Strider Wiki
Striders can only die in battle. That is a Strider's destiny...
(「ストライダーは戦いの中でしか死ぬことはできんのだ それがストライダーの運命だ...」)

Matic (マティック) is a character exclusive to the Strider Hiryu manga and its NES adaptation. He's the main antagonist of both versions, retaining the basic role almost identically between them, although in a more active way in the game.

Matic is the Vice-Director of the Striders, and the one left in charge after Kuramoto stepped down from his duties. Matic is a cruel, coldhearted individual, who rules with an iron fist and does not hesitate to use violence[1]. Matic is also a very ambitious man, craving power and control and desiring to rule the world[2]. Even though he retains his rank as "Vice-Director", he is virtually the one in charge. But even then he desires Kuramoto's death so he'd truly take over his position within the Striders.[3]

Matic's most recognizable feature is a large scar that runs across most of his face's left side. Matic's Cypher is also unique in that it is twice the size of a common Cypher and lacks its distinctive tonfa-like grip. Matic is quite skilled with this weapon, capable of disarming even Hiryu with a well-placed strike. He's, however, also vulnerable to having his weapon shot out of his hands.[4]




Matic (Manga)

As the Vice-Director in charge of the Striders, Matic assumed leadership of the group when Kuramoto started showing signs of senility and stepped down from active duty. His ambition led him to secretly join forces with the business organization Enterprise, and to support their ZAIN Project. However, Matic is only interested in ruling both organizations. With the Striders' military power and Enterprise's financial strength, world domination would be within his grasp. A group within the Striders formed around him, sharing his ideas and opposing Kuramoto and those who remained loyal to him.

After Kain is captured by Kazakh forces during a mission, Matic decides to force Hiryu out of retirement to find and eliminate him. Matic travels to Hiryu's home in Mongolia and at first requests him to take the mission, citing his friendship with Kain and that it'd be better to eliminate him out of pity rather than allow the enemy to torture him. When Hiryu refuses to do it, Matic then threatens the civilians Hiryu has been living with, forcing Hiryu to reveal his superhuman skills in front of them. With Matic further threatening with obliterating the whole village, Hiryu has no other choice but to accept.

Manga matic shadowtags

Matic corners Hiryu after Clay's death

This, however, proves to have been a grave mistake on Matic's part: Hiryu discovers the ZAIN Project and subsequently proceeds to destroy the Kazakh Federation Mental Institute and the ZAIN Terminal within. Upon hearing this, Matic sends in two subordinates, Arana and Kubira, to protect the Amazon Institute from Hiryu and Kain, but both are killed fighting him and the institute is destroyed. Matic is later seen at the Headquarters of Enterprise, having a tour around with Yuri as the ZAIN Project is reaching its completion. Eventually, Matic spots Hiryu and Kain disguised as repairmen and has them attacked, but Kain causes an explosion to cover their escape. Matic finally faces Hiryu just moments after he has killed Faceas Clay. The Vice-Director then reveals he has been manipulating the events to benefit himself: he has known of the ZAIN Project for 3 years and realized it was an once-in-a-lifetime chance to fulfill his ambition. He needed Clay eliminated, something Hiryu unwittingly did for him. Next, he would assassinate Kuramoto and frame Hiryu and Kain for the murder, eliminating all loose ends and claiming leadership of both organizations as well as the ZAIN weapon.

Matic and Hiryu engage in battle, with Matic holding a slight advantage over the injured Hiryu. Seeing Hiryu's determination to kill him even if it costs him his life, however, forces the battle to a standstill. This is until Matic notices a large group of Striders has gathered around them and, confident his victory is certain, orders them all to attack the traitors. No one answers his orders, and with Kuramoto appearing from among the crowd, Matic is informed his plans have failed and he has no one left on his side. Not willing to give up ZAIN even if cornered, Matic refuses to surrender and threatens all present with a bomb switch; but just as he would not hand the Mother ZAIN to anyone, the machine wakes up and pierces him through the chest with one of its cables, killing him instantly.

Strider (NES)[]


Matic (NES)

The Vice-Director in charge of the Striders after stripping Chief Kuramoto of all his power, Matic forces Hiryu out of retirement by threatening to eliminate innocent Mongolian civilians if he didn't agree to one last mission. Once on the Blue Dragon, Matic tells him that Kain has been captured and that rescuing him now that he's known by the enemy is useless. He orders Hiryu to find and kill him. Hiryu, however, is not willing to accept those terms and rescues him instead, unveiling the ZAIN Project in the process.

During Hiryu's fight against The Syndicate and their ZAIN Terminals, one disk recording reveals Matic to be in league with the group's director, Faceas Clay. Later, after an appointment with Clay in Los Angeles, he (apparently) finds Sheena within the Strider Headquarters, who was looking for the runaway Kain, and leaves her with a fatal injury. Having been pursued by Kain himself into his base in the Red Dragon, Matic confronts and kills him as well. Kain is, however, able to reveal his location to Hiryu before dying.

Hiryu infiltrates the Red Dragon and is greeted by Matic as he claims he can't defeat him. Hiryu makes quick work of every subordinate of his, and finally reaches him at the heart of the station, right before the room housing the Yggdrasil. After a long battle, Matic is defeated and killed by Hiryu.

