures from all times and places. Probably the only reason he joined the Burial Agency is because he wanted to be close to the treasures sealed by the Church.

    21/ Sumire
    Aquatic Demon Sumire. Water Bottle. An oddball Dead Apostle that lives underwater. Traditionally, vampire folklore states that they cannot cross running water.
    Rivers and oceans are like impassable barriers to them. Sumire has conquered this weakness, but in exchange it seems that it has become hard for her to move on land. Also, she's perpetually drunk. While this may make her seem pretty weak, in reality she has a strong enough compositional ability to break into the upper echelons. Among the Dead Apostles, she is the only one capable of using Marble Phantasm. If you put her on dry land and dry her out, her drunkenness will disappear and she'll be able to demonstrate her true power, maybe. Her outward appearance is that of an easy to get along with drunk lady, and she has a castle, but it's a completely abandoned husk. There's a rumor that she and Rita are on such good terms they could just kill each other.

    24/ El Nahat
    Background unknown. The artifact called the Book of the Stomach World. A peculiar vampire embodying refraction. Possesses the unique ability to almost certainly erase an opponent in one-on-one combat, but his own body is destroyed every time he uses it and requires several decades to revive. Thanks to that, he is currently sealed by the Church. Regarded as the Burial Agency's ultimate anti-Dead Apostle trump card, they only bring him out on rare occasions.

    27/ Caubac Alcatraz
    Dead Apostle of the Millennium Lock. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a Dead Apostle. He was also a believer, just like Merem and Roa. He constructed a labyrinth to protect the culmination of his ideology, the Holy Scripture Triten, from outside invaders. However, he accidentally trapped himself inside, and so has not made an appearance for several hundred years.

    EX/ Michael Roa Valdamjong
    The Serpent of Akasha. The Infinite Reincarnator. Though the Church counts him among the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, the Ancestors themselves despise him as an "extra number".



  25. Fate/the Fact - CYBER GHOST
  26. [v] Fate/EXTRA Last Encore - WORLD/WORD: Cyber Ghosts

    Cyber Ghost


  27. [v] Fate/Grand Order - Archer Profile}

    David - Archer

    Illustrator and Voice actor
    Illustrator: Ginka
    Voice Actor: Yūichi Nakamura

    Strength: C
    Endurance: D
    Agility: B
    Mana: C
    Luck: A
    Noble Phantasm: B

    Personal Skills
    Divine Protection: A
    Harp of Healing: B
    Charisma: B

    Class Skills
    Magic Resistance: A
    Independent Action: A

    Noble Phantasm
    Hamesh Avanim: The Five Stones
    Rank: C-→C
    Type: Anti-Unit

    David is a king of Israel that appears in the Old Testament.
    Originally a shepherd, he announced his candidacy to the one-on-one duel with the giant Goliath and defeated him. It has been said that afterwards - although there were a few quarrels with the king of that time - upon being splendidly enthroned as king, he carried out an excellent reign.

    Level 1 Bond
    Height/Weight: 171cm・62kg
    Source: Old Testament
    Region: Israel
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral  Gender: Male
    Michelangelo's "David" is the most famous statue about him.

    Level 2 Bond
    David was a shepherd and a harpist. In order to play the harp to the king of Israel, who was fighting the Philistines at the time, he often visited the army. At that occasion, the Philistine giant Goliath demanded for a one-on-one duel with everything on the line.

    Level 3 Bond
    Scared from the giant's excessive strength, nobody from the Israel army was able to oppose him, but David alone accepted that duel. Goliath made light of David, who challenged him without carrying a sword, David threw a rock that made Goliath faint and decapitated him with his own sword.

    Level 4 Bond

    • Harp of Healing: B

    David's harp (kinnor) - which cleansed the evil spirits from the king of Israel, Saul - possesses effects of exorcism and preserves the tranquility of the listeners' minds. In ancient society, the harp was highly regarded as appeasing evil spirits.

    Level 5 Bond
    "Five Stones"
    Rank: C  Type: Anti-Unit
    The sling that knocked down the giant Goliath. The five stones express David's tolerance; he misses up to four of the attacks, but the fifth attack will certainly hit and defeat the opponent.

