Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the fourth series of Thomas & Friends. You may be looking for the fourth series of All Engines Go.

The fourth series of Thomas & Friends was first released on VHS in the UK between November 1994 and March 1997. It first aired on television in the UK in March and April of 1996. It aired between 1995 and 1996 on Shining Time Station and Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales in the US. Like the previous three series, it had twenty-six episodes and was narrated by Michael Angelis in the UK and George Carlin in the US.


Filming of this series took place between June 1994 and November 1994.

The fourth series saw the introduction of the smaller narrow gauge engines. The filming crew notoriously did not like filming with the O scale models. The cylinders would jam, the eye mechanism was faulty as they required an external battery pack to function, which had to be hidden either in enclosed coaches, trucks or vans and the body shells of the locomotives were too small to fit smoke units alongside their motors. For ease of filming and reliability, the fifth series would introduce larger-scale versions of the characters and from the sixth-twelfth series, these larger models were used almost exclusively. For the narrow gauge episodes, the production team used a 1992 publication called Little Trains of Britain for reference, this included locations, buildings, fuel tanks, coaches, liveries and even Smudger's face.

Half of the third series consisted of stories written by the show's staff but only one original story, Rusty to the Rescue, was written by Allcroft and Mitton for the fourth series. The episodes which used The Railway Series did take some liberties with the source material, in order to fill the runtime and make the stories more accessible. From the fifth series onwards, all stories would be staff-written, without using the Awdrys' books as a source until the twentieth series which would later finally introduce the Arlesdale Railway. The characters would then be led by their television personas and no longer by their storybook roots.

Stepney, a character based on a real-life engine and used to highlight the preservation movement in the books, was given an entirely different background when he was introduced. This decision carried on into later series, in which he was seen on either a fictionalised Bluebell Railway or as a visitor helping out on the Fat Controller's railway.


(Note: * means that an episode was shown in the Shining Time Station Family Specials.)

(Note: * means that an episode was shown in the Shining Time Station spinoff, Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales.)

(Note: * means that an episode was shown on both.)

(Note: * means that an episode was not released on DVD in US.)

(Note: * means that an episode was seen on Mister Moose's Fun Time.)

(Note: * means that an episode with American title card only for a US release.)

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written By Episode number #
Granpuff15 Granpuff
Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
The engines hear a story about three narrow gauge engines named Duke, Stuart, and Falcon.
SleepingBeauty50 Sleeping Beauty * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
The story about Duke continues as a group of visitors journey to both find him and reunite him with Falcon and Stuart.
Bulldog38 Bulldog ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Percy hears a story about how Duke rescues Falcon while working on the Mountain Road.
YouCan'tWin54 You Can't Win ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Stuart teases Duke about being too ill and old, but Duke ends up playing a trick on him.
FourLittleEngines56 Four Little Engines ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
A red narrow gauge engine named Skarloey is given a rest at the works, and helps pull Sir Handel's coaches.
ABadDayForSirHandel45 A Bad Day for Sir Handel ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Sir Handel is brought to the narrow gauge railway, but has a bad temper and gets naughty.
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLady54 Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Peter Sam is now busier than ever, but gets in a hurry during a passenger run and leaves someone important behind.
Trucks52 Trucks
Rusty Helps Peter Sam
Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
A diesel named Rusty joins the railway, Sir Handel pretends to fall ill, and Peter Sam gets into a big accident.
HomeAtLast33 Home at Last *** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Skarloey is finally mended and returns home in time to help a stubborn, obstinate engine named Duncan out of trouble.
Rock'n'Roll37 Rock 'n' Roll ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Duncan is rude to Rusty and ignores his advice about a damaged track, only to rock 'n' roll his way off it.
SpecialFunnel44 Special Funnel * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Peter Sam is still upset about his funnel ever since it got badly damaged and wishes for a new one.
SteamRoller36 Steam Roller ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Sir Handel is very proud of his broad wheels, but when he races against a steamroller named George, nobody wins.
PassengersandPolish47 Passengers and Polish * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Duncan complains all day long about not being polished, being overworked, and about the passengers.
GallantOldEngine43 Gallant Old Engine * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Duncan hears a story about how an engine named Rheneas saved the narrow gauge railway from closing.
RustytotheRescue40 Rusty to the Rescue * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Rusty goes on an adventure to find an engine for running a special branch line.
ThomasAndStepney64 Thomas and Stepney * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Stepney, the Bluebell Engine, visits Sodor and becomes a special, much to Thomas' shock.
BowledOut27 Bowled Out ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Stepney's visit comes to an end, and a stuck-up diesel has an unlucky day.
TrainStopsPlay77 Train Stops Play ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
A cricket ball is kicked into Stepney's train by accident.
HenryandtheElephant71 Henry and the Elephant ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Henry is sent to clear his tunnel, but he ends up getting a circus surprise.
PaintPotsAndQueens62 Paint Pots and Queens
Thomas Meets the Queen
Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
The Queen of England visits Sodor, giving Thomas and Gordon a very special opportunity.
ThomasAndTheSpecialLetter70 Thomas and the Special Letter * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
The Fat Controller's famous engines are visiting London, but Thomas shows off and gets a hard crash.
BullsEyes44 Bulls Eyes ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Daisy tries to move a bull off the line, but to no avail.
ToadStandsBy40 Toad Stands By * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Oliver is still having trouble with trucks, so Toad makes a plan that works a little too well.
Fish62 Fish * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Duck and Henry get themself into a fishy situation with the Flying Kipper when the tail lamp is faulty.
SpecialAttraction47 Special Attraction * Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Toby misses an opportunity to join a seaside parade, and Percy meets a disagreeable barge named Bulstrode.
MindthatBike47 Mind that Bike ** Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Tom Tipper's mail deliveries get even more difficult, and Percy accidentally helps him out in a silly way.