Skills and Abilities[]

Matic nes stance

Matic's fighting stance against Hiryu

As the appointed Vice-Director of the Striders, Matic holds qualifications that are equal to an Special-A Class agent, though he has no interest in fighting fair and will take any advantage he can in a direct confrontation, like facing an exhausted Hiryu while backed up by armed soldiers[5] or ordering other Striders he believes obey him to kill him[6]. He's a very cunning man, manipulating others into unknowingly doing as he wishes, like using Hiryu so he'd take care of Faceas Clay for him.[5]

In battle, Matic uses a custom Cypher with a sword hilt and twice the common length of the weapon. He wields it in a low stance with the Cypher pointing downwards, and can effortlessly switch between strong two-handed focused strikes and faster one-handed continuous attacks. In the NES adaptation, Matic's weapon is a normal-sized red Cypher instead, and he wields it in a battôjutsu stance (despite the Cypher lacking a sheath), keeping his hand close to the grip and only doing a lightning-fast strike when Hiryu tries to attack him.

Boss battle[]

During the boss battle, Matic will always run up to Hiryu until he's right next to him, then simply stand in place (or jump, if Hiryu does so) with his hand ready to attack. If Hiryu attacks him using the Cypher normally, then Matic will instantly counter-strike with an attack of his own, knocking the Cypher out of Hiryu's hands and sending it flying across the room. Hiryu is defenseless in this state, and Matic will jump at him for direct contact damage until he recovers his weapon, at which point Matic goes idle once again.

To defeat him, he must be struck with the Plasma Arrow technique: this will disarm Matic and send his Cypher flying across the room, leaving him open to damage as he attempts to recover it. Using one of the manji projectile Tricks works as well, although doing so close to him counts as a Cypher attack and activates Matic's counter-strike. Since the tricks are also limited in use, unlike the Plasma Arrow, using them is not recommended.

Design Notes[]

Matic is one of two manga characters depicted in Isuke's scenario draft, where he's given the full name Matic Leopard (マティック・レオパルド). Matic is part of one of the most prestigious and historical families within the Striders, having assisted the central family in both commanding and managing the other families, and it is said that they had been involved in all the major operations in the organization's story. Matic himself is described as Kuramoto's "adjutant" (副官).

Following his restructuring of the Striders during the early 2000s, Kuramoto became busy taking direct command in the battlefields of the Middle East and Africa. As the Soviet Union was gaining power in the East, he left Matic with the duty of keeping tabs on the situation. It was around this time a mysterious "man" appeared within the Soviet social circles and started amassing power and influence. When Matic entered his territory, he was persuaded by his power and became his puppet.

In 2048, following the Man's world conquest and the Striders accepting the mission to eliminate him, Matic led a revolt within the Striders in his name. While Matic was swiftly beheaded by Kuramoto, the headquarters collapsed at the end and the Striders disbanded.



  1. Wada, Tatsumi (November 10, 1989). Strider Hiryû. Chapter 1, Pg. 33. Kadokawa Shoten. ISBN 4-04-713009-5.
  2. Wada, Tatsumi (November 10, 1989). Strider Hiryû. Chapter 6, Pg. 205. Kadokawa Shoten. ISBN 4-04-713009-5.
  3. Wada, Tatsumi (November 10, 1989). Strider Hiryû. Chapter 6, Pg. 182-183. Kadokawa Shoten. ISBN 4-04-713009-5.
  4. Capcom (July 1989, NES). Strider (English). Scene 10: Yugdesiral
  5. 5.0 5.1 Wada, Tatsumi (November 10, 1989). Strider Hiryû. Chapter 6, Pg. 206. Kadokawa Shoten. ISBN 4-04-713009-5.
  6. Wada, Tatsumi (November 10, 1989). Strider Hiryû. Chapter 6, Pg. 213. Kadokawa Shoten. ISBN 4-04-713009-5.
Strider Manga/NES Series
Main Articles Manga (Gaiden) • Strider (NES)Moto KikakuTatsumi WadaMasahiko Kurokawa
Characters AranaCommanderFaceas ClayHiryuKainKubiraKuramotoMaticPolice ChiefScientistSheena
Game only: BadgerDragon FiendFlash BladeKodiakRyuzaki
Manga only: Commander KeithDr. HoganFlower GirlDirectorMariyaMinor StridersRinYuriZangi Brothers
Stage Enemies BirdClawed StridersDobermanEgypt SoldierGiant RobotMachine CannonMechanical SnailRobot Arm
Robot ClawRobot FrongRussian InfantrymanScuba SoldierSharkmanSky WingSpark Machine
Turret/Laser TurretTwin Bats
Technology Assault RifleBootsCypherKaliKunaiPhantom TrainRescue AircraftShadow Tag BulletsStealth Chopper
SystemT-48Transport TubeZAIN Project (ZAIN TerminalZainsYggdrasil)
Locations AmazonKazakh Federation (KazakhMental Institute) • Los AngelesMongoliaStrider Headquarters
AfricaAustraliaChinaEgyptJapanRed Dragon
Techniques Acceleration JumpBoomerang ThrowCypher AttackPlasma ArrowSlide InTriangle JumpTricks
Groups EnterpriseKazakh Secret PolicePhantom UnitRebel ArmyStriders
Strider Matic UnitSpecial Forces