    A king and also a shepherd who is used to waiting upon people, he also grew accustomed serving others from his experience as a harpist. A friendly, sincere Servant, but he is absurdly weak towards women, so care is required in regards to that point.

    ダビデ - アーチャー



    神の加護 A
    治癒の竪琴 B
    カリスマ B

    対魔力 A
    単独行動 A

    ランク: C-→C


    属性:秩序・中庸  性別:男性



    イスラエル王国の王・サウルの悪霊を祓ったダビデの竪琴(キヌュラ)には破魔の効力があり、 聴く者の精神を平穏に保つ。

    ランク:C  種別:対人宝具


  28. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.136
    Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association?

    Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association?

    A: It's the name they call this magus that's locked in the bottom of the London Tower. Not that dangerous a person, but they say that no person has ever had a magic attribute as troublesome to magi as that. We'll eventually learn more of Gazamy probably.



  29. [v] Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Assassin of “Black” [Servant], p.160-161 [T]

    Assassin of “Black” [Servant]
    One of the Servants of the Black camp… or so they should have been, but she deserted and took action independently. Their true name is Jack the Ripper. The serial killer from London who is the most famous of their kind in the entire world.
    Usually, serial killers fall into two general categories. The orderly type and the chaotic type; those who can commit murder while maintaining a certain amount of reason and order, and those who commit murder based on reasons that are completely illogical and no one besides themselves can understand. The first type is overwhelmingly harder to catch, since the second type does not even destroy the evidence of their crimes. And Jack the Ripper was the chaotic type.
    Even though much evidence was discovered, Jack the Ripper was never caught. It has been cited to have been due to the limits of scientific investigation at the time and due to the initial investigation getting a late start because the victims were only prostitutes.
    On the other hand, despite being a chaotic type serial killer, Jack the Ripper also displayed actions such as sending a letter to a newspaper and inciting a panic. Though there is a strong possibility that the letter was a fake, there was no evidence that could completely prove it was a forgery.
    The reason that Jack the Ripper is, in a certain sense, so universally extolled throughout the world is due to the overwhelming number of mysteries surrounding this serial killer. Therefore, when Jack the Ripper is summoned as a Servant, he or she can undergo various changes depending on the class or location he or she is summoned in. These changes continue to occur, except in the case where the “true Jack the Ripper” was fixed and settled by the Holy Grail.
    …The Jack the Ripper that was summoned this time is an amalgamation of the children who were aborted by the many prostitutes who lived in White Chapel, London. Having not even being allowed to be born, these boys and girls sought to return to their mothers’ wombs and repeatedly committed murder. To put it another way, this is the heretical Jack who was born from the “side of the victims”.
    However, even they themselves do not know for certain whether or not they were “Jack the Ripper”. After all, they are an amalgamation of evil spirits, so their memories are always vague and, even if they remember having killed prostitutes, it’s uncertain who exactly they killed. What they kill as Assassin is not a specific individual, but rather the society that killed them, and the strong emotions they carry cannot be understood by any other hero, making them beyond salvation.
    Perhaps due to their great fame, they stand out as an excellent Servant. Due to being a murderer, their efficiency as a “soul eater” is extremely high, and even with Rikudou Reika who was an ordinary person and virtually unable to provide any prana as a Master, they were able to continue maintaining their first-rate battle power by continuing to kill others for prana.
    On the other hand, their difficulty in being handled by their Master is the highest among the Servants of this Great Holy Grail War. In the first place, it is dubious whether they even understand the fundamental duty of a Servant to “obey their Master”. To them, the present world isn’t somewhere to return to, but rather nothing more than a strange and unknown place… In other words, they hold no lingering affections for the world of the living.
    Considering that, the compatibility between Jack and their former master Sagara Hyouma was pretty much the absolute worst possible—or rather, perhaps it is better to say that all magi have the worst compatibility with Jack. Rikudou Reika is the only Master that is compatible with the existence known as Jack.
    After being sublimated by Jeanne’s hands and having their binding as an amalgamation of evil spirits collapse, they will never be summoned again. Even if the conditions are exactly the same next time, a different “Jack the Ripper” will merely be summoned.


