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"The same as FUG's. Perhaps we really are from FUG like you said. What we want is to bring down the whole system of the Ten Families and begin a new chapter. From FUG's supporters to those working in the shadows within each family. People with that common goal are coming together more and more quickly. And we've decided to call ourselves Revolution." - Lo Po Bia Goruro to Ha Jinsung and Cha[1]

Revolution (혁명, Hyeogmyeong; 레볼루션 Rebollusyeon) is a decentralized organization in the Tower and consists of many members from many different Great Families and other organizations.[2] Its purpose is to destroy the 10 Great Families and create something new in their place, which they intend to accomplish by working together with, or using, the Irregular Twenty-Fifth Baam.


The origin of this organization seems to lie with The Boss, a mysterious individual that has existed since the Age of Genesis.[3]

As revealed by Po Bidau Bellerir, the Revolution began when he had successfully acquired Zahard's Bracelet from Po Bidau Gustang after retrieving it from Rachel and his Treasure Eating Stingray from the Hidden Floor of the Hell Train. Once he had put the bracelet on, he was instantly transported to the Red Garbage Dump, the hidden dimension found in between the space of each floors, the "garbage dump", where the Great Family Heads had dumped the things that don't "serve" the Tower in and left to die. As stated by Gustang, mechanoids, sorcerers, fundamentalists, guides who suggested the wrong paths, spirits of dead creatures in the Tower, ancestral creatures and numerous other beings that were deemed no longer needed was thrown in this dump and sealed away. Where these outcasts soon began forming a civilization of their own.

As described by Bellerir, despite the residents of the Red Garbage Dump not getting along, in fact they constantly fight each other and have several rulers and civilizations within it, almost all the residents shared the hatred and resentment of being dumped into the Red Garbage Dump towards King Zahard and the 10 Great Family Heads and collectively desired to escape and inflict their vengeance on them. An opportunity Gustang and Po Bidau Bellerir gave them when they acquired the key to enter and leave the Red Garbage Dump. Eventually joining the Revolution and the other denizens of the Tower who similarly resented the 10 Great Families and Zahard Empire.

As revealed by their members from the Red Garbage Dump, the ultimate goal of the Revolution is to kill the current Family Heads and replace them as the new family heads.[4]


Revolution is quite closely tied to FUG due to their similar goals of eliminating the Ten Great Family Heads, which can be deduced from Rachel's apparent active membership in both organizations.[2]


As stated by Lo Po Bia Kirin, Revolution desires to eliminate and replace the Ten Great Family Heads and King Zahard. To accomplish this, Kirin claims that Revolution has extremely powerful members capable of usurping the Family Heads within their ranks. [5]

Later, it was revealed that some of the most powerful members of the Revolution were residents of the Red Garbage Dump, who had only just recently managed to escape thanks to Po Bidau Bellerir using the Key of the Red Garbage Dump to travel to and from it. Due to them having only just recently entered into the regular parts of the Tower,[4] its likely that these members are not officially categorized as Rankers/HighRankers or even Regulars despite their immense power due to not officially climbing up the Tower.

High Rankers[]





  • Headon: Due to supporting Rachel and providing Akryung to her team, he seems to either be a part of Revolution or is supporting it from the sidelines.


Notes and Trivia[]

  • As noted by Yool, there exists the possibility of multiple “Captains” having given him orders, as he felt that the individual who gave him his orders to “test” Baam, and the individual who ordered him to deliver a message to Dowon, were two separate people. This hints that there is more than one leader of the group. [9]



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