Screenshot Title Original UK release date Episode number #
Granpuff15 Granpuff 4 March 1996 #01
Thomas tells his friends the story about an old narrow gauge engine named Duke and how he became known as Granpuff.
SleepingBeauty50 Sleeping Beauty 5 March 1996 #02
Years go by and soon a group of visitors begin a journey to find Duke and reunite him with Stuart and Falcon, who are now known as Peter Sam and Sir Handel.
Bulldog38 Bulldog 6 March 1996 #03
Percy hears a story about how Duke rescues an impatient Falcon from trouble on the Mountain Road.
YouCan'tWin54 You Can't Win 7 March 1996 #04
After Duke becomes ill and gets teased about his age, he plays a trick on Stuart by putting all his effort into pulling a passenger train by himself.
FourLittleEngines56 Four Little Engines 8 March 1996 #05
Sir Handel is pushed off the rails by some angry coaches. A red narrow gauge engine named Skarloey is the only engine available and is determined to get his passengers home, even when one of his front springs breaks.
ABadDayForSirHandel45 A Bad Day for Sir Handel 11 March 1996 #06
Sir Handel and Peter Sam are brought in to help Skarloey and his best friend, Rheneas. Sir Handel is in a bad mood and deliberately derails himself on purpose to get out of work.
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLady54 Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady 12 March 1996 #07
One day, Henry threatens to leave without Peter Sam's passengers. In a haste to meet his connection, Peter Sam accidentally leaves the Refreshment Lady behind.
Trucks52 Trucks 13 March 1996 #08
Gordon advises Sir Handel to get out of work by pretending to be ill, leaving Peter Sam and a little narrow gauge diesel named Rusty to take over. However, some trucks mistake Peter Sam for Sir Handel and crash into him at the incline.
HomeAtLast33 Home at Last 14 March 1996 #09
Peter Sam informs Skarloey of the newest arrival, a careless and bad-tempered engine named Duncan. Soon, Skarloey is sent to Duncan's aid when he is stuck under a decrepit tunnel.
Rock'n'Roll37 Rock 'n' Roll 15 March 1996 #10
Rusty is concerned about Duncan, who ignores his warning about a broken section of track. After Duncan derails, Rusty grudgingly comes to the rescue.
SpecialFunnel44 Special Funnel 18 March 1996 #11
Peter Sam's funnel is knocked off by an icicle and is temporarily replaced by a drainpipe. However, Peter Sam gives the other engines a run for their money once his new funnel arrives.
SteamRoller36 Steam Roller 19 March 1996 #12
Skarloey tells Sir Handel of an anti-railway steamroller named George, whom Sir Handel vows to pay out, only to find that both he and George are too evenly hot-headed.
PassengersandPolish47 Passengers and Polish 20 March 1996 #13
Duncan complains about not getting polished. His rudeness reaches its peak when he stops on the viaduct and refuses to move.
GallantOldEngine43 Gallant Old Engine 21 March 1996 #14
Duncan hears the story of how Rheneas saved the railway from closure, even after suffering a serious breakdown and Rheneas returns to the railway.
RustytotheRescue40 Rusty to the Rescue 22 March 1996 #15
When Rusty hears that an engine is needed to help run the Bluebell Railway, he ventures out to find one and meets a steam engine named Stepney.
ThomasAndStepney64 Thomas and Stepney 25 March 1996 #16
Stepney has been invited to visit the Fat Controller's railway. Thomas is jealous when the visiting engine is talked about more than he is and is shunted for Stepney to pass with a special train that night.
TrainStopsPlay77 Train Stops Play 26 March 1996 #17
Stepney does not realise that a cricket ball has landed in one of his trucks. Caroline the Car sets off with the players in pursuit of Stepney along the branch line.
BowledOut27 Bowled Out 27 March 1996 #18
A stuck-up diesel insults the engines and makes a fool of himself when he sucks an inspector's bowler hat through his air-intake vent. Duck and Stepney volunteer in taking his train.
HenryandtheElephant71 Henry and the Elephant 28 March 1996 #19
A circus comes to Sodor but Henry and some workmen are called to investigate a blockage in his tunnel, where he unhappily comes across an elephant.
ToadStandsBy40 Toad Stands By 29 March 1996 #20
Toad advises Oliver on how to regain the trucks' respect. Oliver struggles to pull a goods train but he is so determined that he accidentally pulls S.C. Ruffey apart.
BullsEyes44 Bulls Eyes 1 April 1996 #21
Daisy claims to Toby that she would simply have to "toot" to scare animals off. However, when she comes across a bull, she realises that it will need more than a command to move it away.
ThomasAndTheSpecialLetter70 Thomas and the Special Letter 2 April 1996 #22
After the Fat Controller reads a letter inviting the engines to visit the Mainland, Thomas becomes very conceited and puts his big trip in jeopardy after crashing through a set of buffers and into a brick wall.
PaintPotsAndQueens62 Paint Pots and Queens 3 April 1996 #23
After the accidents of ditches and mines, the Queen comes to Sodor, giving Gordon and Thomas a special opportunity.
Fish62 Fish 4 April 1996 #24
Duck is sent to help Henry with the Flying Kipper but a badly-attached tail lamp causes a dreadful accident.
SpecialAttraction47 Special Attraction 5 April 1996 #25
After Toby's missed opportunity to join a parade, Percy is called to the harbour to deal with Bulstrode, a highly disagreeable barge. Bulstrode makes the trucks more troublesome than usual, though he pays dearly for it.
MindthatBike47 Mind that Bike 8 April 1996 #26
Tom Tipper, a postal worker, is unhappy when his post van is replaced by a bicycle. Percy manages to help him out but not in the way he intended.

