Symphogear Wiki

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Symphogear Wiki
Symphogear Wiki
Symphogear heroines celebration with feast

Hello there! My name is CureHibiki, but please just call me Hibiki!!!! I come from Australia and my passion is singing, so you may find that I actually do cover songs of various Japanese music. If this interests you, feel free to check out my channel!! There is no Symphogear covers yet but if you stick around, maybe you'll see quite the surprise~!

Other than singing, I love to just sit back, relax and just talk to people on discord or just edit info on various wikias. About editing, I often focus on the song pages but I am trying to expand my horizons to other pages since I have noticed some interesting grammar errors.

As this is a bio on a wikia themed around Symphogear, I guess I'll talk about my love for the franchise. Well I can't really remember how I got into the franchise but all I know is that I love it!!! It feels so unique and wicked that it baffles me how it's not on anyone's radar in the west. The music is stunning, especially Chris' music; the characters are all stupidly dorky that you just can't hate any of them - even the villains are dorky and fun! The story can be a little interesting but I personally think it has been building for one heck of a finale that we just may be getting very soon. My favourite character is Chris, and to be honest, I think I have a thing for tsunderes being my favourites, but that is not to say I dislike the rest of the cast. In fact I love them as well, just not as much as Chris!!

Besides Symphogear, I really like the Love Live franchise as well as the Pretty Cure franchise!! They are an idol and magical girl show respectively, and I suppose you could say that since Symphogear combines both these aspects, that there always a huge chance I'd love Symphogear so much!


Top 3 Characters[]

  1. Chris Yukine
  2. Kirika Akatsuki
  3. Miku Kohinata

Top 3 XDU Songs[]

  2. Eiai Promise
  3. Hadaka ni Natte… Natsu
