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The Tong Pooh Three Sisters are approaching with splendid combinations! With the ability to generate plasma, they possess a terrifying assassination technique!
—Introduction to the team, from Capcom Friendly Club #11

The Kuniang M.A. (Martial Arts[2]) Team are a recurring team of enemies in the series, appearing in all versions of the original coin-op as well as its two sequels. In Japan, they are called the Three Chinese Girls (中国3人娘) in the first game[1][3], and Tong Pooh Three Sisters (東風三姉妹) in all later appearances[4][5]. Out of its three members, Tong Pooh is the most representative of the group, having the most on-screen time and guest appearances in crossovers.

In the 2014 Strider the team is officially known as The Four Winds, introducing their master Xi Wang Mu as the fourth member[6]. The sisters often call themselves simply The Winds in-game, however.

The Team[]

The Kuniang M.A. team is a trio of Chinese sisters that offer their services as bounty hunters[1][7][8] . Their strength lies in their hand-to-hand mastery and teamwork, employing perfectly synchronized and magnificent dance-like movements[3]. Their mastery of Chinese martial arts is beyond that of ordinary people, with their kicks being strong enough to generate a "Plasma Whirlwind", a plasma-like arc of energy not dissimilar from the one made by Hiryu's Cypher.[1][3][7][8]

Each sister has their own weapon (introduced in the 2014 game) and signature attack (introduced in Strider 2), using the plasma generated by their kicks differently, though they also sport techniques shared by all three of them.

Tong Pooh
(東風, east wind)
alt. Tong Poo, Ton Pooh
Middle sister as well as the leader of the trio[1][5][7][8], recognized by her green clothes and hairstyle, two braided pigtails. She's the most vocal out of the three, usually taunting Hiryu after being defeated. Her signature attack is a back kick which generates an arc of plasma energy. An expert in kenjutsu[5], her weapon of choice is a Chinese Rinkaku sword.
Sai Pooh
(西風, west wind)
Youngest sister[1], recognized by her blue clothes (purple in the first game) and hairstyle, twin pigtails. Her signature attack is a descending flying kick engulfed in plasma energy. She was renamed Nang Pooh (南風, South Wind) in the 2014 Strider.
Pei Pooh
(北風, north wind)
alt. Bei Pooh, Nam Pooh
Oldest sister[1][5], recognized by her red clothes and hairstyle, a long ponytail. Her signature attack is a series of rapid kicks that release small blades of plasma energy. Fans mistakenly localized her name as Nam Pooh. Mixing her martial arts with gunfighting, she wields short Jizhaorui hook-like blades with a built-in submachine gun in each hand.[5]

The "Fourth" Member[]


Black Tong Pooh

In the original Strider, there's a second optional boss fight against the trio in the last stage, the Third Moon. In contrast to the different colored suits used by the Kuniang, this trio uses a grey-and-black attire. They are faced in a much smaller space, making their continuous attacks more difficult to handle. Some official sources refer to this character as Black Tong Pooh (ブラック東風).[9]

A minor enemy in the crossover game Namco × Capcom seems to be a nod to this boss fight, being identical to Tong Pooh and wearing a grey costume. According to the game, these are named Nang Pooh (南風, south wind), and are clones of Tong Pooh[10]. It is unknown if this information applies to the main series since there was no prior mention of this fact before or after Namco × Capcom.

In the 2014 Strider, the spear-wielding Nang Pooh became an official member of the team, replacing and inheriting most of Sai Pooh's characteristics (being the youngest sister and wearing blue clothes[5]). The sisters' master Xi Wang Mu, introduced in this game, is considered the team's fourth member, even though it's rare for all four members to fight together.[6][11]



In the past, the Kuniang M.A. Team operated as sky pirates. At one point they engaged Grandmaster Meio's greatest ace, the Flying Battleship Balrog, and were completely overwhelmed by it.[12]

