


"Memory Loss" is a comic story featured in the thirteenth issue of the Star Wars Comic UK magazine, released in December of 2014. The story centers around C-3PO getting his memory wipe, as ordered by Bail Prestor Organa in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

Plot summary[]

Following the Declaration of a New Order and the end of the Clone Wars, the droid duos C-3PO and R2-D2 were taken in by Senator Bail Prestor Organa aboard the Sundered Heart, who orders the protocol droid's memory wiped. 3PO was in doubt, and tried to explain to Captain Raymus Antilles. However, they were interrupted when Antilles was called to the bridge.

The captain ordered R2 to do a full flush and then to report back. The astromech droid found it funny, but 3PO replied that the droid was an obsolete garbage masher, and that he should take the situation seriously. R2 then treated himself to an oil bath. 3PO ponders if they could have done more to save their previous owner, Padmé Amidala, who was killed on Mustafar by her husband, the Jedi Knight Skywalker. 3PO then recalls their wedding.

It had taken place at Varykino on Naboo at the start of the Clone Wars. As 3PO prepares for the wipe, he comments that he had been happier back in those days.

3PO then noted that he had been troubled with something Skywalker had said once, about destroying a Tusken Raider tribe. Suddenly, R2 was shocked by an RA-7 protocol droid, who was going to remove 3PO's memory banks.

3PO tried to call to R2, but he had been knocked out. The RA-7 droid drew a vibroblade, revealing that his partner had placed him aboard to act as a spy. 3PO then accidentally reveals the existence of the twins, Luke and Leia.

Realizing he needs to act, he says to the RA-7 droid that he cannot allow the situation to progress further. 3PO pushes him over to the memory wipe station, pinning him in place while he activates the wipe on both of them.

As it processes, he relived his memories.

After it was completed, R2 trashed the head of the RA-7. 3PO then interrupted, asking to be directed to an astromech named R2-D2, and he introduces himself. 3PO then invites R2 along to start programming binary loadlifters.


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Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]

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  1. TitanThingy Star Wars Comic #1 on Titan Magazines' official website (content now obsolete; backup link) states that Star Wars Comic 1 was published on January 9, 2014. Issues of the Star Wars Comic UK series are published every four weeks, meaning that Star Wars Comic 13 was published on December 11.
  2. This story is set towards the end of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, during the Sundered Heart's voyage from Naboo to Alderaan.
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