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Tawss Khaa was a female Nimbanel, who was thought to have prophetic powers and was living in Mos Eisley, Tatooine, as of 0 BBY. She was trained in the ways of the Sakiyan hunters and later chose to work for the Rebel Alliance as a scout.[2]

Seated behind Leesub Sirln, she sampled a drink in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina as Luke Skywalker entered with his droids C-3PO and R2-D2 shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Later she walked past Docking Bay 94 as Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi approached.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Tawss Khaa was one of two Nimbinels appearing in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, along with Mosep Binneed. Both are seen briefly in the cantina, and later in the streets of Mos Eisley. They are most prominently seen in various behind the scenes photos from the film set. They wear similar red uniforms and are only distinguished by their hair color and a topknot on one of them.


Decipher used an image of Tawss Khaa to represent Mosep.

The most recent sources identify Khaa as the red-haired Nimbanel and Binneed as the white-haired one with the topknot, but this has fluctuated over the years in official sources. In their earliest identifications, from Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game in 1996, Khaa is the white-haired Nimbanel[2] while Mosep is the red-haired one.[4] Mosep's identification as the red-haired Nimbanel was repeated in Pablo Hidalgo's article "Cantina Roll-Call: Shedding Light on Some Alien Aliases," published on the StarWars.com website in 2008.[5] However, in "Rogues Gallery: The Usual Suspects: Who's Who in Mos Eisley," an article by Leland Chee in 2011's Star Wars Insider 130, Mosep Binneed was finally identified as the white-haired Nimbanel, Tawss Khaa as the red-haired one.[1]


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Mosep Rollcall

Image of Tawss Khaa mistakenly used to represent Mosep.

Notes and references[]
