


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

A war took place five-thousand years before Mitth'raw'nuru "Thrawn" and Mitth'ras'safis "Thrass" undertook a mission for the Chiss Ascendancy's Stybla family. An enemy nation conquered almost all of the Ascendancy, driving the Chiss species back to their homeworld of Csilla and nearly driving the Chiss extinct. However, the Ascendancy scored a pyrrhic victory at the Final Assault on Csilla, a last stand by the remnants of the Chiss Defense Force in the war. The enemy amassed their entire fleet in an attempt to conquer the Chiss homeworld, but Patriarch Mitth'omo'ross "Thomoro" of the Mitth family volunteered the Mitth to sacrifice twenty Chiss warriors, including her four sons, to annihilate the enemy fleet by using a terrible alien weapon known as Starflash.[1]

In the aftermath of the activation of Starflash, all four of Thomoro's sons died, and she was granted the title "The Tragic." Furthermore, the Stybla family, at time the sole Ruling Family of the Ascendancy, so admired Patriarch Thomoro's sacrifice that they bestowed a great honor on her, granting her the suffix "odo" meaning "guardian" in the ancestral Stybla language Tybroic. Furthermore, the Stybla agreed to step down as Ruling Family, granting Ruling status to the Mitth family and two other Chiss families and stepping back to become a still-important but less powerful Great Family.[1]

However, the Starflash weapon also affected Csilla's sun, causing it to cool and make the surface of the planet uninhabitable.[1]

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