Tower of God Wiki
Tower of God Wiki
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Karaka's Heart(카라카의 마음, Kalakaui Ma-eum) is a secret space dimension created by Karaka's Armor Suit which is cut off from the outside world. No one can enter except Karaka himself, Administrators, and 10 Family Heads.[1]


Tower of God: Part 2 - The Last Station[]

The Last Station (Arc)[]

Evankhell and Yu Han Sung got teleported into this special space dimension by the 2nd Floor Administrator. They encountered one of Karaka's minions, Death Bird, who was worried they may have been intruders coming into the dimension holding Karaka's Heart. Evankhell and Hansung are the first people to enter this place. Later a Warp gate opens and displayed several Floating Ships from 4th Army Corp under Kallavan's command who have gathered at the Last Station to capture people on board the Hell Express. Death Bird noted that the warp gate only opens whenever Karaka is in danger. Wasting no time, Evankhell then leds the group through the portal with the plan of rescuing Karaka.

Known Residents[]

Images Gallery[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Because Karaka's Heart is located in another dimension it cannot be found by most rankers. This can be considered as a form of immortality.[2]



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10 Great Families13 Month Series7 Sacred SwordsAdministratorAdministrator's TestAge of CoexistenceAge of GenesisAge of The 10 FamiliesAltarAncientAnimaAntimatter BombArtificial BeingAxisAxis UserBaam's TransformationBaangBall TestBeastificationBeastification/Full TransformationBeastkinBlood Eye PaintBlue Thryssa TransformationBody ReinforcementBoiling AcidBowlBOXCanine LordsCanine Tooth FestivalCanine TransformationCanine Transformation/External TransformationCanine Transformation/Full TransformationCaninesCat Tower Green AcidCombat DogsCompression LicenserCrown GameDa-an TribeDansulsaData HumansDefenderDiseaseDoperEnna Core Upgrade KitFantasy War Tactics R (TOG)FelinesFishermanFishmanFloating ShipFloorsFucile Robot ArmyGreat WarriorsGuideHairtailHeir of Light (TOG)Hell Express AltarHell Train GuardianHero CantareHidden Floor SoldierHidden Floor VillainHidden GroveHwayeomsaIgnition LiquidIron Man ContractIrregularJeonsulsaJump PadKing of The Tower ContractLeech GuardianLegendary Giant of the TowerLeviathan TransformationLight BallLight BearerLight Flowing Through The WaterfallLighthouseLighthouse ReinforcementLong Life GameLord of Dice (TOG)MacsethianManbarondennaMuttsNative OneOf the Tower's WeaponsOutsideParasitesPipesPocketPointsPortalPositionPrince of the Red-light DistrictPrince of ZahardPure ShinsuRanked RegularsRankerRanking and GradingRed Thryssa TransformationRegularRegular's Testing SystemScoutSegregation DrugSeven KnightsShinheuhShinsuShinsu ManipulationShinsu QualityShinsu ResistanceSIUSleeping DrugSorcererSpear BearerSpellStone DollStructure of the TowerSuspendiumCategory:SuspendshipsSworn EnemyTalse Uzer StoryTamerTeleportationTestThe Cursed PeopleThe Eternal Life ContractThe First PeopleThe Immortality ContractThe Workshop BattleThread SnakeThree OrdersThree-Toed Horn MonsterUser blog:Tofu21/The Systems of "Chosen"TOGM : The Great JourneyTop 3 D-RankTop 5 E-RankTower of God (series)Tower's RulesTUSWandering MinstrelWarpWave ControllerWonsulsaWorkshop PatrolYeon Family Flames