

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"But, but that can't be! That's in the Quelii sector! Warlord Zsinj's territory!"
Han Solo[6]

The Quelii sector was an isolated region of the Outer Rim Territories. Planets in Quelii included Corstris, Pil Diller, Varn, Vinsoth, Amorris, Dathomir, Axxila, and Selaggis VI. The Quelii sector neighbored the Oricho sector. In the New Order it was part of Quelii Oversector.

It contained the Dathomir system, where a battle was fought between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Nightsisters during the Clone Wars.

It was controlled by the Drackmarians for generations; but under the Empire, it became the basis of the heavily militarized Quelii Oversector, and after the Battle of Endor, the oversector's Imperial commander, Admiral Zsinj, seized control as a warlord and made the area the center of his personal empire.

Behind the scenes[]

Star Wars: Rebellion incorrectly places Kirrek, Rafa IV, and Thrakia in the Quelii sector. Kirrek is in the Deep Core;[19] Rafa is in the Centrality;[20] Thrakia is in the Hapes Cluster.[6] Additionally, the game and Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide mistakenly spell the sector as "Quelli."



Notes and references[]

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