Screenshot Title Original US release date Episode number #
RustytotheRescue40 Rusty to the Rescue * 7 January 1995 #01
When Rusty hears that an engine is needed to help run the Bluebell Railway, he ventures out to find one and meets a steam engine named Stepney.
ThomasAndStepney64 Thomas and Stepney * 7 January 1995 #02
Stepney has been invited to visit Sir Topham Hatt's railway. Thomas is jealous when the visiting engine is talked about more than he is and is shunted for Stepney to pass with a special train that night.
Granpuff15 Granpuff / Grandpuff ** 21 February 1995 #03
Thomas tells the story of Duke, a narrow gauge engine who worked with Stuart (also known as Peter Sam) and Falcon (also known as Sir Handel). However, when their railway closed, the young engines were sold and the old engine was left abandoned in a shed.
SleepingBeauty50 Sleeping Beauty * 21 February 1995 #04
After many years had passed, some rescuers began a journey to find Duke and reunite him with his old friends.
ABadDayForSirHandel45 A Bad Day for Sir Handel ** 21 February 1995 #05
Sir Handel and Peter Sam are brought in to help Skarloey and his best friend, Rheneas. Sir Handel is in a bad mood and deliberately derails himself on purpose to get out of work.
Trucks52 Rusty Helps Peter Sam / Trucks *** 21 February 1995 #06
Gordon advises Sir Handel to get out of work by pretending to be ill, leaving Peter Sam and a little narrow gauge diesel named Rusty to take over. However, some freight cars mistake Peter Sam for Sir Handel and crash into him at the incline.
ThomasAndTheSpecialLetter70 Thomas and the Special Letter * 15 August 1995 #07
After Sir Topham Hatt reads a letter inviting the engines to visit the Mainland, Thomas becomes very conceited and puts his big trip in jeopardy after crashing through a set of buffers and into a brick wall.
HomeAtLast33 Home at Last ** 15 August 1995 #08
Peter Sam informs Skarloey of the newest arrival, a careless and bad-tempered engine named Duncan. Soon, Skarloey is sent to Duncan's aid when he is stuck under a decrepit tunnel.
Rock'n'Roll37 Rock 'n' Roll ** 15 August 1995 #09
Rusty is concerned about Duncan, who ignores his warning about a broken section of track. After Duncan derails, Rusty grudgingly comes to the rescue.
SteamRoller36 Steam Roller ** 15 August 1995 #10
Skarloey tells Sir Handel of an anti-railroad steamroller named George, who Sir Handel vows to pay out, only to find that both he and George are too evenly hot-headed.
ToadStandsBy40 Toad Stands By * 15 August 1995 #11
Toad advises Oliver on how to regain the freight cars' respect. Oliver struggles to pull a freight train but he is so determined that he accidentally pulls S.C. Ruffey apart.
BowledOut27 Bowled Out ** 15 August 1995 #12
A stuck-up diesel insults the engines and makes a fool of himself when he sucks an inspector's bowler hat through his air-intake vent. Duck and Stepney volunteer in taking his train.
PaintPotsAndQueens62 Thomas Meets the Queen / Paint Pots and Queens * * 20 November 1995 #13
After the accidents about ditches and mines, the Queen comes to Sodor, giving Gordon and Thomas a special opportunity.
SpecialAttraction47 Special Attraction * 20 November 1995 #14
After Toby's missed opportunity to join a parade, Percy is called into the harbor to deal with Bulstrode, a highly disagreeable barge. Bulstrode makes the freight cars more troublesome than usual, though he pays dearly for it.
HenryandtheElephant71 Henry (and) the Elephant ** 6 August 1996 #15
A circus comes to Sodor but Henry and some workmen are called to investigate a blockage in his tunnel, where he unhappily comes across an elephant.
YouCan'tWin54 You Can't Win ** 6 August 1996 #16
One evening, Duke is too ill to manage by himself. Stuart teases him about this but Duke gets his own back and he proves that he still has a lot of life left in him.
PassengersandPolish47 Passengers and Polish * 6 August 1996 #17
Duncan complains about not getting polished. His rudeness reaches its peak when he stops on the viaduct and refuses to move.
GallantOldEngine43 Gallant Old Engine * 6 August 1996 #18
Duncan hears the story of how Rheneas saved the railway from closure, even after suffering a serious breakdown and Rheneas returns to the railway.
Fish62 Fish * 6 August 1996 #19
Extra vans are added to the Flying Kipper and as a result, Henry needs a back engine to help him up Gordon's Hill. Duck offers to help but a badly attached tail lamp causes a problem.
BullsEyes44 Bulls Eyes ** 7 October 1996 #20
Daisy claims to Toby that she would simply have to "toot" to scare animals off. However, when she comes across a bull, she realizes that it will need more than a command to move it away.
TrainStopsPlay77 Train Stops Play ** 7 October 1996 #21
Stepney does not realize that a cricket ball has landed in one of his cars. Caroline the Car sets off with the players in pursuit of Stepney along the branch line.
SpecialFunnel44 Special Funnel * 7 October 1996 #22
Peter Sam's funnel is knocked off by an icicle and is temporarily replaced by a drainpipe. However, Peter Sam gives the other engines a run for their money once his new funnel arrives.
FourLittleEngines56 Four Little Engines ** 14 October 1996 #23
Sir Handel is pushed off the rails by some angry coaches. A red narrow gauge engine named Skarloey is the only engine available and is determined to get his passengers home, even when one of his front springs breaks.
MindthatBike47 Mind that Bike ** 21 October 1996 #24
Tom Tipper, a postal worker, is unhappy when his mail van is replaced by a bicycle. Percy manages to help him out but not in the way he intended.
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLady54 Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady ** 4 November 1996 #25
One day, Henry threatens to leave without Peter Sam's passengers. In a haste to meet his connection, Peter Sam accidentally leaves the Refreshment Lady behind.
Bulldog38 Bulldog ** 11 November 1996 #26
Falcon was sent to take the Mountain Road with Duke. However, he was impatient and did not pay attention to Duke's advice. He eventually winded up dangling from a cliff.

