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For other uses, see Tok.
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"On a positive note, I was impressed with your detention numbers from Sev Tok. Far above quota. I may be sending more of that sort of work your way."
―Major Partagaz to Dedra Meero[1]

Sev Tok was a location in the galaxy.[1] In 5 BBY,[2] Imperial Security Bureau Major Partagaz told ISB Dedra Meero that he was impressed by her detention numbers from the location.[1] At one point, a meeting was held at Sev Tok concerning the Empire's TIE Defender Program. A file titled Sev Tok Meeting was kept to record the proceedings in the Imperial Archives.[3] Sev Tok[1] shared its name with the Sev Tok system.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Sev Tok was first canonically mentioned in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the television series Andor.[1] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet Sev Tok was first mentioned in the article "Droids Defiant" in the ninth issue of the magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal.[5]



Notes and references[]