  30. [v] Fate/EXTRA - Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster) Matrix [T]

    Class: Caster
    Master: Player
    True Name: Tamamo-no-Mae
    Noble Phantasm: The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu
    Keyword: Maleficum, Red Lily of the Killing Stone of Nasu
    Strength: -, Defense: -, Agility: -, Magic: -, Luck: -
    Area Creation: C, Maleficium: EX, Transformation: A


    01 - The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu
    A mirror wielded by Tamamo-no-Mae. It is one of the sacred treasures brought down from the Heavens by the god Takehinateru-no-Mikoto and was oringally kept in the great shrine in the Izumo Province. According to passages in the Chronicles of Japan, the mirror was later moved to a site in the Kawachi district as the behest of the Imperial Court.

    The mirror is also known as Yata-no-Kagami and is frequently used in rites honoring the sun goddess Amaterasu. In addition to its importance in ritual observances, it is also thought to possess the power to bring the dead back from the afterlife. However, since Caster's rebirth as a Servant, this power is no longer accessible.

    02 - Maleficum
    The Witchcraft that Caster uses is all physical phenomena performed with her own body. While common Magecraft are programs that "recompose what exists around," Witchcraft are programs that "recompose the raw materials in one's own body."

    According to Caster's own word:

    "This time there is only one due to the constrains of the Moon Cell, but originally I could produce a million troops from my multiple tails!"

    That is really suspicious though.

    03 - Red Lily of the Killing Stone of Nasu
    This skill involves the use of the infamous Killing Stone of Nasu. After her death, Tamamo-no-Mae's spirit began to haunt the area around this stone and also imbued it with a terrible curse that killed any creature that came near it.

    Originally located in the Nasu highlands of Tochigi Prefecture, the stone was shattered by a virtuous monk by the name of Gennou who then scattered the peces across three places in Japan.
    It is believed that the shards of the rock evolved into fox spirits known in Japanese as kitsune and inukami. The legends go on to say that these newly-born spirits were bound as familiars by wizards powerful enough to establish contracts with the divine.

    01 - 水天日光天照八野鎮石(すいてんにっこうあまてらすやのしずいし)




    02 - 呪術



    03 - 常世咲き裂く大殺界(ヒガンバナセッショウセキ)



    Territory Creation [C]
    This skill allows one to create a reality tailored specifically to their skills as a magus.
    Unfortunately for Tamamo-no-Mae, her personality is ill-suited for the task of manipulating reality and she has great difficulty even creating a small-scale crafting studio for creating minor amulets and other types of low-level talismans.

    Maleficium [EX]
    The sacred rituals of the Dakini goddesses. The rituals confer the abilities to perform such actions as foretell the time and place of one's death and manipulate the hearts and minds of both men and women. Due to a number of very harsh lessons impressed upon her in the past, Tamano-no-Mae no longer make use of her still formidable skills in these areas.

    Transformation [A]
    This refers to the abilities of either changing ones appearance or borrowing the physical form of another. As a kitsune, or fox spirit, Tamano-no-Mae is able to alter her appearance and even species at will. However, due to a traumatizing event in a past incarnation that resulted in her death and temporary damnation, she rarely, if ever, uses this ability.





    01 - Character Background
    In the final years of the Heian period, there was a beautiful courtesan in service to the Emperor Toba known as Tamamo-no-Mae. Born Misukume, she first entered the court as a servant at the age of 18, but quickly became a well-respected lady and a favorite of the emperor himself due to her incredible beauty and the depth of her intelligence.

    While the stories become somewhat murky on this point, the most widely excepted theory is that an itinerant fortune teller visiting Emperor Toba's court discovered Tamamo-no-Mae's true identity as a nine-tailed fox spirit. Tamamo-no-Mae was denounced as the cause of the emperor's lingering illness and was driven out of the palace and onto the plains of Nasu, where she was killed trying to defend herself against an army of 80,000 soldiers sent by the emperor. While no one knows exactly what happened to her afterwards, it is believed that she was transformed into the legendary killing stone.

    02 - "Dakini Deva"
    While Tamano-no-Mae is generally believed to be a nine-tailed fox spirit with many of the attributes associated with the tantric deities known as Dankini, she is frequently mistaken by many as one of the Inari or sometimes even a manifestation of Buddha.

