

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 


"Gold One to all squadrons. New danger, new danger. Herkan Base is coming alive. Its weapons are now trained on your location, Gray One."
"Command of Gray Squadron is now with Gray Ten."
―"Gold One" Kyle Katarn and "Gray One" Jaina Solo[6]

Gray Leader, or Gray One, was the call sign used by the commander of Gray Squadron or Gray Flight. Both Rebel Alliance and New Republic starfighter squadrons used these designations, and several pilots used the call sign of Gray Leader.


Princess Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance used this call sign when she commanded her own secret squadron,[3] known as Gray Flight,[4] approximately two months after the Battle of Yavin.[7]

During the Battle of Endor, Colonel Horton Salm flew as Gray Leader,[8] commanding the BTL Y-wing starfighters of Gray Squadron.[5] Salm's gunner during the battle was Kin Kian.[9]

Commander Wedge Antilles used the same call sign during the early training period of his new commando/pilot squadron; which was later named as Wraith Squadron. When the Wraiths managed to capture the Warlord Zsinj aligned ship Night Caller, they flew its complement TIE Fighters in their covert operations under the designation Gray Flight. As "Gray One", Antilles flew regular TIE Fighter missions which included the Mission to Storinal and the Battle of Talasea. He was replaced by Atril Tabanne from Night Caller's bridge crew before the Battle of Ession.[2]

During the battle on Nam Chorios, Sword of the Jedi Jaina Solo led the New Jedi Order's StealthX wing as Gray Squadron's "Gray One," though she subsequently turned over her command to "Gray Ten" Grand Master Luke Skywalker.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

According to A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Gray Leader was killed during the Battle of Endor.[10] This was contradicted by the Death Star II Limited expansion of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, which established Gray Leader to be Colonel Horton Salm,[5] a character introduced after the Battle of Endor.[11]



Notes and references[]
