

For other uses, see Jerne.

"So that's why we came to Jerne… to see if the crystal is still in a vault near Adony Station."
―Luke Skywalker[3]

Jerne was a desert planet in the Outer Rim Territories' Kanz sector. Its native Jerni species had gone extinct by the time the Galactic Empire militarized the world and headquartered themselves in Jerne City H.Q., an event that had occurred recently by 3 ABY. At that point, the Sith Lord Darth Vader crafted a trap for the Rebel Leia Organa—planted datatapes claimed that a highly valuable artifact called the Eternity Crystal with the power to wind back time was located on Jerne—ensnaring fellow Rebel Luke Skywalker in it as well. Allured, the Rebels traveled there in search of the crystal but were shot down by Imperials.

After crashing and being captured by the Empire, the Rebels were captured again, this time by a new group: a local band of guerrillas led by a pirate named Meeka Reen. The guerrillas were very interested in Skywalker and Organa's presence and convinced them to explain why they had come to Jerne, resulting in Reen pretending to make a deal with the Rebels so that she could acquire the crystal for herself. The guerrillas and Rebels made their way to the Eternity Crystal's supposed location, Adony Station, where—following a short skirmish with Imperial stormtroopers—Reen betrayed the Rebels, entered the ruins that Organa recognized from the datatapes, and was subsequently blown up by Vader's planted explosives. Skywalker and Organa survived the ordeal, escaping the Jerne system on an Imperial scout ship.


Jerne was a desert planet[3] located in the Kanz sector's Jerne system[2] in the New Territories portion of the Outer Rim Territories.[1] It was orbited by two moons, whose light made the sand dunes of Jerne sparkle.[3]


Early history and a trap[]

"It had been built by the original inhabitants, the Jerni."
―Luke Skywalker, on the discovered starship[3]

The remains of Jerni society on Jerne

The desert world of Jerne was originally the homeworld of the sentient Jerni species; however,[3] by 0 ABY,[4] millennia had passed since the Jerni populated the planet, and a former Jerne empire had become forgotten by most.[3] Humans colonized the world after the Jerni's demise, using it until its near destruction.[5] By that point, the Galactic Empire had recently militarized the world,[3] sparking a slew of rebellious activity.[5]

Between that year and 3 ABY,[4] the Sith Lord Darth Vader devised a plot to lure the Rebel Leia Organa to Jerne in an attempt to kill her: he planted datatapes in a starship for the Rebels to discover that pointed to a time-controlling, history-changing Jerni device called an Eternity Crystal. Unbeknown to all but Vader, the crystal did not in fact exist and was a mere illusion created by the Sith Lord to lure in the Rebels. The Rebel Luke Skywalker found the ship, and after Rebel scientists were able to figure out how to play the tapes, Skywalker fell into Vader's trap by traveling to Jerne with Organa a month later.[3]

A Rebel disturbance[]

"Adony Station? What do you want to go to that rat hole for? There's nothing there but an Imperial outpost and some crumbling old ruins… not even a cantina."
―Meeka Reen, to Luke Skywalker[3]

Meeka Reen holds an audience with the Rebels.

When the Rebels arrived in the system, they ran into several TIE fighters which, much to their surprise, shot them down, causing them to crash on Jerne's surface. After the Imperials loaded Skywalker and Organa onto their Reconnaissance Troop Transporter, however, they were quickly ambushed by guerrillas, who opened fire on the Imperial stormtroopers. While the Imperial Captain Ryko Vant was able to flee, the pirates took out all of the troopers and captured the two Rebels and their droid, R2-D2.[3]

The guerrillas took their captives back to their leader, Meeka Reen, who was more concerned with the whereabouts of Vant than the prisoners. Vant had used a jetpack to fly over to Jerne City H.Q., where Jerne's Imperial military center was located. The captain entered his office only to find the Sith Lord Darth Vader waiting for him, extremely disappointed in his work; although the Sith was surprised that Vant had captured the Rebels, he had expected their ultimate escape. Vader then brushed off Vant's plans to find the Rebels' location, having already known their ultimate goal: Adony Station.[3]

A crystal for all of eternity[]

"What about Vader? Do you think he's dead too?"
"Maybe… with all that armor, you can't be sure. And I, for one, don't feel like hanging around to find out."
―Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker[3]

Luke Skywalker and Meeka Reen discuss the Rebels' presence on Jerne.

Meanwhile, Skywalker was telling Reen about his plans; the pirate leader was surprised, unsure why anyone would have had interest in Adony Station. It was then that a subordinate of Reen's, Skutch, discovered that R2-D2 had an electronic trace attached to him, forcing Skywalker to hurry up with his story and tell Reen the truth about the ship and datatapes he had discovered as well as the Eternity Crystal they were after. Reen expressed skepticism of their story but was inwardly extremely interested in the power that the Eternity Crystal could grant her.[3]

Reen's plan was to let Skywalker and Organa lead the way, intending to kill them either once they found the crystal or if they were found to be lying and it did not exist. The next day, having gathered supplies, the guerrillas and Rebels traveled to Adony Station, quickly noticing its lack of reinforcements. Despite its emptiness, Reen and Skywalker both felt uneasy about the operation. The Imperials that were there opened fire once they realized they had invaders, and following a fierce battle in which Reen lost six men, all of the stormtroopers were defeated. Recognizing the location from the image tapes, Organa took charge, pointing out the entrance to the ruins where she believed the Eternity Crystal laid.[3]


The Rebels fly away from Jerne.

Reen then betrayed the Rebels, ordering Skutch to make sure that they were far away enough to stay out of her way. She used a grenade to open the ruins, but a bomb that had been planted by Vader then detonated, killing Reen and her associates and covering the Rebels with rubble. Just as Vader and Vant arrived to inspect the remains, Skywalker used his lightsaber to cut himself and Organa out. Distracted while talking with Vant about his masterplan, Vader failed to notice the Rebels' escape, allowing them to throw a proton grenade at the Imperials. The explosion killed Vant and left Vader alive, but it stunned him long enough to let the Rebels depart on an Imperial scout ship.[3]


"The leader of this rat pack is a not-so-nice young lady called… Meeka Reen."
―Leia Organa[3]

Millennia before[3] 0 ABY,[4] the Jerni had an empire on Jerne. Only a few ruins remained of it, however,[3] and Human colonists came to use the planet, nearly destroying it.[5] By that time, a group of Human guerrillas led by Meeka Reen became prominent on the planet. Also residing on the world were Imperial stormtroopers and officers.[3] A written and spoken language shared its name with the planet.[6]


"No one's going anywhere near Adony Station until I know exactly what we're after."
―Meeka Reen[3]

Meeka Reen and her pirates were headquartered in a cave-like location within a mountain. The Imperials on the planet were based in Jerne City H.Q., which was comprised of a few buildings and defenses. In addition to the city, a small Imperial outpost was located at Adony Station, which contained little reinforcements so as to lure in the Rebels. Adony Station was later destroyed, leaving behind only a large crater in its place.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Jerne first appeared in the comic story "Dark Knight's Devilry," which was written by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and first published by Marvel Comics in the 153th issue of The Empire Strikes Back Monthly[3] in January 1982.[7] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Jerne system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square N-4.[1]



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