    In the Fate/EXTRA universe, Tamamo-no-Mae is a soul that was created from the essence of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and as such is not merely a Earth spirit, but is actually a unique facet of the goddess from which she came. With this being said, it'd be a monumental mistake to classify her as one of the many human-spawned Legendary Souls.

    However, she was willingly embraced the role of a Legendary Soul so that she could, in her own words "become a good wife." By deliberately accepting the limits inherent in the role of Servant, many of her original powers have been sealed away.

    On a final note, as most deities are neither truly good nor evil, there are instances when Tamamo-no-Mae can be summoned as an evil spirit. Should this happen, she will transformed into a hideous monster capable of defeating a hundred heroes at once. In fact, when in this form, she is considered one of the Japan's Three Great Monsters.

    01 - 人物背景:


    02 - 『ダキニ天』




  31. Fate/Grand Order material II - Tamamo-no-Mae, p.206-213 translated by WaifuHunter at reddit
  32. Fate/EXTRA CCC - Tamamo-no-Mae's Secret Garden 3
  33. [v] Fate/Zero Season 1 Boxset - Drama CD 1

    Track 1

    Kiritsugu: So this is the Grail vessel. It collects the souls of Heroic Spirits anchored to this world as Servants, and is then presented as an offering for the Great Grail summoning. A container for that purpose. If it‘s just a vessel, it should look like one. But why does it have the appearance of a human? Damn it, this makes things difficult.

    Kiritsugu: Ah, can you hear me? Do you understand what I’m saying?

    Irisviel: Yes, Emiya Kiritsugu.

    Kiritsugu: Ah, so you can speak too. I’m surprised.

    Irisviel: You seem to have extremely low expectations for Einzbern homunculi.

    Kiritsugu: Not at all. I doubt anyone can match the descendants of Justica Lizleihi, Master of Northern Alchemy and the Saint of Winter, in creating artificial humans.

    Irisviel: That’s right, I come with all the functions of a complete human body. I also have magic circuits that far surpass that of a normal person and was branded with a standardized reverse-type magic crest as the starting default. My potential as a Mage should be greater than yours.

    Kiritsugu: Right, that’s really great. But I have no need for those functions of yours. You’ll be… Damn it, why must I explain these things?

    Irisviel: If you aren’t satisfied with my functions, you need to make yourself clear or I won’t be able to do anything about them.

    Kiritsugu: Are you properly aware of the reason you were created?

    Irisviel: Yes. I am the Grail vessel. I will function as the key that will activate the Great Grail in the coming 4th Holy Grail War.

    Kiritsugu: Exactly. You’re just a container. Regardless of your purpose, you’re really no different from a beer mug. Why does the thing have limbs, talk so much, and even lecture its master? I don’t get it.

    Irisviel: In that case, please allow me to explain. On top of protecting the Grail vessel, as the most effective method, I have also been given a psyche so I can act independently and evaluate situations. That’s what I am.

    Kiritsugu: So you’re saying I don’t need to worry about protecting the Grail vessel because it can make its own decisions and keep itself safe?

    Irisviel: That would be correct.

    Kiritsugu: Let me ask you, then. Do you really have the ability to defend yourself in battle?

    Irisviel: That’s how I was designed.

    Kiritsugu: Looking at you, I find that hard to believe.

    Irisviel: Are you judging me by my appearance?

    Kiritsugu: Very well. All I need to do is put it to the test.

    Kiritsugu strikes Irisviel

    Kiritsugu: Hey. Are you playing the fool? How could you not even counter such a simple attack? Do you not even have basic self-defense skills?

    Irisviel: I had no need to counter it. You are Emiya Kiritsugu, and therefore can’t possibly want to destroy the Grail vessel.

    Kiritsugu: I’m not playing around. If you’re a defect that only knows how to talk and can’t defend itself, then it’s better for me if I destroy you right away and ask the family head to prepare another vessel.

    Irisviel: Is returning the blow and fighting with the intent to harm what you define as self-defense?

    Kiritsugu: That’s right. Got a problem with that?

    Irisviel: That’s the worst decision I could make to ensure my survival. I should be avoiding dangerous situations as my greatest priority. In the event I make a strategic mistake that puts me in a situation where danger is unavoidable, escape, disguise, deceitful negotiations and so forth would be the next best options.