The Kuniang M.A. Team was contracted by Grandmaster Meio to eliminate Strider Hiryu after his victory over the higher-ups at Kazakh, having placed a large bounty for his head[7][8]. As with fellow bounty hunter Solo, Hiryu is intercepted by them as he makes his way through a siberian plateau, the sisters leading an entire airship force[7]. Hiryu finally engages the trio aboard the leading airship, the Sky Thunder Mk-II, after he commandeered it in flight. After defeating them all he confronts Tong Pooh, demanding to be taken to "[her] boss", but Tong Pooh instead calls him a fool and reveals to him the existence of the Flying Battleship Balrog, which she proclaims invincible based on her previous experience against it.[12]

Strider 2[]

The Kuniang M.A. Team is a trio of sisters who provide their deadly martial arts training to use as ruthless assassins. When they're not hunting down targets, however, the sisters have a cover job working as entertainers in the "Míng Liàng Acrobatics Troupe" (明亮雑技団, roughly Chinese for "shining"), where they perform as contortionists.[13]

The Kuniang M.A. Team takes part in the terrorist attack on Neo Hong Kong City spearheaded by the Chinese Mafia, with Light Sword Cypher's support. Hiryu confronts them in the high society residential area, on a speedway crowded by flying cars. Jumping from car to car, Hiryu faces the three acrobatic assassins and defeats them at the end. Following Hiryu's destruction of the Emperor Dragon, a defeated Tong Pooh taunts him with his foolishness in believing he can take "her Lord", and that the whole world (and Hiryu himself) belongs to him. Hiryu retorts that she's the only one that will always be Meio's servant and leaves her behind.

Strider (2014)[]

Hiryu vs three sisters

The Wind sisters in action

The Four Winds are a team of freelance bounty hunters with a worldwide reputation[6]. Trained by the mysterious expert martial artist Xi Wang Mu, also known as "The One Who Controls the Wind"[14], the three sisters are themselves expert martial arts masters, each specializing in different individual styles as well as powerful combination attacks between them. The sister trio work as subordinates of Grandmaster Meio and are specifically tasked with assassination missions[5]. While the three sisters are well-known across the world, no one has seen the team's fourth member (Xi Wang Mu) in action,[6] and there are only unconfirmed rumors about the existence of "a martial artist from the same school" in Kazakh City.[15]

Before Hiryu's infiltration into Kazakh City, the Winds confronted and defeated the twin Striders Kuga and Raiga, having overcome their combined attacks with those of their own. After Hiryu infiltrates the city, the sisters confront him at three different points. Pei Pooh fights him first on her own and is defeated, then Nang Pooh and Pei Pooh attack him together to no success. Finally, all three sisters fight him in the Industry area with their combined strategy but are defeated in the end.

Later, the sisters' master Xi Wang Mu confronts Hiryu at Grandmaster Meio's orders and to avenge her students, but not even her immense strength is enough to stop Hiryu.

Skills and Abilities[]

The Kuniang team's main strength lies in their combined hand-to-hand attacks, which is why they always work together as a trio[1]. Their strategy consists in using martial arts with their strength and speed to overwhelm their opponents with quick and agile movements and lethal attacks, coming from all directions and with enough strength to generate a sharp plasma arc on their own. It's said that when the three work together as a team their combined might can overcome any other fighting style[5]. Besides enhanced strength, they are also shown to be extremely fast (in Strider 2, they move fast enough to vanish in front of Hiryu and leave afterimages in their wake) and move with delicate and graceful movements, an ability born from their mastery of martial arts.[1]


As previously stated, each of the three sisters has her own signature attack, but they also possess two special techniques that any of them can perform.

