

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


For other uses, see Rinn.

"As we speak, the frozen planet of Rinn is facing an energy crisis."
―Commander Jun Sato[2]

Rinn was a frozen planet located in the Outer Rim. Inhabitants of Rinn depended on heaters to live in the freezing conditions. In 4 BBY, the planet experienced an energy crisis when they ran low on power generators, causing the rebels of Phoenix Cell to assist them.


Rinn was an icy planet[3] located in the Outer Rim Territories, lying specifically in the Standard Galactic Grid square U-12.[1] A frozen world, inhabitants living in the settlements on Rinn[2] required extra heating that was supported by power generators.[2]


"When their supply of fuel cells is gone, the settlements will not be able to power the heaters they need to survive."
―Commander Jun Sato informs the Spectres of the energy crisis[2]
Power generator

The rebels acquired power generators to help the people of Rinn.

In 4 BBY,[5] the people of Rinn faced an energy crisis: once their dwindling supply of fuel cells ran out, they would be unable to power the heaters necessary for their survival. This predicament prompted rebel commander Jun Sato to task the Spectres with acquiring more generators. The team began to search through the black markets on the planet Garel. Although Spectre-6, the Jedi apprentice Ezra Bridger, initially stayed behind to do maintenance, he would eventually allocate several generators from Nixus Hub 218.[2] At one point after the crisis, a rebel A-wing pilot of Phoenix Squadron patrolling around Rinn was attacked by Imperial forces. The pilot returned to Phoenix Cell pursued by Imperial ships, which attacked.[6]


Rinn's inhabitants included humans. The planet was the homeworld of Resistance major Taslin Brance.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Rinn first appeared via hologram in "Brothers of the Broken Horn," the fourth episode in the second season of the animated series Star Wars Rebels.[2] The episode aired on November 4, 2015.[7] Rinn originated in Star Wars Legends, where it was first mentioned in the 2001 reference book The Essential Guide to Alien Species, written by Ann Margaret Lewis.[8]



Notes and references[]

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