    Kiritsugu: I’ll give it to you straight. Battle strength is what I need, not sophistry. I need agility that kills before being killed, accuracy, and destructive power.

    Irisviel: That’s not a strategy for survival. If we compare you and me in terms of self-defense… Emiya Kiritsugu, you’re weaker than I am.

    Kiritsugu: You’re unbelievable.

    Track 2

    Kiritsugu: What do you think you’re doing, forcing a homunculus like that onto me?

    Jubstacheit: You aren’t satisfied with her? She is among the best of my creations in recent years.

    Kiritsugu: As a doll, she is indeed very well-made. But I’ll have absolutely no use for her in the Grail War. You gave the Grail vessel a humanoid body and a sense of self capable of self-defense, apparently, but she’s completely useless. If she encounters a drunk on the streets, she’ll most likely get hurt. I’d have better uses for it if you gave it the body of a crow or a Doberman.

    Jubstacheit: You live up to your name of Mage Killer, Emiya Kiritsugu. The savagery of the way you think is far beyond our ability to understand.

    Kiritsugu: Isn’t that why you sent for me? The methodology you Einzberns employ couldn’t be any less suitable in battle.

    Jubstacheit: Whether or not an instrument’s functions can be put to good use depends on its owner. Regarding that, it’s clear that debating with you would just be a waste of time. Anyway, on that point, it’ll be enough to simply prove her tenacity to you. Constructed to be harder to break than a typical Grail vessel, she’s even been designed to prevent herself from being broken. You’ll witness that function of hers directly. Let’s see, we’ll have the results in two or three days.

    Kiritsugu: What are you talking about?

    Jubstacheit: It’s just a little experiment. You can think of it as a test of her durability. I left her at the disposal yard for failed creations in the forest depths last night.

    Kiritsugu: Wha-?!

    Jubstacheit: I threw her, naked, right into the middle of hungry wolves and evil spirits in the frigid blizzard. It’s a trial where even the most robust of warriors either die of cold or are killed and eaten within the night. If she manages to return to this castle alive, then you’ll have to acknowledge her strength.

    Kiritsugu: You can’t be serious. She may be a homunculus, but she’s a girl you created with your very own hands!

    Jubstacheit: All I ask of that thing is that it doesn’t break and maintains itself until the Great Grail ritual. If it cannot even endure a trial as trivial as this, then, in line with your complaint, I'II acknowledge the defects in my design and prepare a new vessel.

    Track 3

    Irisviel: Where am… I?

    Kiritsugu: There’s no need to worry. Get some more rest and don’t speak.

    Irisviel: Why am I… in the castle?

    Kiritsugu: I brought you back to put an end to that ridiculous test Acht sent you.

    Irisviel: Ah… You can’t do that.

    Irisviel: I still haven’t finished the trial. I still haven’t proved my durability to you.

    Kiritsugu: Don’t be ridiculous. Does that body of yours not feel pain?

    Irisviel: It does. In order to properly grasp the state of my body, pain is a neccesary sensation.

    Kiritsugu: Then why? Is putting up a bold front even though your body’s been so brutally battered what you call strength?

    Irisviel: Exactly. My mission is to survive. It is to live through any extreme situation. Any bodily damage that does not go beyond permitted levels is fine.

    Kiritsugu: You’re wrong.

    Irisviel: Why?

    Kiritsugu: Strength isn’t measured by how much pain you can endure. If you don’t feel anger towards pain and have the will to retaliate against whatever caused you pain, you won’t ever win. Don’t you feel anger towards the family head? Towards Jubstacheit, the one who did this to you?

    Irisviel: Anger? But why? Greatgrandpa didn’t do anything wrong.

    Kiritsugu: He hurt you badly just to clear the humiliation I gave him. He values his pride as a designer more than your pain. Ah… I suppose I also hold responsibility for thinking light of you. That’s why you should be feeling anger towards Acht and me, because we’re both the reason why you were hurt.

    Irisviel: Even in my current condition of damage, my body can still more than fulfill its function as the Grail vessel. Therefore, my greatgrandfather’s pride and clearing up your misunderstanding are far more important than my pain.

    Kiritsugu: You’re wrong. You’re wrong! In order to become strong, you must learn what anger is.