  • Back Spin Kick: The signature attack of Tong Pooh, originally used by the whole team. Tong Pooh starts out by doing a small hop forward and quickly spins in mid-air. Once her back is facing the opponent, she does a back kick with enough strength to generate a long arc of plasma energy.
  • Flying Kick: The signature attack of Sai Pooh. After jumping high into the air, Sai Pooh descends with a fast angled flying kick, while her leading foot is covered in blue energy.
  • Rapid Kicks: The signature attack of Pei Pooh. As soon as she lands from a jump, Pei Pooh makes three quick kicks in front of her, each one trailed by a small blade of red energy.
  • Somersault Kick: A technique used after one sister is eliminated, replacing the signature attack of the remaining ones. Right after landing from a jump, the attacker does a backflip kick engulfed by a large plasma arc. The technique also releases a large plasma projectile straight forward.
  • Three-Way Kick: A technique used by the remaining sister, after the other two are eliminated. After a quick jump, the attacker stands in mid-air and quickly kicks at three different angles toward the enemy (diagonal-down, center, diagonal-up), each releasing a large plasma projectile in said direction.
  • Backflip: Not an attack, but an evasive technique used by all three. If they are hit by Hiryu, they will perform a quick backflip to back away and then move out of Hiryu's range, in order to resume their attack.
  • Yin-Yang Combination: A 2014 game's technique used by Pei and Nang Pooh when fighting together. Joining together, Pei Pooh performs her Wild Shooting attack while Nang Pooh keeps Hiryu away with her Whirlwind attack, making dodging Pei's shots difficult. As they do this, a red and blue yin-yang forms around them.

Design Notes[]

Strider: The Kuniang Team's design was influenced by the boom of Bruce Lee and Kung Fu at the time, and the popular image of a Chinese girl expert in martial arts[16]. Since Isuke wanted a scene against a human-like boss rather than a giant one, and it'd involve martial arts, he considered a Chinese girl would look good. Their pixel animations were drawn by Isuke himself, as he likes "dance-like movements".[16]

The name Tong Pooh was inspired by the popular song "Tong Poo" from Yellow Magic Orchestra's self-titled album[16]. The name of the team used in English, "Kuniang", is an alternative spelling of the Mandarin Chinese word for "girl", gūniáng (姑娘).

Tonpooh conceptart 1

One of Tong Pooh's earlier designs

Strider 2: In the early stages of development, Tong Pooh was considered to take the 2P character spot, but the concept was scrapped and she eventually became a mid-boss instead[17][18]. During development, the design team tried different concepts while designing Tong Pooh, but ultimately ended up simply updating her original look[19]. In designing Tong Pooh, main artist Harumaru bought actual Chinese clothing in order to use as reference material.[18]

The team as a whole was given unique hairstyles and individual techniques to set them apart, as they were identical palette swaps of the same sprite in the original. Sho Sakai also designed Pei Pooh and Sai Pooh with unique appearances and styles[18], but their designs aren't reflected in the in-game sprites which are identical to Tong Pooh's except for their colors and hairstyles.

Strider (2014): Pei Pooh and Nang Pooh were the first two enemy characters revealed during a Capcom "Special Stage" event held at the 2013 Tokyo Game Show[20], while the full team (now including Tong Pooh and their master Xi Wang Mu) was officially revealed 3 months later through the official site[21]. The youngest sister's name being Nang Pooh instead of Sai Pooh was presumably done to keep the "four cardinals" theme naming and avoid redundancy, since both Sai Pooh and Xi Wang Mu feature "west" in their names.

NewStrider TongPooh concept

Tong Pooh's new costume design, coloring and hair ornaments

As most of the returning characters, their design attempts to "rebuild" them by fusing together elements both old and new[22]. The sisters' new design, however, was difficult to adapt while keeping in mind a balance between them and the new original bosses. New elements such as the elaborate hair ornaments were introduced, while their original coloring was kept intact. In addition, thanks to modern hardware allowing for more variety of expressions (like lightning and textures), the new designs attempt to bring back the original team's dynamic feel while expressing an atmosphere more appropriate of the 21st Century.[23]

The three sisters were given their own individual weapons to set them apart even further, although in exchange they lost most of their signature melee attacks, including the back-turning kick. Each sister was also given a specific flower motif shown in their uniform, as a shower of petals during certain attacks and when defeated: Pei Pooh has a peony, Nang Pooh a lily and Tong Pooh a red rose.

