Transformers: Power of the Primes is an animated web series produced by Hasbro and Machinima, with animation by Tatsunoko Production. Tying in with the imprint of the same name, it is the third and final entry in the Prime Wars Trilogy, following the Combiner Wars and Titans Return series. F.J. DeSanto returns as showrunner, as does writer Adam Beechen (now joined by Jamie Iracleanos) and director Yuzo Sato. The series was announced alongside Titans Return following the conclusion of Combiner Wars. The series first premiered on May 1, 2018 on the go90 platform in the US, in China, and on Tumblr for international countries. Like its predecessor, it was narrated by Victor Caroli and ran for ten 11-minute episodes, all of which were uploaded to Machinima's YouTube channel on July 10, 2018 in advance of go90's shutdown at the end of that same month. In January 2019, preceding the announcement of their closure, Machinima removed the Tumblr blog and wiped all videos on their channel; the series was later reuploaded to Rooster Teeth's website on March 10, 2019.
Following the death of Optimus Prime, Megatronus claims the Enigma of Combination and the Matrix of Leadership for his own. Now he seeks the Requiem Blaster, intent on harnessing the power of all three artifacts to create a dangerous doomsday weapon. As infighting breaks out between Transformers in fear of the coming apocalypse, a small team led by Megatron must band together to reach the Requiem Blaster first and fight back before Megatronus can wipe out their species forever, all the while contending with his acolytes Overlord and Rodimus Cron. Secrets from Cybertron's past will be revealed, and a new Prime shall be named as the Transformers make their last stand.
Autobots | Decepticons | Camiens | Misc |
Titans[]Titan Masters[] |
Combiners[] |
Combiners |
- The Swamp
- Volcanicus
- Without Warning
- Primal
- Athenaeum Sanctorum
- Countdown
- Consequences
- Collision Course
- Megatronus Unleashed
- Saga's End
- The designs share huge similarities to Generation One.
- Rodimus Unicronus design is based on Rodimus from Shattered Glass.