    Irisviel: Why?

    Kiritsugu: Because it’s the very basis of the act of fighting. No matter how you are, you must resist anything that results in your being hurt.

    Irisviel: I don’t understand what you’re saying.

    Kiritsugu: You seem to be aware of your value and the meaning of your existence, at least in theory. But do you feel happiness and pride in your being born to this world and in the mission you have been given? I’m slighting that very aspect of you this time.

    Irisviel: Ah…

    Kiritsugu: If you really do think your mission is to protect yourself, wouldn’t you want to become stronger? Wouldn’t you want to broaden your fighting repertoire so you could win battles?

    Irisviel: Yes. If it really is possible, it would be very profitable learning.

    Kiritsugu: Then start by having more concern for yourself. Find happiness in your life and its stage, the world. Then you won’t allow any of these things to be damaged. That way, you should be able to acquire the emotion we call anger.

    Irisviel: Happiness… Concern… It’s difficult for me to embrace emotions with no basis.

    Kiritsugu: Damn it, must I really go to such lengths for you? Okay. I’ll teach you about them. All right, let’s start with your-

     Ah, I shouldn’t keep referring to you like that. Do you have a name? Not “vessel”, not “homunculus”, but a name of your very own?

    Irisviel: I’m… Irisviel, Irisviel von Einzbern.

    Track 4

    Maiya: How has the homunculus been doing since?

    Kiritsugu: She’s becoming a different person day by day. She must’ve been given a great thirst for knowledge. She greedily absorbs any information I give her, and her general knowledge is becoming abundant.

    Kiritsugu: Already, she can hold casual conversations like any typical person. But is there a point in educating her so much? Sometimes, I wonder if it’s all a big mistake. Maiya, you mentioned… how you used to think of yourself as a machine, didn’t you?

    Maiya: Yes. What about it?

    Kiritsugu: I’m just puzzled as to how you manage to firmly keep your sanity in battle when you think of yourself like that.

    Maiya: That’s a strange question coming from you, Kiritsugu. I thought it’d be second nature to you as to how one stays sane in the battlefield.

    Kiritsugu: It appears I’ve gotten confused on many things since I began training Irisviel. It’s true that, since she doesn’t think of herself as anything more than a machine, she probably isn’t suited for the battlefield. I thought there’d be room for improvement if l could instill battle instincts in her by strengthening her sense of self, but I might’ve gotten the premise itself wrong.

    Maiya: Being a tool, she was never made for battle to begin with. Even so, while the homunculus may have forgotten she is a tool, her aptitude for battle won’t immediately awaken.

    Kiritsugu: A human and a machine… which of the two would be better in battle, I wonder?

    Maiya: While machines are tougher than humans, they do have their limits. On the other hand, while humans are incredibly weak, they sometimes surpass their limits and become experts of slaughtering. In other words, exceptional entities we call Heroes appear from time to time. We can perhaps overlook these rare irregularities. For the remaining majority of fighters, it is of greatest priority that they overcome their weaknesses in order to survive. That is why people abandon their souls in battle and become machines. I am one of those many people.

    Kiritsugu: Maybe I really am wasting my time.

    Maiya: Kiritsugu. You’re like someone who was given a hammer when you needed a pair of scissors. Since it didn’t serve its purpose, you melted it back into a lump of iron. If you wish to use it again as a sharp blade, you’ll have to reforge it. Is that not so?

    Track 5

    Irisviel: Hey, Kiritsugu, what are you showing me today? A movie? Photos? Or some music?

    Kiritsugu: You seem excited, Irisviel.

    Irisviel: Yes! It’s true that the knowledge you’re giving me has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War, but it all amazes me so much. I had no idea the world was so plentiful and diverse. With just my basic education, I never would’ve even imagined that.

    Kiritsugu: Do you want to know even more about the world?

    Irisviel: Of course! But don’t worry. My mission of greatest importance is to complete the third true magic. My interests are ultimately of lower priority, and I haven’t lost sight of our wish.

    Kiritsugu: If it’s what you want, you can walk away from fate.

    Irisviel: Huh?