Other Appearances[]

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes


Tong Pooh (written Ton Pooh in-game) appears in the fighting game as one of several "Special Partners", characters who can be called forth during battle to deliver a quick attack and then leave. Tong Pooh's alternative costume color is inspired by the gray-and-black boss fight from the Arcade game, nicknamed the "Mourning Dress version".[24]

Namco x Capcom

Tong Pooh appears as a minor enemy alongside Solo and Strider Hien, using the Back Kick and Somersault Kick as her attacks. She serves Grandmaster Meio and protects the Third Moon. She commands the Nang Pooh soldiers, gray-clothed clones of herself. Since they are merely mindless pawns, they have no dialogue at all.

While the other two sisters are not present in the game proper, according to a Japanese site[25], there are remnants in the code that implies they were planned to appear at some point, but were ultimately scrapped.

SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters
SNK vs. Capacom: Card Fighters 2 features the three sisters in the artwork of the Reaction Card "3 Sisters" (3しまい), where they can be seen lining up together. SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS includes Tong Pooh (written Ton Pooh in the English version) as a "C" rarity (common) character card together with Hiryu. Her card profile in the English version states she's "the daughter of Meio", a mistranslation of the Japanese original phrase which simply states she's a "Chinese girl subordinate of Grandmaster Meio" instead.

Street Fighter × All Capcom
Tong Pooh appears as one of the 500+ character cards found in this crossover mobile phone game, striking her iconic "leaning-down" attack pose.

Dragon's Dogma Quest
The three sisters appear as a time-limited set of promotional cards in the PlayStation Vita port of this Dragon's Dogma spin-off game, in their 2014 artwork.

Project X Zone 2
Tong Pooh appears as a secondary antagonist in Project X Zone 2, working alongside other villains with a single goal in mind: the resurrection of Grandmaster Meio. Pei Pooh and Sai Pooh also make a cameo appearance, assisting their sister in her Multi-Target attack animation.

All three sisters and Xi Wang Mu appear as Unit Cards in TEPPEN as part of the 14th expansion, "Defying the Light", as brainwashed subordinates of Goddess Myria from Breath of Fire III, the main antagonist in the story. The three sisters also appear in the Action Card "The Winds".

In the 29th expansion, "Metal Suit Mafia", characters from Strider appear using their Strider 2 design instead of the 2014 Strider one, as this expansion is set on a parallel universe to the main TEPPEN continuity, and so these are alternative versions of the characters. As such, the three Kuniang girls appear as Card Units, which includes the debut of Sai Pooh as a Card Unit.



