

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"*whistles* Taloraan... it's a beauty!"
Derek Klivian[4]

Taloraan was the largest planet in the Kelavine system of the Expansion Region, with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers.


Taloraan was a gas giant with a breathable atmosphere at high altitudes, as well as abundant tibanna gas supplies. Taloraan possessed a spectacular ring system and strong magnetic field that made scanning from space very difficult. Taloraan was one of the rare gas giant worlds that supported life, which included sleft-chuffni, fleft-wauf, and island-beasts.


Early history[]

At some point, Human castaways became trapped on the planet and forced to use the native life to keep from falling into the depths of the planet's atmosphere. They eventually developed primitive tribal societies; the two most prominent were the Denfrandi and the Wind Raiders. When contact was re-established by the Galactic Republic, they gained technology and built repulsor-cities.

Clone Wars[]

During the Clone Wars, the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to the planet to sign a treaty with the Denfrandi to acquire tibanna gas for the Republic. However, Orlin Denache had allied himself with the Separatists. The Separatists had placed troops in the city along with a ship in the upper atmosphere. They had planned to attack the Republic cruiser when it came down to contact the Jedi. However, Skywalker and Kenobi warned the ship in time and it defeated the Separatist ship, sending it into the core. Meanwhile, Tano made a treaty with the Wind Raiders, who helped her destroy Separatist fighters. The Republic later managed to deploy troops from the cruiser, and defeated the remaining Separatist loyalists, parting way for the Jedi and populace to continue negotiations.[3]

Galactic Civil War[]

At one time during Imperial rule, Taloraan was under the domain of Moff Kohl Seerdon. It was attacked by Rogue Squadron, led by Luke Skywalker in an attempt to weaken the Moff's resources.[4] Their primary targets were the tibanna gas supplies and the planetary TIE fighter squadron.

Behind the scenes[]

Taloraan was planned to be a featured planet in the canceled Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3.



Taloraan Knights of the Old Republic 3

Concept art of Taloraan by Molly Denmark from the canceled Knights of the Old Republic 3.

Notes and references[]
