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"Our orders are to blockade, not chase. I have won this round."
―Admiral Trench to TI-99 — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[3]

A blockade fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems was active early in the Clone Wars and participated in the Battle of Christophsis. The fleet was led by CIS Admiral Trench


The blockade fleet was under the command of Admiral Trench, who was supported by Commander TI-99.[3] Admiral Trench led the fleet from his flagship, the Invincible, a Providence-class Dreadnought. The dreadnought was supported by six Lucrehulk-class Battleships, and at least twenty-three Munificent-class star frigates.[3] Furthermore, the fleet's arsenal included at least one Hardcell-class Battle Refit[4] and at least eight C-9979 landing craft.[5] Vulture-class starfighters and Hyena-class Droid Fighter/Bombers were also part of the fleet.[3]


"I hate to admit it, but... good job, Anakin. We are beginning our attack on the separatist fleet."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker on the Christophsis blockade[3]

Early into the Clone Wars, and soon after the First Battle of Geonosis, the Confederacy of Independent Systems took the Outer Rim planet of Christophsis. Taking the planet gave the CIS access to the Corellian Run, as well as a world full of minerals. The CIS were expecting the Republic to strike back however, and as such created a thirty ship blockade of the planet under the command of Admiral Trench.[6] The fleet also served the purpose of trapping Senator Bail Organa, Organa's relief mission, and cutting off supplies from the outside.[3] The blockade engaged the Republic Navy several times throughout the battle, before the blockade was finally defeated when Republic reinforcements led by Jedi General Yoda and Admiral Wullf Yularen arrived.[1]

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