Screenshot Title Original JPN release date Episode number #
HenryandtheElephant71 トンネルのなかのかいぶつ (The Monster in the Tunnel) * * 1995 #01
A circus comes to Sodor but Henry and some workmen are called to investigate a blockage in his tunnel, where he unhappily comes across an elephant.
PaintPotsAndQueens62 じょおうへいかがやってくる (The Queen Comes to Town) * * 1995 #02
After the accidents about ditches and mineshafts, the Queen comes to Sodor, giving Gordon and Thomas a special opportunity.
ThomasAndTheSpecialLetter70 トーマスととくべつなてがみ (Thomas and the Special Letter) * 1995 #03
After Sir Topham Hatt reads a letter inviting the engines to visit the Mainland, Thomas becomes very conceited and puts his big trip in jeopardy after crashing through a set of buffers and into a brick wall.
BullsEyes44 デイジーとおうしのめだま (Daisy and the Bulls Eyes) * * 1995 #04
Daisy claims to Toby that she would simply have to "toot" to scare animals off. However, when she comes across a bull, she realises that it will need more than a command to move it away.
ToadStandsBy40 トードのめいあん (Toad's Good Idea) * 1995 #05
Toad advises Oliver on how to regain the trucks' respect. Oliver struggles to pull a goods train but he is so determined that he accidentally pulls S.C. Ruffey apart.
Fish62 さかなにはきをつけろ (Be Careful with Fish) * 1995 #06
Extra vans are added to the Flying Kipper and as a result, Henry needs a back engine to help him up Gordon's Hill. Duck offers to help but a badly attached tail lamp causes a problem.
SpecialAttraction47 ちょっとしたみもの (Special Something) * 1995 #07
After Toby's missed opportunity to join a parade, Percy is called into the harbor to deal with Bulstrode, a highly disagreeable barge. Bulstrode makes the trucks more troublesome than usual, though he pays dearly for it.
MindthatBike47 ゆうびんやとバン (A Postman and His Van) * * 1995 #08
Tom Tipper, a postal worker, is unhappy when his post van is replaced by a bicycle. Percy manages to help him out but not in the way he intended.
Granpuff15 ガミガミじいさん (Grand Grandfather) * 1995 #09
Thomas tells the story of Duke, a narrow gauge engine who worked with Stuart (also known as Peter Sam) and Falcon (also known as Sir Handel). However, when their railway closed down, the young engines were sold and the old engine was left abandoned in a shed.
SleepingBeauty50 ねむりひめをさがせ (Find the Sleeping Beauty) * 1995 #10
After many years had passed, some rescuers began a journey to find Duke and reunite him with his old friends.
Bulldog38 ブルドッグ (Bulldog) * * 1995 #11
Falcon was sent to take the Mountain Road with Duke. However, he was impatient and did not pay attention to Duke's advice. He eventually winded up dangling from a cliff.
YouCan'tWin54 かちめなし (No Chance of Winning) * * 1995 #12
One evening, Duke is too ill to manage by himself. Stuart teases him about this but Duke gets his own back and he proves that he still has a lot of life left in him.
FourLittleEngines56 がんばりやのスカーロイ (Skarloey the Hard-Working) * * 1995 #13
Sir Handel is pushed off the rails by some angry coaches. A red narrow gauge engine named Skarloey is the only engine available and is determined to get his passengers home, even when one of his front springs breaks.
