- "I remember seeing the Royal Guard in person, once, when I visited Coruscant. Imagine how imposing this looked in life."
- ―Ormes Apolin
Ormes Apolin[2] was an individual who served as the senator of Kuat in the New Republic Galactic Senate[1] in 28 ABY.[3] He was already a politician during the age of the Galactic Empire, the tyrannical regime that preceded the New Republic. Although he publicly denied that his ties with the Empire had been strong, Apolin had been close enough to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine to have seen his Royal Guards.[1] Though Apolin was seen as a potential candidate to lead the remnants of Palpatine's Empire, Snoke ultimately rose to became the First Order's Supreme Leader.[2]
- Bloodline (and audiobook) (First appearance)
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition (and audiobook) (Mentioned only) (First identified as Ormes)
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