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For other uses, see New Order.

"There is no restraint or principle at the center of the New Order. And that is why people admire it. The Empire does all the things that people secretly believe should be done with power."

The New Order was the official political ideology and atheistic state religion adopted by the First Galactic Empire, and was enforced by COMPNOR, with the Grand Architect of the New Order responsible for its political message.[7]


"The pomp of the Jedi was insufferable. I set the galaxy aflame, my apprentice. I have purged all weakness and impurity. From the ashes, we would have a new age."
―Darth Sidious, to Darth Vader[8]

When Sheev Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor in front of the whole Galactic Senate, he promised that his new regime would usher in a thousand years of peace by ending the corruption and ineptitude of the old political system of democracy.[5][9]

Early into the Empire, a series of sub-commissions began blueprinting what role the "ideal" Imperial citizen would serve in a political religion that would come to be known as the New Order. The Empire's officious tone was appealing to dissatisfied youths who felt powerless and victimized. To them, the Empire offered a chance at retribution and an intoxicating brand of power.[10]


"My son has a big mouth and is prone to outrageous speeches, but he's not a rebel. He'll see the value of the New Order when he grows older."
―Captain Hiram Zataire, to ISB Agent Alexsandr Kallus[11]

The stated chief values of the regime were order, control, and the rule of law.[12] However, the Declaration of Rebellion issued by the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Imperial regime invoked the language of law and democracy to assert that the Empire ruled via systematic oppression that imposed unjust laws without the consent of the governed. Other values included unity through civic pride, patriotism, militarism, and the supremacy of the state under a cult of personality for Emperor Palpatine—fascism.[10] Xenophobia and humanocentrism were key points of New Order policy and were justified by Imperials as a natural extension of purported the human right to rule.[13]



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