



For other uses, see Kol.

"Mando'ad draar digu."
―Heta Kol[1]

Heta Kol, a Human female Mandalorian also referred to as Field Marshal Kol, was the leader of a group of disenfranchised Mandalorians known as the Hidden Chain who opposed Mandalore the Avenger during the third Galactic War.[3]


"In Shae Vizla, I see only hypocrisy. She has driven out those who oppose her view, yet she has remade the Mandalorians into servants of anyone who pays her enough credits--no matter what they believe. Where is the honor in that?"
―Field Marshal Heta Kol[1]

Attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II[]

In 3626 BBY,[4] Heta Kol launched an attack against the Mandalorian ship the Spirit of Vengeance II, with Clan Varad, the Dar'manda, and the Ash'ad following her into battle. Near the end of the attack, she engaged in battle with the Alliance Commander and Rass Ordo, and was defeated. However, upon learning that her followers had secured the banner of Clan Cadera, she pulled out and retreated from the fight.[1]


Heta Kol aboard the Spirit of Vengeance II

Following the battle, she met with representatives of the three groups that had joined her, which included Tyrus Brokenblade, Bask Sunn, and Durn Wynnward, as well as a number of members from each group. Upon hearing them arguing with each other, Kol pulled out a thermal detonator and tossed it down towards Brokenblade, who caught it in his hand and prevented it from exploding, so long as he kept his hand on it. Kol claimed that they could only truly accomplish their goals if they were working together. To prove this point, she stabbed Brokenblade twice to show that they all needed to rely on each other. She then dismissed everyone to fulfill the orders given to them.[1]

Sometime after Darth Malgus' capture, Heta Kol met with the Hidden Chain on an unknown location and reunited with Ri'kan Kateen, who brought his sister, the rogue Jedi Padawan, Sa'har Kateen, to provide Heta with the help that she required for a certain task.[5]

Showdown on Ruhnuk[]

Heta Kol captures Commander

Heta Kol approaches the powerless Alliance Commander.

Heta was aware that she was being hunted by Shae Vizla and purposely left false trails and eliminated those who outlived their usefulness to her cause, which made it harder for Shae to track them down. Heta then assembled all of the Hidden Chain on Ruhnuk and had her fleet stationed on standby.[6] Heta used Ri'kan to keep track of the various commanders guarding the signal towers[7] and revealed herself when the Alliance Commander was caught in a trap using Bask Sunn's sonic disruptors. Heta revealed that although she did not expect to see the Commander, her target was always Shae Vizla, and when Shae showed up, Heta suggested that Ruhnuk was a boring place and that she and Shae should fight it out, thereby giving the Hidden Chain some entertainment, which Shae gladly agreed to leaving the Commander to Ri'kan.[8]

Heta Kol on Ruhnuk

Heta Kol makes a speech in front of the Clan Cadera banner.

Arriving in the arena filled by the Hidden Chain, Heta presented the Clan Cadera banner and revealed that her parents were part of the rebellion devised by Jicoln Cadera against Mandalore the Vindicated, which inevitably failed and made the Mandalorians into obedient Imperial servants whilst drawing the same comparison to what Mandalore the Avenger did with the Alliance during the War against Zakuul. Heta then stated that the Hidden Chain were true Mandalorians, unchained by loyalty to others and warriors to the core, and then burned the Cadera banner, which she labeled the symbol of treachery and their obedience before announcing that Shae come and face her.[8]

Heta Kol before the duel

Heta Kol at the start of her duel against Shae Vizla.

Heta and Shae faced each other and received Beskar blades from members of Clan Ha'rangir and began their duel, with both fighters evenly matched until Shae was hindered unexpectedly, but unknown to Heta, by Bask Sunn using a sonic disruptor. Heta was relentless and nearly defeated Shae until Shae's predicament was at an end and the latter soundly defeated the Hidden Chain leader in sight of her following, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Shae's forces in the arena and the engagements of both fleets. Heta was largely absent in the main fighting and attempted to finish off a wounded Shae, who still injured Heta, which prompted the latter to escape using an Eternal Empire shuttle with her fleet following suit.[8]

Heta Kol after Ruhnuk

Heta Kol was left unsatisfied with how events on Ruhnuk had played out.