ABadDayForSirHandel45 わがままなきかんしゃ (The Selfish Engine) * * 1995 #14
Sir Handel and Peter Sam are brought in to help Skarloey and his best friend, Rheneas. Sir Handel is in a bad mood and deliberately derails himself on purpose to get out of work.
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLady54 からかわれたピーター・サム (Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady) * * 1995 #15
One day, Henry threatens to leave without Peter Sam's passengers. In a haste to meet his connection, Peter Sam accidentally leaves the Refreshment Lady behind.
Trucks52 サー・ハンデルのけびょう (Sir Handel's Fake Illness) * * * 1995 #16
Gordon advises Sir Handel to get out of work by pretending to be ill, leaving Peter Sam and a little narrow gauge diesel named Rusty to take over. However, some trucks mistake Peter Sam for Sir Handel and crash into him at the incline.
HomeAtLast33 なつかしのわがや (Home Sweet Home) * * 1995 #17
Peter Sam informs Skarloey of the newest arrival, a careless and bad-tempered engine named Duncan. Soon, Skarloey is sent to Duncan's aid when he is stuck under a decrepit tunnel.
Rock'n'Roll37 ロックンロール (Rock 'n' Roll) * * 1995 #18
Rusty is concerned about Duncan, who ignores his warning about a broken section of track. After Duncan derails, Rusty grudgingly comes to the rescue.
SpecialFunnel44 とくせいのえんとつ (Special Chimney) * 1995 #19
Peter Sam's funnel is knocked off by an icicle and is temporarily replaced by a drainpipe. However, Peter Sam gives the other engines a run for their money once his new funnel arrives.
SteamRoller36 スチームローラー (Steam Roller) * * 1995 #20
Skarloey tells Sir Handel of an anti-railway steamroller named George, who Sir Handel vows to pay out, only to find that both he and George are too evenly hot-headed.
PassengersandPolish47 ボディーをみがいて (Body Polish) * 1995 #21
Duncan complains about not getting polished. His rudeness reaches its peak when he stops on the viaduct and refuses to move.
GallantOldEngine43 ゆうかんなきかんしゃ (Brave Engine) * 1995 #22
Duncan hears the story of how Rheneas saved the railway from closure, even after suffering a serious breakdown and Rheneas returns to the railway.
RustytotheRescue40 ブルーベルれっしゃ (Bluebell Train) * 1995 #23
When Rusty hears that an engine is needed to help run the Bluebell Railway, he ventures out to find one and meets a steam engine named Stepney.
ThomasAndStepney64 トーマスとステップニー (Thomas and Stepney) * 1995 #24
Stepney has been invited to visit Sir Topham Hatt's railway. Thomas is jealous when the visiting engine is talked about more than he is and is shunted for Stepney to pass with a special train that night.
BowledOut27 ディーゼルとぼうし (The Diesel and the Hat) * * 1995 #25
A stuck-up diesel insults the engines and makes a fool of himself when he sucks an inspector's bowler hat through his air-intake vent. Duck and Stepney volunteer in taking his train.
TrainStopsPlay77 しあいちゅうだん (Game Interuption) * * 1995 #26
Stepney does not realise that a cricket ball has landed in one of his trucks. Caroline the Car sets off with the players in pursuit of Stepney along the branch line.


