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"Forming a bond with an animal is a subtle art. Remember, you're not trying to control, but partner. Feel the connection through the Force. Your mind and their mind. Two wills as one."
―Master Cibaba to his Padawan, Ty Yorrick[4]

Taming beasts, also known as animal kinship or beast control, was an ability of the Force that allowed its user to connect mentally with animals.


"Others call this beast control. They are mistaken. Jedi never control. We influence. We persuade. Reach out to Ferana. Feel the Force flowing through her, feel it flowing through you. One mind. Two bodies."
―Lene Kostana, to Dooku[3]
Obi-Wan distracts gutkurrs

Obi-Wan Kenobi uses taming beasts on gutkurrs

Taming beasts, also known as animal kinship or beast control,[3] was an ability of the Force that allowed users to connect mentally with animals.[1] Taming a creature in such a way required letting go of one's inhibitions and opening oneself to the power of the Force.[5] Leia Organa was able to use the ability without even trying to, simply asking for help in a moment where she found the Force inside of herself. Organa's prior attempts to use the Force had failed because she had seen it as something outside of herself to be controlled.[6]


Old and High Republic Eras[]

"Connect with your mount as best as you can. These are good beasts, but we'll be pushing them hard. You'll need to explain how important all of this is."
―Master Porter Engle, urging his fellow Jedi to connect to the steelees[7]

Jedi Master Porter Engle calmed a grouping of steelees for use as mounts during a skirmish on Elphrona.

During the Sith Empire's occupation of Serenno, the Sith used the Force to control the Tirra'Taka and use it in combat.[3] During the High Republic Era, Jedi Master Porter Engle used this ability to calm a group of steelees so they could be used as mounts during a Jedi rescue attempt of the Blythe family, who had been kidnapped by the Nihil.[7]

Late Republic Era[]

Obi-Wan Kenobi demonstrated a natural talent at the technique early in his training. He easily connected with his varactyl mount on Pijal, impressing his master Qui-Gon Jinn.[8] In contrast Kenobi's apprentice Anakin Skywalker struggled to learn the skill, unable to calm a Mott during a training session and likewise failed to calm the corpse-leeches on Carnelion IV causing Skywalker to kill them instead.[9]

During the First Battle of Geonosis, Skywalker used the Force to tame a ravenous reek in the Petranaki Arena.[10] Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress did not use the power often but did on Cato Neimoidia to let a Korgee beast know she was not going to hurt it.[11] At one point during the Clone Wars, on the planet of Ryloth, Kenobi used that ability to tame and control a pack of voracious gutkurrs, luring them into a trap, though it notably required a sustained and strenuous amount of effort for Kenobi to influence multiple creatures at once.[2]

Imperial Era[]

"You're resisting. He can sense it."
"He can sense it? What is he, like a Padawan cat? Oh!"
"You don't seem to be getting this."
"I get that this furball's trying to kill me. Give me your lightsaber and I'll make the connection."
"Excuse me?"
Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, as Ezra tries to tame a loth-cat[12]

The young Jedi Ezra Bridger was naturally connected to the nature and animals around him, granting him a mastery over taming beasts.

When Ventress encountered Clone Force 99 to help them understand why the Galactic Empire was after Omega, a young clone girl who was part of the squad, Ventress performed some tests to evaluate Omega's aptitude for using the Force. As a last test, Ventress told Omega to create a connection with an aquatic creature. After Omega failed, Ventress used the ability twice. The first to make a demonstration, and the second to calm a creature that was attracted to the creatures that were attracted to Ventress when she demonstrated the skill.[13] Jedi Cal Kestis was skilled with this power, being able to create a mental link with creatures so that they act as mounts or assist in combat.[14] While he sometimes struggled with practicing his ability,[12] the young Jedi Ezra Bridger had a natural connection to animals and nature.[15] Bridger once used it with a dangerous fyrnock at Fort Anaxes. Bridger, however, connected with the dark side of the Force in summoning such a powerful creature and the experience left him drained.[5] While he was unable to connect with the krykna of Atollon due to their sensitivity towards negative emotions,[16] he mastered the skill over time, connecting with tibidee[17] and purrgil alike.[18]

Leia Organa struggled with unlocking her power in the Force until the skirmish on Madurs appeared to be ending in defeat. Accepting that reality, Organa found the Force inside of herself. She did not try to control any of the deep sea creatures but instead asked for help. Her plea resulted in an edont arriving and turning the tide of the battle.[6]

New Republic Era[]

In 9 ABY,[19] Grogu used the Force to calm down Boba Fett's rancor when the rancor attacked Din Djarin in Mos Espa. Taming the rancor exhausted Grogu, and he fell asleep cuddled with the beast.[20]



Notes and references[]

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