


"We've just survived an encounter with a malicious gas giant planet. Really, how bad could my family be?"
Senior Captain Irizi'ar'alani upon inviting Junior Commander Mitth'raw'nuru to stay at her family's homestead[1]

The Irizi family was one of the Nine Ruling Families of the Chiss Ascendancy. They were political allies of the Ufsa and rivals of the Mitth and Obbic family.[1] They also sought an alliance with their fellow Ruling Chaf family, and were furthermore allied with the Coduyo family and the Xodlak family of the Great Families.[3]

The Irizi were disproportionately represented among the Ascendancy's Defense Force and had a reputation for knowledge of warfare. Admiral Ar'alani was born Irizi'ar'alani, a blood of the Irizi family who was also known by the core name Ziara, before she was promoted within the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet and was no longer considered part of any family. At one point, Mitth'raw'nuruodo was offered a place in the Irizi family as a Trial-born, but he declined.[1] Fearing that Thrawn would bring too much honor to the Mitth, Irizi'stal'mustro worked tirelessly to discredit Thrawn, in the end resulting in the Mitth's exile.[2]

The Grysk "Jixtus" and his Agbui agent Haplif hoped to cause a civil war in the Chiss Ascendancy by drawing the Irizi's allied Xodlak family into armed conflict with two rivaling Great Families. Each of the Great families of the plot were aligned with a separate Ruling family. Conflict between the Great Families would spread to their allied Ruling Families, and then the entire Ascendancy. The alliances the Grysk hoped to exploit were the Erighal family allied with the Dasklo family, the Pommrio family and the Plikh family, and the Xodlak family that was in an alliance with the Irizi family.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Irizi family first appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, the first book of The Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.[1] While Admiral Ar'alani debuted in the 2017 novel Thrawn,[4] she was no longer a member of the Irizi family at that time.[1]

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External links[]

  • TwitterLogo Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars) on Twitter: "When the #ThrawnAscendancy trilogy begins, you'll be going beyond the galaxy far, far away.... into a new world of stories. Take a look at the Dramatis Personae along with helpful info about the Chiss Ascendancy, both included inside #StarWar #ChaosRising." (backup link)

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