Chunli early design akiman

Akiman's early Chun-Li design

  • Reportedly, the design of Street Fighter's popular Chinese warrior Chun-Li was inspired by Tong Pooh[26]. Capcom's former artist Akiman, the main designer behind Chun-Li, confirmed he was influenced by them in a 2012 interview as he felt the game needed to have a "Chinese girl" in its roster[27][28]. Akiman has noted how the Kuniang boss battle really impressed him[29], and an early Chun-li sketch he shared shows a remarkable resemblance to their attire.[30]
  • Instead of her usual green, Tong Pooh is seen wearing a more blue-ish color in her official art for Strider, blue in her portrait in the Master System port and purple in the PC-Engine portraits. Coincidentally, both colors have been used by her younger sister Sai Pooh, purple being her sprite color in the Arcade game.
    • Interestingly their costume colors resemble the three main protagonists from Joukamachi no Dandelion, where Pei Pooh is like Akane Sakurada, Tong Pooh is like Kanade Sakurada, and Nang Pooh is like Aoi Sakurada.
  • Kirin, the main protagonist in Isuke's Strider-inspired game Cannon Dancer, possesses a similar ability to create long arcs of energy with his kicks. Initially, Yotsui stated he drew the character after imagining him as a member of the "Tong Pooh clan", making an indirect connection between the two characters[16]. Years later, he would clarify that he does use the same plasma technique as the sisters, and that he envisioned Kirin as being their nephew, who they raised deep in the mountains of China after having fallen on hard times. Isuke also noted this scenario is based on his own life, as he was also "raised by three sisters who had fallen on hard times".[31]
  • All sisters' wind-based names are incorrectly romanized in butchered Chinese which is different from either their pinyin or Japanese on'yomi renderings. This is likely caused by Tong Pooh's name being lifted from the Yellow Magic Orchestra album "Tong Poo", forcing the other sister's names to be spelled in a similar consistent way.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Capcom (October 2006, PlayStation). Gamebook: Strider Hiryu (Japanese). Pg. 42. ISBN 4-86233-076-2.
  2. Sega (September 1990, Mega Drive). Strider (English). Instruction manual, Pg. 14
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sega (September 1990, Mega Drive). Strider Hiryû (Japanese). Instruction manual, Pg. 23
  4. Dice Creative, NEC Avenue (September 1994, PC-Engine). Strider Hiryû (Japanese). Instruction manual, Pg. 5
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Capcom (2013). "Character: Tong Pooh Three Sisters". Capcom's official Strider site (Japanese). Retrieved from Accessed November 11, 2021.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Capcom (February 2014, multi). Strider (English). Online Game Manual: Characters. Accessed November 07, 2014
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Strider Development Staff (March 1989). "Strider Hiryu Characters Original Image Collection". Gamest (30). Pg. 98-99.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Capcom (February 22, 2014). Strider Hiryu Visual Chronicle (Japanese). Pg. 07
  9. Gamest Staff (October 15, 1992). "Capcom Game Character Encyclopedia". Gamest Extra: All Capcom (81). Pg. 133-148.
  10. Monolith Soft; Namco (2006, PlayStation 2). Namco × Capcom (Japanese). Chapter 35: He who Tempts the Devil
  11. Capcom (February 2014, multi). Strider (English). Character Intel #32: Xi Wang Mu - Queen Mother of the West
  12. 12.0 12.1 Jones, Darran (March 2014). "The Story of Strider", section "Strider - The Director's Commentary". Retro Gamer (126). Pg. 37
  13. Capcom (February 22, 2014). Strider Hiryu Visual Chronicle (Japanese). Pg. 34
  14. Capcom (2013). "Character: Xi Wang Mu". Capcom's official Strider site (Japanese). Retrieved from Accessed November 11, 2021.
  15. Capcom (February 2014, multi). Strider Hiryu (Japanese). Online Game Manual: Character Introduction. Accessed August 19, 2017
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Scion; Dire 51 (April 24, 2010). "Interview with Kouichi "Isuke" Yotsui". LSCM 4.0. Translated by Gaijin Punch. Accessed June 07, 2011.
  17. Capcom (1999). Capcom Secret File #26: Strider Hiryu 2 (Japanese). Pg. 11
