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Devastator command tower

The command tower of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator

Conning towers or command towers were towers found on the exterior of several of the Galactic Empire's warships that contained the bridge.[1] One Imperial model with a conning tower was the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, and during the Battle of Hoth the Imperial II-class Tyrant's conning tower was taken out when the vessel was hit with an ion blast from the Rebel Alliance's v-150 Planet Defender.[2] As the conning towers of the Imperial warships were so exposed, they were not included in the design of the First Order's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer.[1]

Imperial-class Star Destroyers[]

Sat upon an Imperial-class Star Destroyers' command tower was either a tractor beam targeting array (Imperial I-class Star Destroyers[3]) or a communications tower (Imperial II-class Star Destroyers[4] and upgraded[5] Imperial I-classes[6]), which was flanked by two deflector shield generator globes.[7]


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Non-canon appearances[]


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