    Kiritsugu: If you really admire humanity with all your heart. If you really do wish to spend your remaining years living a peaceful life… you just need to run. If you leave the castle in the dead of the night, nobody will come after you. The Grail vessel can simply be recreated. Acht won’t be very happy about having to do it again, but that’d be all. He holds no expectations for you other than that of a tool. That’s nothing compared to your sense of self.

    Irisviel: Ah…

    Kiritsugu: This was why I opposed Acht’s idea to give the Grail vessel a sense of self. A tool cannot fight on its own will, and an object with a will isn’t a tool. And objects that are no longer tools must start by asking themselves if they wish to fight on their own will. That’s why you should take everything you’ve learned so far into account and ask yourself once again. Is the mission you were given really worth the fighting and the spilling of blood?

    Irisviel: Are you asking me to abandon everything that I have?

    Kiritsugu: That’s right. By abandoning everything, you can redo it all from square one. If that‘s what you wish.

    Irisviel: Ah… I see what you’re saying. Kiritsugu, I now understand why you’ve been educating me.

    Kiritsugu: What?

    Irisviel: The knowledge you’ve presented to me until now, the way the world is, how people live…they’re all things you’ve forsaken and walked away from, aren’t they?

    Kiritsugu: Well-

    Irisviel: Did you once prioritize your mission over your happy life and choose to fight battles worth the spilling of blood? … No… that’s not it. If you had already determined which is more valuable, you wouldn’t be letting me choose. If you really do strongly believe in your justice, you wouldn’t have prepared these two options for me. Did you have no choice?

    Kiritsugu tries to say something but cannot

    Irisviel: Emiya Kiritsugu, aren’t you the one who’s been living like a machine with just one function? It’s strange. You’re human, but live like a machine. I’m a doll, but you’re giving me a choice meant for humans.

    Kiritsugu: You have defects as a tool to be brought to the battlefield. I’m adjusting you because you’ll burden me otherwise. That’s all there is to it. Don’t get any strange ideas.

    Irisviel: I see. You think that I shouldn’t blindly follow my mission as a homunculus, but acquire an impulse of wanting to fight based on thought. Is that why you’re trying to elicit anger, happiness, and pride within me?

    Kiritsugu: It’s only been a few months since you emerged from the cultivating tank, but you’ve become quite eloquent.

    Irisviel: I hope you aren’t underestimating my ability to think and analyze, inherited from Justeaze’s designs. From the learning materials you’ve given me, I’ve already derived a different opinion from the one you have.

    Kiritsugu: What?

    Irisviel: You said that anger is the source of the will to fight, and that the basis for anger is one’s dignity. But according to my analysis, anger merely runs from another simpler and more comprehensive impulse. That impulse is… love.

    lrisviel’s words catch Kiritsugu off guard

    Irisviel: People don’t get angry at their enemies for no reason. I’ve identified many examples of people steadfastly spilling blood for their family, their compatriots, and their country. Even animals show hostility and fight seriously to protect their newborn offspring. Even the concept you call dignity is but love towards oneself. In order for me to acquire the emotion of anger, I must first learn about love.

    Kiritsugu breathes heavily

    Irisviel: Because I’ve grasped my own construction and function, I’m unable to feel newly-found concern and interest in myself. However, in becoming strong, there’s no need for me to restrict my love to just myself. The more I learn about people different from me, the more amazed I am, the more I discover… the happiness is incredible. For example… Emiya Kiritsugu. I find you very interesting. The complex internal thoughts you hide arouse my curiosity to no end.

    Kiritsugu: Huh? What are you saying, Irisviel?

    Irisviel: So that I can acquire the strength you ask of me, the will to fight, as soon as possible, I will start by judging whether it is appropriate for me to love you. What do you think?

    Kiritsugu: That’s enough joking around!

    Irisviel: No, I’m simply trying to fulfill what you ask of me. You’re the one who wants me to become strong. I definitely won’t allow anyone to take away what you’ve given me. I’ll be able to feel anger and show hostility towards anyone who seeks to hurt you. Is there a… problem with that?

    Kiritsugu: No, uh… It wouldn’t be very convenient for me…

    Irisviel: No, don’t worry. I won’t burden you at all. It‘ll just be what I’m thinking inside.