Screenshot Title Composers Original release date
GoneFishing3 Gone Fishing Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
4 October 1993 (UK, cassette)
Sometimes it's nice to take some time out
Do what you really want to do...
ThomasandtheSpecialLetter32 Really Useful Engine Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
4 October 1993 (UK, cassette)
He's a Really Useful Engine, you know
All the other engines they'll tell you so...
Thomas,TerenceandtheSnow3 Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
4 October 1993 (UK, cassette)
Thomas first saw Terence the Tractor
Ploughing in a field one day and he said, "My oh my, you do look funny."
BullsEyes2 Toby Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
4 October 1993 (UK, cassette)
North of the Island, there lives a dear old train,
A little tram engine, Toby is his name...
ThomasandBertie4 Let's Have a Race Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
4 October 1993 (UK, cassette)
A lesson that's worth learning
One you never should forget...
Henry'sForest58 The Island Song Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
4 October 1993 (UK, cassette)
Picture a land where the sky is so blue
A storybook land of wonder, a magical island just waiting for you, Island of Sodor will make your dreams come true...
Thomas'sChristmasSong Thomas' Christmas Song Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
7th October 1996 (UK; VHS)
Thomas the Tank Engine chuffing along
Annie and Clarabel singing their song...


Screenshot Title Composers Original release date
TheMakingofThomastheTankEngineTitlecard The Making of Thomas the Tank Engine Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
9 October 1994
A behind the scenes featurette released on Channel Nine Australia's 60 Minutes.
TheThomastheTankEngineMan(Bookmarkdocumentary)titlecard The Thomas the Tank Engine Man Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
25 February 1995
A television documentary produced by Nicholas Jones of Quanta Films Ltd for the BBC Bookmark series.


