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Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
Biotope 4
Japanese 第4ビオトープ
Romanized Dai Yon Biotōpu
English Biotope 4
Location Human World
Affiliation IGO
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 19 (mentioned)
Anime Episode 7 (mentioned)
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Biotope 4 (第4ビオトープ Dai Yon Biotōpu) is one of the IGO's eight Biotopes, artificial habitats used for cultivating and harvesting rare plants and dangerous beasts.

Little is known about Biotope 4 other than it used to house the Land Moray Eel and Sea Burger Fish.

Beasts and Ingredients[]

  • Land Moray Eel
  • Sea Burger Fish


Puffer Whale Arc[]

Biotope 4 had been recently attacked by the Gourmet Corp. Vice Chef Starjun who made off with the Biotopes ingredients. This along with the attack on the other Biotopes made the IGO's directors realize that the Gourmet Corp. had finally made its move and would need the aid of all the Four Heavenly Kings soon.

Meteor Garlic Arc[]

Toriko and Coco paid a visit to each of the IGO Biotopes which held the ingredients from Ichiryu's Full Course. Although it was not shown, they successfully captured the ingredients from each Biotope, including Biotope 4.

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