Street Fighter Wiki
"A series of attacks, the third of which can be canceled into special moves."
—Description for Power Stomps, Street Fighter 6

Russian Stomping is one of Zangief's special attacks first introduced in Ultra Street Fighter IV's OMEGA Mode. It returned in Street Fighter 6 as a Unique Attack under the name Power Stomps.

Appearance Move Function Input
Ultra Street Fighter IV (OMEGA Mode) Russian Stomping Special Attack Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Kick
Street Fighter 6 Power Stomps Unique Attack (Target Combo) Arcade-Stick-DownArcade-Stick-Down+Arcade-Button-MKick+Arcade-Button-MKick+Arcade-Button-MKick


Ultra Street Fighter IV


Russian Stomping still

Executed by performing a forward quarter-circle motion and pressing kick, Zangief starts by stepping forward slightly, then kicks his opponent's shins/ankles up to 3 times in succession with his front leg while propelling himself forward. The heavier the kick, the more times Zangief will kick. When pressing two or more kick buttons, Zangief performs the EX version, which makes him kick 3 times at a quicker rate and adds a two-hit finisher by performing a roundhouse kick with his other leg which knocks the opponent away.

Street Fighter 6

Executed by pressing down-down and medium kick, Zangief advances forward while stomping at the opponents feet. After the first stomp, two more stomps can be added by pressing medium kick twice.


Ultra Street Fighter IV

Russian Stomping can be used to Super Cancel into the Final Atomic Buster which can still connect properly with the opponent provided that Russian Stomping is not blocked.

Street Fighter 6

Power Stomps is a strange Target Combo in that it cannot combo into the third hit on normal hit, limiting its usefulness. The initial stomp has its uses being safe on block and usable as a throw reset or for linking into a light combo, but the second and third hits are unsafe and the third hit has few safe special cancel options.


Ultra Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter 6