Characters Introduced



  • This was the first series of several things:
    • The first series not to have a "restored" version.
    • The first series to feature the Skarloey and Mid Sodor Railways.
    • The first series to contain the credit "Adaptation by Britt Allcroft" during the opening.
    • The first series not to end with a Christmas-themed episode and the first not to feature a Christmas-themed episode.
    • The first series to add Proteus 1 Pop/Rock to compose the music. This was the acoustic guitar sample (Patch #5) when Daisy encounters Champion in the episode Bulls Eyes.
    • The first series to have episodes released on more than two VHS tapes before airing on television.
    • The first series where Bertie, Terence, Trevor and Bulgy do not speak in any of their appearances since their debuts.
    • Where Toad speaks since his debut last series.
    • The first series where The Chinese Dragon, Lady Hatt and Bridget Hatt do not appear since their debuts.
    • The first series to feature a television series-exclusive engine, with that being Smudger.
    • The first series to premiere on Cartoon Network in the UK.
    • The first series to have braking or hissing sound effects used for when diesel engines stop or start.
    • The first series to have a standard crashing sound for engines when they have an accident, which would be used almost in every accident scene until the sixth series.
    • The first series dubbed by Mike Erander.
    • The first series to introduce a modified smiling face for Gordon, with having smaller eyebrows compared to his third series face.
    • The first series to not feature any episodes with Edward and James as the lead characters.
    • The first series to be dubbed in Japanese after Kohei Miyauchi's death despite all of his lines for the Fat Controller being redubbed into the Japanese language before his death on 2 June 1995.
    • The first series entirely dubbed in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.
    • The first series entirely released on VHS and DVD in Japan and South Korea.
    • The first series entirely released in Japan through VHS before all the episodes were released on television in the UK and the US, with the exceptions of Rusty to the Rescue and Thomas and Stepney.
    • The first series to feature realistic sounding steam whistle sounds as opposed to synthesised effects using the flute module on the Roland Jupiter 6.
    • The first series to feature stereo audio in the UK, US, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Hong Kong.
  • This series marks the only of a few things:
    • The only series where Terence is never referred to by name since his debut.
    • The only series where an ITV franchise was not involved in production, as Border Television took over from the next season. Although the sixth and seventh series were later broadcast on CiTV in the early 2000s, they were co-produced between Gullane Entertainment and Nick Jr. UK.
    • The only series to feature Duke physically, not counting his portrait cameos in the fifth series, his stock footage cameo in the seventh series and being dropped in the fifteenth series episode, Kevin the Steamie along with Sir Handel and Peter Sam.
    • The only series until the tenth series to feature Sir Handel.
    • The only series to feature Crovan's Gate in the model series.
    • The only series to feature the Big Airy Shed in the entire series.
    • The only series dubbed by The Family Channel Studios.
    • The only series until the eighth series to feature Thomas' upset face mask.
    • The only series to feature Bulstrode in the original series.
  • This was also the final series of a few things:
    • The last production to feature stories based on The Railway Series until The Adventure Begins and therefore the last to have Wilbert Awdry as a technical consultant.
    • The last series up until the twentieth series to feature episodes based on the stories from The Railway Series. Not including the sixth series episode Faulty Whistles, which is loosely based off the Small Railway Engines story: Mike's Whistle
    • George Carlin's last series as narrator due to him moving on to continue his comedy career before passing away a decade later in June 2008. Alec Baldwin would assume the role from the fifth - sixth series.
    • The last production to introduce characters from the Railway Series into the television series until Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure.
    • The last series to air during Wilbert Awdry's lifetime.
    • The last series shown on Shining Time Station.
    • The last series released completely on VHS in New Zealand.
    • The last series to be produced in Ukrainian voice-over instead of a dub.
    • The last series to be produced in Ukrainian until the seventeenth series.
    • The last series to feature Daisy in an episode until the nineteenth series.
    • The last series to not feature Cranky before his debut in the next series.
    • The last series released on DVD in Finland until the eighth series.
