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Symphogear Wiki
Symphogear Wiki
Shul Shagana
XV Shul Shagana
Kanji シュルシャガナ

Romaji Shuru Shagana
Anime G Episode 2
Game Senki Zesshō Symphogear XD Unlimited
Relic Information
User Shirabe Tsukuyomi
Shirabe Tsukuyomi (Another) (XDU Only)
Armed Gear Sawblades

Shul Shagana (シュルシャガナ Shuru Shagana?) is the Symphogear that clads Shirabe Tsukuyomi. Its counterpart is Igalima. Its classification number is SG-i01.[1]

In the XDU event Wasō Ranbu, Shul Shagana's traditional gear exclusively uses shuriken instead of its standard sawblades.


Shul Shagana (Šulšagana) who is a butler was a child of Zababa (AKA 'Bau' or 'Baba', the main god or patron deity of the ancient Sumerian city called Kish whose sanctuary was the E-meteursag) and Ningirsu (the main god or patron deity of the pantheon of the ancient Sumerian city-states of Babylonia, Lagaš, and Assyria) of the Sumerian god mythology.

Alternatively, Sul-Sagana was also a scimitar that belonged to Zababa and carried the meaning of "red blade".


Shul Shagana, along with Igalima and the mysterious relic that was labeled Airgetlám, originally belonged to the ownership of the Iraq government.[2] The US government accused the Iraq government's relics as being 'weapons of mass destruction', and the Iraq War broke out as a result of attempts to seize them. Afterwards, the US announced there were really no WMDs, but this was an attempt to cover up the fact the US had secretly obtained Shul Shagana, Igalima, and Airgetlám.[3]

Afterwards, the relics were given to the FIS, where they were made into the Symphogear that Shirabe, Kirika, and Maria now wield.

Holy Chant[]

Holy Chant Character
Various Shul Shagana tron
Shirabe Tsukuyomi
Shirabe Tsukuyomi (Another)


Battle Songs[]




  • If you were to put Shirabe's and Kirika's battle songs together, they would be in perfect sync. This would make sense seeing as that both of their relics are based on blades used by the Sumerian god Zababa.
  • Crunchyroll mistransliterates the transformation chant as "Fallian Shul Shagana tron".

