Star Wars Q&A or Ask the Master Q&A was a regular column in Star Wars Insider that was originally handled by Pablo Hidalgo, and later by Leland Chee. It featured questions and answers about the Star Wars universe, and was succeeded by the new Ask Lobot department in Star Wars Insider 101, which was spread throughout the Blaster department.
Star Wars Insider 58 (pages 96-97)[]
- Is there an official in-universe Star Wars calendar?
- Why can there only be two Sith?
- C-3PO, R2-D2, and the various pit and battle droids all act like living, breathing people, but they're machines. Besides the fact that it makes them more interesting, is there a reason they act like this?
- If Boba Fett is so good, how does a blind guy with a stick kill him by accident?
- In A New Hope, Han goes up a ladder to fight off TIE fighters while Luke goes down the same ladder. But when they yell back and forth to one another, they are side-by-side! Should't Han be above Luke?
- If Jabba's species, the Hutts, have neither males nor females, how come Jabba has slave girls? Also how come many, many Star Wars information books declare Jabba as male?
- How do you turn a lightsaber on? Do you need the Force?
- Why is the writing on the Death Star in English lettering in A New Hope?
- Where do droid names come from? Isn't there a limit to the number of different R2-unit names there can be?
Star Wars Insider 58 (pages 126-127)[]
- B'omarr Monks
- Aurebesh
- B-wing Starfighter
- Luke's missing X-wing ladder
- Theed Generator energy gates
- Prequel trilogy dialogue
- Why Leia is a Princess, and Luke is not a Prince
Star Wars Insider 65 (pages 96-97)[]
- Snaggletooth figures—Takeel and Zutton
- Species of Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, Yoda, Darth Maul, and Eeth Koth
- Boba Fett's age vs. Daniel Logan's age
- Why build a second Death Star?
- Gand subspecies breathing habits
- Toonbuck Toora replaced with Rogwa Wodrata at the Separatist meeting
- Bathroom on the Millennium Falcon
- "Die, Jedi dogs!"
- "...Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me."
- Dooku delivering the Death Star plans to Darth Sidious
Star Wars Insider 68 (pages 88-89)[]
- "Nikto Jedi"—Fi'ek Sirch
- Victory Star Destroyers in Episode III?
- Jabba's rancor, Dathomiri origins?
- Captain Madakor's final words
- Honorific use of the term "Master"
- Nerf herders
- Color significance on battle droid and clone armor
- Imperial stormtrooper precision
- INS-444 and CLE-004 droids on Padmé's window
- Jar Jar's proposal of emergency powers
- Mas Amedda's tongue flip
Star Wars Insider 71 (pages 88-89)[]
- Headstones at the Lars homestead
- Protocol droid identifications
- Leia & Padmé's transitions from British to American accents
- Threepio's princess amnesia
- Obi-Wan's lightsabers
- Orange lightsabers
- Widescreen vs. pan & scan
- Blood from Darth Maul's fatal wound
- "Jabba, you are a wonderful human being."
- Replaced cantina aliens in the Special Edition
Star Wars Insider 90 (pages 52-55)[]
- Energy shields explained
- Revenge of the Sith soundtrack
- Chewbacca and Lumpawaroo in Clone Wars Volume 2?
- Revenge of the Sith on VHS?
- Qui-Gon Jinn and young Anakin Skywalker in Clone Wars Volume 2
- Episodes VII-IX and SuperShadow
- Understanding R2-D2
- The Roman alphabet in Star Wars
- Confusing Wedge with Zev on Hoth
Star Wars Insider 91 (pages 34-35)[]
- Whatever happened to HoloNet News?
- Gungan messengers
- Hayden Christensen in Sebastian Shaw's robes
- Death Star's hyperdrive
Star Wars Insider 92 (pages 44-45)[]
- History of identifying Darth Maul's home planet/species
- The Rule of Two - how Yoda knew of it
- Darth Bane: Path of Destruction timeline
- Darth Bane: Path of Destruction audiobook timeline
- Possible Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad retcon
- Tall Jawas
Star Wars Insider 97 (pages 56-57)[]
- What happened to Han Solo's reward.
- The cause of Padmé Amidala's death.
- "Who was the first Jedi? Who was the first Sith?"
- Survivors from Bravo Squadron in the Battle of Naboo.
- Clone age in Revenge of the Sith.
- R2-G1.
- "Where can I learn more about the Whills?"
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