    • The last series to feature Kōhei Miyauchi as the Fat Controller (named Toppuhamu Hattokyo in the Japanese dub) in the original Japanese voice cast. Coincidentally, all of his lines for all of the Japanese dubbed episodes from the same series were recorded before his death on 2 June 1995 due to abdominal varices. From the fifth series until the eighth series, Takeshi Aono would take over the role.
    • The last series aired by KBS 1 in South Korea.
    • The last series translated by Lee Eun-sook for JEI TV in South Korea.
    • The last series directed by Kim Yu-joon for JEI TV in South Korea.
    • The last series narrated by Jang Gwang for JEI TV in South Korea.
    • The last series recorded by Lee Hyun-min for JEI TV in South Korea.
    • The last series mixed by Park Kwang-ho for JEI TV in South Korea.
    • The last series video edited by Kang Hyun-gi for JEI TV in South Korea.
    • The last series to have three Korean versions.
    • The last series to have mono audio in South Korea but television airings and VHS' also have mono audio in the fifth series as well.
    • The last series to have mono audio in Albania.
    • The last series to have Märklin gauge 1 tracks for the engines running.
    • The last series aired by Kanal 5, Cartoon Network and Boomerang in Sweden.
    • The last series that aired the UK dub in Nordic countries but on the Finnish language option.
    • The last series to release some of its episodes early in the United States until the eighth series. But this time, on VHS/DVD instead of American television.
    • The last series to reuse music from the Clearwater Features era with the Roland Jupiter 6 synthesiser. This only happens during Daisy's theme in the episode Bulls Eyes. Also this is the last series of the main show to use stock footage produced by Clearwater Features until the seventh series (not counting the Jack and the Sodor Construction Company series).
    • The last series dubbed at "Autoren-Synchron Hamburg" in Germany.
    • The last series to be aired on Nelonen in Finland until the thirteen series in 2017. MTV3 took over as the Finnish broadcast home for the series in 2009 starting from the fifth series to the present day.
    • The last series where guards are referred to as conductors in the US dub.
  • With a number of twenty-four out of twenty-six episodes, the fourth series holds the most episodes released directly onto home video before television, with the exceptions of Rusty to the Rescue and Thomas and Stepney, as they aired on television in the US on 7 January 1995 on the Shining Time Station special Once Upon a Time before being released on VHS. The only two episodes that aired on television in the UK before they were released on VHS were Four Little Engines and Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady, hence they were only released with their Cartoon Network opening titles.
  • Two episodes of this series have aired in the United States before being released on VHS or broadcast in the United Kingdom later that year; Rusty to the Rescue and Thomas and Stepney.
  • The first eleven episodes of this series, from Granpuff to Special Funnel have Michael Angelis' dub recorded in Dobey.
  • The last fifteen episodes of this series, from Steam Roller to Mind that Bike have Michael Angelis' dub recorded back to normal.
  • This series contained the 100th episode of the television series, which was Thomas and the Special Letter.
  • This series introduced the most new characters out of any other series.
  • Thomas appears in twenty-three episodes in this series, more than any other series in the Classic Series but still less than most of the series outside the Classic Series.
  • Oddly, a significant amount of sound effects are different and music cues are absent in the US dubs of the episodes featured in the Rusty to the Rescue home release, a notable example being Rusty Helps Peter Sam, which misses almost all the music in the first half of the episode. The episode also excludes most of Peter Sam's whistles and adds an unusually high pitched whistle when he cries for help after his accident. The audio quality of the dub is also different from the rest of the fourth series episodes.
  • This series is unique as the first fifteen episodes focused primarily on the Skarloey Railway engines.
  • In the Serbian dub, out of twenty-six episodes only three episodes were dubbed and released in the DVD Volume 8.
  • In the Ukrainian and Vietnamese voice-overs, Michael Angelis' dub can be heard in the background as a dubbing track was not used.
  • In the Korean dub of DVD Acadamy, George Carlin's dub can be heard in the background as a dubbing track was not used.
  • The first three episodes, A Bad Day for Sir Handel, Trucks, Home at Last, Rock 'n' Roll and Special Funnel are the only episodes to have an original UK dub. These are all featured on the UK VHS release of Rock 'n' Roll and other Stories.
  • A map of the east of Sodor featuring Crovan's Gate and all the locations from the Skarloey Railway was made (possibly by David Mitton or Robert Gauld-Galliers) and it is seen in the episode Sleeping Beauty, as well as the episodes Bye George!, Oliver's Find and Busy Going Backwards from the next series.
  • On all the New Zealand VHS releases, special title cards were made due to the removal of intros and outros (aside from the beginning and end of the tapes).