Upon exiting hyperspace, Heta was unnerved by her loss at the hands of Shae despite Ri'kan's stating that their cause was not at an end, even though the loss of their base and Shae's victory salted her wounds. Heta became intrigued when Ri'kan, with Sa'har greatly disapproving, mentioned that his sister was aware of a powerful weapon that even Darth Malgus coveted, which would help their cause since Sa'har held the key to it, which prompted Heta to ask Sa'har if it was true and she did. Heta requested that Ri'kan not allow the two to be disturbed and walked with Sa'har to privately discuss the weapon.[8]

New Plan[]

From Sa'har, Heta learned that Darth Nul's holocron contained blueprints for a machine capable of awakening a person's latent Force-sensitivity. Heta saw the potential of creating a Force-wielding army to use in her war, despite Sa'har insisting the machine could only reveal their connection to the Force, so Heta assumed that Sa'har would be able to train her new recruits.[9]

Heta Kol later assembled a meeting with the Hidden Chain to discuss the incident at Ruhnuk and how it has shaped the future of the Mandalorian civil war. Heta then mentions that Bask Sunn betrayed her by using his sonic weapons and announces Dar'manda as their enemy and that Darth Nul's holocron will pave the road to their triumph. Heta concludes the meeting telling the others that from now on only her and Sa'har will know the full scope of the plan while the rest will only get their assignments.[10]

Behind the scenes[]


Armor color scheme before Game Update 7.0

Heta Kol first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught, as part of "Game Update 6.2: Echoes of Vengeance," released in 2020.[11] Following the release of "Game Update 7.0: Legacy of the Sith" on February 15, 2022,[12] players noticed that both the armor color scheme and the voice actress of Heta Kol had changed.[13][14] This change coincided with Melissa Medina announcing on February 17 that she was the voice actress of Heta Kol.[15]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught — Flashpoint: "Spirit of Vengeance"
  2. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "Showdown on Ruhnuk" on Ruhnuk
  3. 3.0 3.1 SWTOR mini Now on PTS: The Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, Login Rewards, and Emote Window! on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  4. According to SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), Game Update 6.1 takes place at the very beginning of 3626 BBY, and the next Game Update occurs within a couple of weeks. Therefore, the events of Game Update 6.2: Echoes of Vengeance takes place within the first two weeks of 3626 BBY.
  5. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "Digging Deeper" on Carrick Station
  6. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "A Rock and a Hard Place" on Odessen
  7. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "Hidden Signals" on Ruhnuk
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "Showdown on Ruhnuk" on Ruhnuk
  9. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "Desperate Defiance" on Mek-Sha
  10. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith — Mission: "Old Wounds" on Odessen
  11. SWTOR mini Game Update 6.2 on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  12. SWTOR mini Game Update 7.0: Legacy of the Sith on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  13. TwitterLogo Shintar (@ShintarCommando) on Twitter: "Just re-ran Spirit of Vengeance and Heta Kol changed both her colours and her voice actress! Wonder what's up with that? New actress sounds a lot more gruff and also has a very different line delivery IMO." (backup link)
  14. YouTube Heta Kol: Old Voice & Armor V.S. New Voice & Armor (SWTOR) on the StrangeGaming YouTube channel (backup link)
  15. TwitterLogo Melissa Medina (@melissamedinavo) on Twitter: "I'M MADE FOR SPACE!
    I'm officially part of the STAR WARS UNIVERSE as the badass Mandalorian Field Marshal Heta Kol in the latest @SWTOR. Find me in the Spirit of Vengeance storyline & elsewhere, defeat me if you can!
    Thank you Darragh & everyone @bioware!" (backup link)