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A shovel

"Keep walking."
"You're still mad, aren't you?"
"About what?"
"Being hit with a shovel."
[grunting noises]"
―Melshi and Jyn Erso, after the extraction from Wobani[1]

A shovel was a tool used for digging, though it could also double as an effective improvised weapon.

When confronting Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick on Pijal's moon, Qui-Gon Jinn told Maripher to stand down after it became evident that Maripher was holding a shovel and not a blaster.[2]

Clone Commander Rex, alongside former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, used a shovel to bury the fallen clone troopers of the 332nd Company, after the execution of Order 66 in 19 BBY.[3]

Clone commandos Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair used shovels to dig out their ship, the Marauder, on Barton IV. It had sunk into the planet's icey surface after an ice wyrm attacked them at an imperial depot; a result of Echo disabling the base's sensor beacons to divert power to the rest of the base.

Jyn Erso once used a shovel as a weapon to attack the Rebel extraction team led by Sergeant Ruescott Melshi sent to retrieve her from Wobani, breaking Melshi's nose in the process.[1]

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