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Harumaru (April 6, 2019). "Harumaru's twitter" (Japanese). Accessed April 27, 2019.
  19. Capcom (1999). Capcom Secret File #26: Strider Hiryu 2 (Japanese). Pg. 3
  20. Dengeki Online (September 20, 2013). "State-of-the-art old school action "Strider Hiryu"! Stage Report and Announcement of Enemy Characters Pei Pooh and Nang Pooh. (Japanese). DengekiOnline. Accessed December 20, 2015
  21. Spencer (December 19, 2013). "The Tong Pooh Sisters Return in Capcom's New Strider Game". Accessed December 20, 2013
  22. Tani, Rio (February 21, 2014). "With love for the original, the team has revived the newborn "Strider Hiryu" - Mr. Andrew Szymanski interview" (Japanese). Accessed December 20, 2015
  23. Hosoyamada, Ryouta (February 21, 2014). ""Strider Hiryu" Creator Interview" (Japanese). Accessed December 20, 2015
  24. Capcom (1998). Capcom Secret File #18: Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japanese). Pg. 7
  25. PS2 Save Data Analysis Results - Namco x Capcom (Japanese). Retrieved from Accessed August 19, 2017
  26. Capcom (1998). Official Marvel vs. Capcom website (Japanese). Support Characters Introduction. Retrieved from Accessed May 19, 2013.
  27. Capcom Staff (December 2012). "Akira Yasuda x Akira Nishitani Interview" (Japanese). Street Fighter Art Works Kiwami, Pg. 432. Capcom. ISBN 4-86-233381-8
  28. Moylan, Matt (October 11, 2016). "Matt Moylan's twitter" (English). Accessed June 9, 2024.
  29. Yasuda, Akira (Autumn 1996). "Ikinari Natsukashi Girls Collection". CFC Style Fan-Book CAP! (2). Pg. 16
  30. Yasuda, Akira (November 10, 2017). "Akiman's twitter" (Japanese). Accessed November 15, 2017.
  31. Yotsui, Kouichi; Kogure, Takashi (April 13, 2023). Cannon Dancer Material Book, "Kouichi Yotsui & Utata Kiyoshi Cannon Dancer Dialogue" (English). Included with the Collector's Edition of Cannon Dancer. Pg. 71.
Strider video game series
Strider (Home computersMega DriveMaster SystemPC EngineSharp X68000PlayStationMobile)
Strider (NES)Strider II/ReturnsStrider 2Strider (2014)
CompilationsCrossoversRelated Games
HiryuGrandmaster MeioSoloKuniang M.A. Team
Tong PoohHienGeneral MikielOuroboros
Recurring Elements
StridersCypherClimb SickleOptionsKazakh Federation
Anti-Gravity Device/GravitronMecha PonFlying Battleship BalrogThe Third Moon
Other Articles
CapcomMoto KikakuTiertex Design StudiosDouble Helix Games
IsukePatariroOther key staffStrider Hiryu (Manga)Capcom Gamebooks
Equipment: CypherOptions (ABC) • Climb SickleGlider
Moves: SlideCartwheel JumpBig JumpCypher AttackBunshin
Stage Enemies
Russian InfantrymanRascalFlying MosquemanMosquemanShadow Tag Bullets SoldierDesert Soldier
Giant SandwormArmy JeepSiberian WolfWall CrawlerFrogBalrog Marine CorpsTurretLaser Turret
Giant Main GunMr. ElephantHit MouseFloating MineAmazonessPoison MushroomDinosaursPiranha
StrobayaNovoOuroboros (General Mikiel) • Giant AntlionSovkhoz Я (Tank Driver)Mecha PonSoloKuniang
Anti-Gravity DeviceCaptain Beard Jr.LagoGrandmaster Meio
St. PetersburgOil FieldsSiberiaFlying Battleship BalrogAmazonThe Third Moon
South American Base
Related Articles
StridersKazakh FederationResearch StaffsMinor groupsMinor StridersFlying TortoiseSky Thunder Mk-II
NavigatorAssault RifleGiant FlamethrowerPlasma WhirlwindSummoningThe Third Moon PlanEurasiaEarth
† = Exclusive of the PC Engine port
Strider 2
Equipment: CypherClimb SickleGlider
Moves: SlideCypher AttackDouble JumpHassou JumpBackward SomersaultSavage SlashBoost
Hien Mode: Geometrical CypherCypher Boomerang
Stage Enemies
Flying TurretSuperhuman ArmySolo Mass Produced ModelAnimal-shaped Mechanisms
Commando TroopMutant AnimalsMushroomsTianhou TroopGoblinFortress GuardT-54Spike Bomb Machine
Modified GuillotineThe AlchemistFloating MineArmored GuardSearch LanternRascalAntarctic Guard
Penguin BombIce GearBalrog InfantryFighter aircraftTurretLaser TurretThe ProfessorAssistants
Drill CruiserTransportHonghuoSpider FormTiger FormEmperor DragonSkewer Cannon
Metall HengstSturmgeschutz VDullahanHerzog Schlange (Aluminium Hydra) • Missile MobileBeluga F
Frozen MammothResearchersGravity CoreKrakenSquad LeaderMinelayerScarabeeGoliathReactor Core
Admiral WilhelmKuniang (Tong Pooh) • SoloStrider HienGrandmaster MeioCaduceus
El DoradoNeo Hong Kong CityFortress WahnenAntarctica Research Lab
Flying Battleship BalrogThe Third Moon
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