    Kiritsugu: The love between man and woman isn’t that simple! Ah, damn it… I can’t believe I have to explain all this… Okay. I’ll teach you for now. You’ll soon realize just how wrong everything you were talking about was.

    Irisviel: That sounds interesting. I’m really looking forward to it.

    Track 6

    Kiritsugu: This is nothing more than an act. Irisviel, I cannot love you, and you cannot love me.

    Irisviel: But why?

    Kiritsugu: To begin with, look at what our aim is. After we win the Holy Grail War and defeat all the other Servants, you will cease to exist. I will cause your death.

    Just how big of a fool am I? I’m trying to teach someone I’ll be forced to kill the insistence and desire to live. If I had only so much as thought about it, I would’ve realized just how cruel it is.

    Irisviel: Kiritsugu…

    Kiritsugu: If there was a way to save you, then I could continue to love you. But if I do that, everything I’ve sacrificed up until now would be for naught. The many lives I’ve taken would become completely meaningless. Your death is the only way I can make up for all the sins I’ve committed. Do I have any right to receive your love?!

    Irisviel: Why is it wrong to love something that will be destroyed? Kiritsugu, it doesn’t look like you’ve thought about your life after the Grail War. You intend to burn yourself out and perish in the coming battles, don’t you?

    Kiritsugu breathes out heavily

    Irisviel: Even so, I find myself holding feelings of love for you. We only have nine more years together in this world. Is there anything wrong with loving each other during that time?

    Kiritsugu: We have no salvation, no hope. The two of us have no future.

    Irisviel: Future?

    Kiritsugu: You see, love is about wishing for the salvation and hopes of your partner and entrusting those prayers. I’m unable to save you, and there is no hope for you, so we can’t possibly love each other. Even now, by saying you love me, it means you’re still unable to love yourself. The fact that you feel no sadness for your eventual demise is proof enough.

    Irisviel: Anger is needed for strength… Love is needed for anger… And a future is needed for love. Is that it?

    Kiritsugu: Great, not only have we wasted much of our time, we’ve come straight to a dead end. I’m sorry. If I knew it’d all be in vain, you’d have it so much easier if you had just remained the emotionless tool that you were.

    Irisviel: No. I have no regrets. Everything I’ve received from you is very precious to me. If we don’t have a future now, we just need to create a new one. A blank sheet, a new life, that isn’t yet bound by anything…

    Kiritsugu: What?

    Irisviel: I’m a woman. You’re a man. Together, we can create new life.  As a complete homunculus, I have a womb that functions no differently from that of a normal person. It should be entirely possible.

    Kiritsugu: That’s just…

    Irisviel: If I can carry your hopes inside my body, and if I can one day give birth to an individual that will give you hope… As the one who made it possible, I’ll be able to feel proud of and love myself. Without needing how others think, I’ll be able to fight for my life and the fate of the future it leads to, entrusting my prayers…

    Kiritsugu: Iri, why would you go to such lengths?

    Irisviel: That’s because I’m stronger than you are. I think I’ve said so before.

    Kiritsugu: Heh…

    Irisviel: Having won and survived many battles, you probably think you’re stronger than everyone else, but you’ve simply chosen to make your enemies die before you do. That’s not the same as wanting to live longer. The strength you’ve acquired is nothing more than the ability to hasten the deaths of others as you all rush towards your doom. You’ve simply arranging the order in which you and others die. That’s not true strength.

    Kiritsugu sighs

    Irisviel: To never give up… to be able to find a way out and execute it no matter the predicament… to carry out the will to live until the moment of your demise… That’s the strength of the perfect Einzbern homunculus. That’s the power of the souls of the truly strong, something you don’t yet have.

    Kiritsugu: Ah, I see… It appears I’m no match for you. I have no further worries, I can truly believe now. Together, the two of us will yield to no enemy and surely reach the Grail.

    Irisviel: Yes.

    Kiritsugu: Please bear me a strong child. A child who’ll give me new hope once the war is over.

    Irisviel: Yes, please come up with a wonderful name for the child… my love.

  34. Fate/Zero Volume 2: The Mad Feast of Kings - Act 5 Part 2 -149:47:12
  35. Lord El-Melloi II Case Files: Grace Note - Episode 1: "Babylon, the Condemned, and the Memories of the King"
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Holy Grail War
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