

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 



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"Chairman, get down!"
―A Pantoran guard, to Chairman Chi Cho, during the One-Day War[1]

The Pantoran guard was a group of Pantoran bodyguards that protected important Pantoran political figures, including the Supreme Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly[1] and Pantora's senator that represented the system in the Senate of the Galactic Republic.[4] The guards were also proficient with DC-15A blaster carbine and blaster pistols that fired high-pitched blaster bolts.[1]


The Clone Wars[]

During the Clone Wars, two Pantoran Guards were assigned to Chairman Chi Cho who accompanied him on his mission to Orto Plutonia. During the One-Day War, both Pantoran Guards fought valiantly despite their poor defensive position and were killed.[1]

Early Empire[]

The Pantoran Guard was forced to work outside the confines of their typical duties of protecting Pantoran figures like Riyo Chuchi, whose outspoken support for clone rights and her investigations into the conspiracy about the destruction of Kamino drew the attention of Imperial Admiral Edmon Rampart. When targeted by Clone X, two of her guards were killed trying to protect her and clone trooper informant Slip.[5]

After working to reveal the truth about Kamino and the subsequent repudiation of the attack by Emperor Palpatine,[6] the guard started to secretly aid Rex and his Clone Underground, providing refuge for clone defectors Howzer and Fireball on Coruscant,[3] and coordinating with the underground to bring Senator Chuchi to meet with former seperatist senator Avi Singh.[7]



Notes and references[]
