


«He wanted me to come alone in an unarmed freighter. Do you see anyone else? Or any weapons?»
«Well, certainly not from here.»
―Thrawn and Qilori[1]

Thrawn's freighter was a customized freighter used by Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Ascendancy in his campaign against General Yiv of the Nikardun Destiny. It was equipped with a Galactic Republic energy shield that Thrawn had acquired on Mokivj, as well as a customized freighter nose.[1]

After sending the sky-walker Che'ri and the caregiver Mitth'ali'astov to the Vak homeworld of Primea with a Vak fighter he had previously borrowed and a message to the Vak Combine regarding Yiv, Vaks affiliated with the Nikardun leader kidnapped the two Chiss. Yiv threatened the Chiss Ascendancy, demanding that Thrawn bring him a ransom in an unarmed freighter. Thrawn traveled to Primea with the assistance of the Pathfinder navigator Qilori, who, secretly serving Yiv, adjusted their arrival coordinates to further out in the Primea system, where Yiv waited with four Nikardun Battle Dreadnoughts, including his flagship Deathless.[1]

As Thrawn confronted Yiv, a Chiss force led by Admiral Ar'alani attacked Nikardun vessels near Primea, leading Yiv's dreadnought escorts to assist. When Yiv threatened the lives of the Chiss hostages, Thrawn allowed his freighter to be brought toward the Deathless by its tractor beam. The two Chiss aboard the Deathless released tava mist into the vessel's bridge, incapacitating the Nikardun crew. Thrawn broke free of the tractor beam, aiming the freighter directly at the flagship's viewport. The Republic shield blocked the spectrum lasers of the Deathless, and the customized nose fit to the size of the opening the freighter had created in the viewport. Thrawn rescued the two Chiss, captured Yiv, and withdrew the freighter from the Deathless.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

Thrawn's freighter appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn.[1]


Notes and references[]
