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The Head Hunter is one of Seth's unique attacks, introduced in Ultra Street Fighter IV's OMEGA Mode, where it was referred to as the Scythe Kick. It returned in Street Fighter V: Champion Edition under its current name.

Ultra Street Fighter IV
(OMEGA Mode)
Punch holdArcade-Button-HKick
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Arcade-Stick-Right+Arcade-Button-HKick



Executed by pressing forward and Heavy Kick, Seth lifts up his leg up and brings it leg downward, hitting them with the heel of his foot. If no directional input or button is pressed after the throw, Seth raises his hands in triumph before dropping back in his stance.


As an overhead attack, the main purpose is to break through the defenses of an opponent who insists on crouch guarding (as the attack must be blocked from a standing position). The draw back causes considerable delay, and this attack can easily be countered by an aggressive opponent by hitting Seth before he throws it.

Like most of Seth's unique attacks, this attack has decent range and inflicts good damage. It is one of the furthest reaching overhead moves in Street Fighter V. Despite being -7 on block, it can be difficult to punish if properly spaced. If his opponent is low on health, he can use Head Hunter to catch them off-guard and potentially secure the round. If Seth scores a Counter Hit with his overhead at point blank range, he can link with his 3-frame Crouching Light Punch for a small combo.

Head Hunter has the exact same amount of startup as Turning Slicer, as well as having a similar animation. This can be used to Seth's advantage by utilizing both attacks and striking opponents expecting the other attack. When paired with Tanden Maneuver, Seth can force opponents into oppressive blockstrings and open them up suddenly with either Head Hunter or Turning Slicer to lead into some damaging combos.



  • Head Hunter is modeled after Seth's former Close Heavy Kick, which is in turn modeled after Urien's and Gill's Standing Heavy Kick.