Strider Wiki
Hiryu plasma arrow

Hiryu's Plasma Arrow

The Plasma Arrow (プラズマ アロー)[1]is an ability featured in the NES Strider. Unlike other abilities which are unlocked during normal progression of the game, this is an optional ability unlocked by speaking with a specific Scientist.


The Plasma Arrow is a special skill of the Cypher done by charging up plasma energy, resulting in a fast plasma bullet attack. Since Hiryu's Cypher can't shoot plasma normally, he first requires the Scientist found in Kuramoto's Japanese residence to fix it in order to use the move.

The move is initiated by holding the Cypher up in position over Hiryu's head until it starts sparking with energy, after which a simple swing of the Cypher releases the projectile. The Arrow reaches a first charge after around 3 seconds, and a second full charge after 5 seconds. The first charge is roughly four times stronger than the basic Cypher attack, while the full charge is slightly stronger than that. Due to the charge time, however, it becomes difficult to use against moving enemies.

The Plasma Arrow is best used against Matic at the Red Dragon, as the projectile disarms him and makes him vulnerable to damage. While using projectile Tricks like "Fire", "Spark" and "SP-Ball" cause the same effect, the Plasma Arrow will not provoke Matic into disarming Hiryu if used near him, and since it uses no energy it can be repeated as many times as necessary.

Outside of Hiryu, Dragon Fiend is also capable of shooting Plasma Arrows from his katana.


  1. This is how the skill's name is rendered in the Strider Hiryu famicom prototype
Strider Manga/NES Series
Main Articles Manga (Gaiden) • Strider (NES)Moto KikakuTatsumi WadaMasahiko Kurokawa
Characters AranaCommanderFaceas ClayHiryuKainKubiraKuramotoMaticPolice ChiefScientistSheena
Game only: BadgerDragon FiendFlash BladeKodiakRyuzaki
Manga only: Commander KeithDr. HoganFlower GirlDirectorMariyaMinor StridersRinYuriZangi Brothers
Stage Enemies BirdClawed StridersDobermanEgypt SoldierGiant RobotMachine CannonMechanical SnailRobot Arm
Robot ClawRobot FrongRussian InfantrymanScuba SoldierSharkmanSky WingSpark Machine
Turret/Laser TurretTwin Bats
Technology Assault RifleBootsCypherKaliKunaiPhantom TrainRescue AircraftShadow Tag BulletsStealth Chopper
SystemT-48Transport TubeZAIN Project (ZAIN TerminalZainsYggdrasil)
Locations AmazonKazakh Federation (KazakhMental Institute) • Los AngelesMongoliaStrider Headquarters
AfricaAustraliaChinaEgyptJapanRed Dragon
Techniques Acceleration JumpBoomerang ThrowCypher AttackPlasma ArrowSlide InTriangle JumpTricks
Groups EnterpriseKazakh Secret PolicePhantom UnitRebel ArmyStriders
Strider Matic UnitSpecial Forces